Super-Simple Letter S Crafts For Toddlers And Preschoolers (2024)

Are you prepping your kiddo for kindergarten? Numbers, letters, shapes, and colors are all educational benchmarks you’ll want to cover at home to give them a jump start before the first day of school. Luckily, they can easily learn these essential skills through play. Today, we’re going to talk about letter learning. Letter crafts are an excellent way to teach your tiny tot their alphabet! They offer the opportunity for creative play and hands-on sensory exploration, allowing your child to absorb the topics covered in an engaging, low-key way. So, below, we’re sharing a roundup of letter S crafts to get you started. When you finish these, be sure to check out our letter A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q, and R craft pages too.

Want more literacy activities? Here are a few more ideas you can try at home:

  • Get fridge magnets and practice identifying letters and sounds with your child as you cook and wash dishes.
  • Make the most of time spent in the car by listening to age-appropriate audiobooks while out running errands with the family.
  • Buy some window markers (or dry erase markers work great!) and let your little one practice writing their letters on your windows or glass doors.
  • Tie reading in with everyday activities. Make it a ritual of reading a story while your kiddo eats breakfast, takes a bath, or gets ready for bed.

Now, let’s get the fun going with the following cute crafts inspired by the letter S.

Super Simple Letter S Crafts for Toddlers and Preschoolers

1. Under the Sea Adventures — Creative Craft Box

Did you know that a submarine can travel 23 miles per hour (or 20 knots — aka nautical miles) under the water? That may seem slow, but can you imagine sea creatures and plant life whooshing by as you look out the window? That would be an exciting sight to see. Learn all about the letter S with this submarine activity from Creative Craft Box.

2. Ssssssslithering Snake — Moose Mischief

Snakes are carnivores with no teeth. Imagine that! They can’t bite their food, so they swallow it whole. They have flexible jaws that allow them to eat prey bigger than their heads. Add a sssssssnake activity to your letter S lesson plan with this colorful craft from Moose Mischief.

3. How to Draw a Seahorse — Art for Kids Hub

Seahorses are an interesting species. They mate for life, and the male seahorses are the child-bearers. What a unique dynamic, right? Seahorses range in size but can be as small as a pine nut or as large as a banana — the subspecies of seahorse determines their size. And, impressively, there are more than 40 of them. Learn more about seahorses and the letter S with this drawing tutorial from Art For Kids Hub on YouTube.

4. S Is for Snake — Kids Activities

Here’s another slithering snake craft-ivity for preschoolers from Kids Activities — a popular blog and YouTube channel. Pair this tutorial with a lesson on all things reptile for a hands-on reading activity that incorporates STEM learning, too.

5. The Letter S Song — Have Fun Teaching

Sing and dance along to the “Letter S Song” with Have Fun Teaching. Music offers a fun way to get kids off the couch and on their feet. When you’re through, let them practice writing the letter S in all colors and sizes on a massive sheet of brown craft paper taped to the floor. (You can buy it by the roll at the dollar store.) This activity provides a new take on traditional handwriting worksheets that kids will love.

6. Snowman Craft — Fun Activities for Kids

Thanks to Olaf, we can now enjoy the novelty of snowpeople year-round — it’s not just a winter pastime anymore. Check out this paper plate snowman activity on YouTube. It’s “snow” adorable!

7. Sloth Craft for Kids — Crayola

Sloths are the slowest mammals on earth and spend up to 15 hours per day sleeping. They move at a pace of only 41 yards per day — not quite half the length of a football field — and eat a diet of leaves, twigs, and buds. A craft-ivity featuring these mellow creatures is the perfect way to round out a lesson on the letter S.

8. Sponge Sail Boats

Is your kiddo interesting in getting their sea legs? Lead them on a sea adventure with their very own sailboat. Using a sponge, wooden skewers, construction paper, wire cutters, and glue, you’ll have everything you need to set sail. Encourage them to add personality to their boat, and once everything is pegged together, put your sponge sailboat in a pond or sail the high seas of a bubble bath.

More Letter S Crafts to Try With Your Kiddo

9. Scarecrow Buddy

Gather some old doll clothes or baby onesies, newspaper, and cotton balls. Make sure the clothes are long sleeve and have pants legs. Stuff the clothes with small crumbled balls of newspaper and cotton balls. Once the fabric is filled, sew each open end closed. Then sew a small pillow where the head would be. Glue googly eyes on the pillow head and draw a scary mouth. You can even glue a few small bunches of straw to its hands and feet for added effect.

10. Super Sticks

This is arguably one of our simplest and silliest A craft on the list, but it might turn out to be your kid’s favorite. To get started, your going to need popsicles, google eyes, felt, glue and markets. First, have your child eat a popsicle. Then cut a short rectangle out of the felt and glue the googly eyes on it. Then felt strip shouldn’t be a little bigger than the width of your popsicle stick. Glue the felt googly eyes onto the stick. Make sure to include a smile. On the back of the popsicle, glue a triangle cut out of felt for the cape. Now, you can introduce captain popsicle stick or whatever your child names it.

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Super-Simple Letter S Crafts For Toddlers And Preschoolers (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.