Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (2024)

Our menu

  • Sunday Deal
  • Deals
  • Traditional Pizzas
  • Gourmet Pizzas
  • Half/Half
  • Pasta
  • Risotto
  • Sides
  • Grill
  • Parma
  • Salads
  • Desserts
  • Drinks
  • Alcohol

'; } $.each(data, function(key, value){ checked=''; active=''; counter++; if(counter == 1){ padding = 'padding-right:15px; padding-left:0px;'; }else{ padding = 'padding-right:0px; padding-left:15px;'; counter = 0; } if(!isMultiple){ if(value.default_item_option_id =={ checked = 'checked'; active = ''; } input_type = "radio"; } else{ input_type = "checkbox"; } var price_txt = (value.item_price > 0) ? ' - $' + value.item_price : ''; item_option_html += '

' +'' +'' +'

'; }); if(isMultiple){ item_option_html += '

'; } $(item_option_html).appendTo(io); } if(load_once){ $(".add-button-popup").live("click", function(){ var parent_div = $(this).closest('li').attr('id'); var parent_div_class = $(this).closest('li').attr('class'); var plu = $(this).attr('ref'); $("#"+ parent_div +" #toppings_left").hide(); $(".popup-orig-price").html('0'); $(".popup-item-price").html(''); var t = 0; $("#"+ parent_div +" .input-group-label").each(function() { if($(this).hasClass('active')){ t = 1; } }); if(t == 0){ $("#"+ parent_div +" .input-group-label").each(function() { $(this).addClass('active'); return false; }); } if($("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list[multiple-io]").length > 0){ $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list[multiple-io]").each(function(){ if($(this).siblings(".input-group-label").hasClass("active")){ $(this).siblings(".input-group-label").removeClass("active"); } }); } var popup_price = $("#"+ parent_div +" .active #popup-price").html(); var hide_toppings = $("#"+ parent_div +" .active").attr('hide_toppings'); var active_plu = $("#"+ parent_div +" .active").parent().find('.radio-button-popup').attr('plu'); $("#"+ parent_div + " .modal-footer .qty").html('1'); $("#"+ parent_div + " .popup-item-price").html(popup_price); if(hide_toppings == 0){ get_condiments(active_plu, parent_div, "", "", ""); } get_item_option(parent_div); }); } $(".qty-btn-popup").live("click", function(){ var parent_div = $(this).closest('li').attr('id'); var popup_price = $("#"+ parent_div +" .active #popup-price").html(); if(popup_price){ popup_price = parseFloat(popup_price.replace('$', '')); var popup_qty = $(this).parent().find('.qty').html(); var toppings_price = $("#"+ parent_div +" .popup-orig-price").html(); toppings_price = parseFloat(toppings_price.replace('$', '')); var total_price = parseFloat(popup_price) * parseInt(popup_qty); var toppings_toppings_price = parseFloat(toppings_price) * parseInt(popup_qty); var upsell_total = 0; $("#"+parent_div+" .upsell-item-chkbox:checked").each(function(){ var upsell_price = parseFloat($(this).data("price")); upsell_total += upsell_price; }); total_price = total_price + toppings_toppings_price + upsell_total; $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.popup-item-price').html("$"+total_price.toFixed(2)); get_item_option(parent_div); } }); $(".item-option-radio-list").live("click", function(){ var parent_div = $(this).closest('li').attr('id'); var multiple_io = $(this).attr('multiple-io'); var mio_id = $(this).attr('mio-id'); if(typeof multiple_io === "undefined" || multiple_io === false){ $('#'+ parent_div +' .item-option-radio-list').attr('checked', false); $(this).attr('checked', true); } else{ var min_io = $(this).attr('min-io'); var max_io = $(this).attr('max-io'); if($("#"+parent_div+" [name='"+$(this).attr('name')+"']:checked").length >= min_io){ $(this).parent().parent().css({"padding":"", "border":""}); } if(max_io == 1 && $("#"+parent_div+" [name='"+$(this).attr('name')+"']:checked").length > 1){ $("#"+parent_div+" [name='"+$(this).attr('name')+"']").attr('checked', false); $(this).attr('checked', true); } else if($("#"+parent_div+" [name='"+$(this).attr('name')+"']:checked").length > max_io){ $("#"+last_io_selected[mio_id]).attr('checked', false); } last_io_selected[mio_id] = $(this).attr('id'); } checked_io($(this), "template4"); get_item_option(parent_div); }); $(".menu-option-radio-list").live("click", function(){ // code for the new settings called customise_popup var group_id = $(this).attr('ref'); var menu_id = $(this).attr('menu-id'); var plu = $(this).attr('plu'); var old_plu = $(this).siblings('.input-group-label').hasClass('active') var hide_toppings = $(this).siblings('.input-group-label').attr('hide_toppings'); var parent_div = $(this).closest('li').attr('id'); var qty = $("#"+ parent_div + " .qty").html(); var io = $("#"+ parent_div + " .item-option-radio"); $("#"+ parent_div +" #toppings_left").hide(); var default_toppings = $("#"+parent_div+" .current-toppings-checkbox").map(function(){ return $(this).attr("plu"); }).get(); var current_toppings = $("#"+parent_div+" .current-toppings-checkbox:checked").map(function(){ return $(this).attr("plu"); }).get(); var extra_toppings = $("#"+parent_div+" .extra-toppings-checkbox:checked").map(function(){ return $(this).attr("plu"); }).get(); if(old_plu == false){ if(plu){ if(hide_toppings == 0){ get_condiments(plu, parent_div, current_toppings, extra_toppings, default_toppings); }else{ $("#"+ parent_div + " .popup-condiments").hide(); $("#"+ parent_div + " .popup-toppings").empty(); } } $(".popup-item-price").html(''); $("#"+ parent_div + " .popup-orig-price").html('0'); var popup_price = $(this).siblings('.input-group-label').children('#popup-price').html(); popup_price = parseFloat(popup_price.replace('$', '')); var upsell_total = 0; $("#"+parent_div+" .upsell-item-chkbox:checked").each(function(){ var upsell_price = parseFloat($(this).data("price")); upsell_total += upsell_price; }); var total_price = (parseFloat(popup_price) * parseInt(qty)) + upsell_total; $("#"+ parent_div + " .popup-item-price").html('$' + total_price.toFixed(2)); } // for the icon checked besides the label of radio button $(this).parent().parent().find('.check-img-popup').attr('src',""); $(this).parent().parent().find('.input-group-label').removeClass('active'); $(this).siblings('.input-group-label').children('.check-img-popup').attr("src",""); $(this).siblings('.input-group-label').addClass('active'); //fix for safari img shown as broken image $(this).parent().parent().find('.check-img-popup').css('visibility',"hidden"); $(this).siblings('.input-group-label').children('.check-img-popup').css('visibility',"visible"); $("#"+parent_div+' input[name="menu-item-option-radio-'+group_id+'"]').attr('checked', false); $(this).attr('checked', true); $("#" + group_id).attr('ref', $(this).val()); if(old_plu == false){ $('#'+ parent_div + '.item-option-radio-menu').hide(); $("#"+parent_div+" .radio-button-popup").attr('disabled','disabled'); // to prevent multiple item option when radio button is spammed if (io) { io.empty(); $.ajax({ url: 'core/ajax/item_options.php', type: "POST", data: { "plu": plu }, dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { // For item-options that was hidden because of no item option on default size // We need to show it else hide if no data was returned if(Object.keys(data).length >= 1 && data){ $('#'+ parent_div + ' .item-option-radio-menu').show(); $(io).fadeIn(0); if(data.hasOwnProperty('multiple_io')){ delete data['multiple_io']; var io_ctr = 1; $.each(data, function(key, value){ item_option_list(value, group_id, menu_id, io, true, key.trim(), io_ctr); io_ctr++; }); } else{ item_option_list(data, group_id, menu_id, io, false, "", 0); } }else{ $('#'+ parent_div + ' .item-option-radio-menu').hide(); } if (!$("#"+parent_div+" input[name=item-option-radio-"+group_id+"]:checked").val()) { // if no item option is checked, we make the first item the default //fix for safari img shown as broken image $("#"+parent_div+" input:radio[name=item-option-radio-"+group_id+"]:not(:disabled):first").attr('checked', true); $("#"+parent_div+" input:radio[name=item-option-radio-"+group_id+"]:not(:disabled):first").siblings(".input-group-label").children('.check-img-popup').attr("src","").css('visibility',"visible"); $("#add-popup-"+group_id+"-"+menu_id).find("input:not(:checked)").siblings(".input-group-label").find(".check-img-popup").css('visibility',"hidden"); } $("#"+parent_div+" .radio-button-popup").attr('disabled', false); }, complete: function (data) { get_item_option(parent_div); // Reset Styles for WEB-573 Line separation on the item modal $('#'+ parent_div + ' .item-option-radio-menu').css("border-bottom", "none"); $('#'+ parent_div + ' .popup-current-toppings').css("border-top", "none"); $('#'+ parent_div + ' #extra-toppings').css("border-top", "none"); var line_chk_01 = $('#'+ parent_div +' .menu-item-option-popup').children().length > 0; var line_chk_02 = $('#'+ parent_div +' .item-option-radio-menu').children().length > 0; var line_chk_03 = $('#'+ parent_div + ' .popup-current-toppings').children().length > 0; var line_chk_04 = $('#'+ parent_div + ' #extra-toppings').children().length > 0; if(line_chk_01 == true && $('#'+ parent_div + ' .item-option-radio-menu').length > 0) { $('#'+ parent_div + ' .item-option-radio-menu')[0].style.setProperty("border-top", "1px solid #00000038", "important"); } if((line_chk_01 || line_chk_02) && $('#'+ parent_div + ' .popup-current-toppings').length > 0) { $('#'+ parent_div + ' .popup-current-toppings')[0].style.setProperty("border-top", "1px solid #00000038", "important"); } if((line_chk_01 || line_chk_02 || line_chk_03) && $('#'+ parent_div + ' #extra-toppings').length > 0) { $('#'+ parent_div + ' #extra-toppings')[0].style.setProperty("border-top", "1px solid #00000038", "important"); } if((line_chk_01 || line_chk_02 || line_chk_03 || line_chk_04) && $('#'+ parent_div + ' .upsell-header').length > 0) { $('#'+ parent_div + ' .upsell-header')[0].style.setProperty("border-top", "1px solid #00000038", "important"); } } }); } } }); function isNumeric(n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); } var items = {}; var free_toppings_list = []; function calculateItems() { var total = 0; for (var plu in items) { total += items[plu]; } return total; } if(load_once){ $(".extra-toppings-checkbox").live('change', function () { var parent_div = $(this).closest('.modal-popup').closest('li').attr('id'); var popup_price = $("#"+ parent_div +" .popup-item-price").html(); var toppings_price = $("#"+ parent_div +" .popup-orig-price").html(); var qty = $("#"+ parent_div + " .qty").html(); var counter_free_extras = parseInt( $("#"+ parent_div +" #num-free-toppings").html()); var max_toppings; var num_free_extra = 0; var price = 0; if($("#"+ parent_div +" #max_toppings").length){ max_toppings = $("#"+ parent_div +" #max_toppings p").html(); }else{ max_toppings = 12; } if($("#"+ parent_div +" #num-free-toppings").length){ num_free_extra = $("#"+ parent_div +" #num-free-toppings").html(); num_free_orig = $("#"+ parent_div +" #num-free-orig").html(); } var plu = $(this).attr('plu'); var cur_toppings = $("#"+parent_div+" .extra-toppings-checkbox:checked").length; //will happen if there is no set limit var remaining_ = max_toppings - cur_toppings; // the text is valid since it always being updated by priceBase function // PREVENT ADDING MORE ITEMS if (remaining_ < 0) { $("#"+ parent_div +" #toppings_left").show().delay(1000).fadeOut(); $("#"+ parent_div +" #toppings_left").html("You have reached the extras limit of "+max_toppings); $(this).prop('checked', false); return false; }else{ $("#"+ parent_div +" #toppings_left").hide(); $("#"+ parent_div +" #toppings_left").html(''); } // Update the price fetching, now respects the order type // Please NOTE that overridden condiment prices will reflect on both pickup/delivery var order_type = 'pickup'; price = $(this).attr('value'); if(!price || price <= 0){ price = order_type == 'pickup' ? $(this).data('sell-shop') : (order_type == 'delivery' ? $(this).data('sell-delivery') : $(this).data('sell-table')); } if($("#"+ parent_div +" #num-free-toppings").length){ if (num_free_extra > 0 && this.checked) { price = 0; $("#"+parent_div+" #num-free-toppings").html(parseFloat(num_free_extra) - 1); $(this).addClass('free_item'); }else if(num_free_extra == 0 && this.checked){ $("#"+parent_div+" #num-free-toppings").html('0'); $(this).removeClass('free_item'); }else if(cur_toppings < num_free_orig){ price = 0; $("#"+parent_div+" #num-free-toppings").html(parseFloat(num_free_extra) + 1); $(this).removeClass('free_item'); } else if(!this.checked) {//Check if the checkbox is uncheck counter_free_extras += 1; } } if(price == null || price == 'undefined' || !price){ price = 0; } var popup_orig = parseFloat($("#"+ parent_div +" .active #popup-price").html().replace('$', '')); if(this.checked){ price = price; }else{ if(counter_free_extras > 0 && num_free_extra <= 0) { $("#"+parent_div+" .toppings-checkbox::checked").addClass("free_item"); } price = '-'+price; } popup_price = parseFloat(popup_price.replace('$', '')); var item_total = 0; var toppings_total = 0; toppings_total = parseFloat(price) + parseFloat(toppings_price); items[plu] = parseFloat(price); $("#"+ parent_div + " .popup-orig-price").html(toppings_total.toFixed(2)); price = (qty) ? (price * qty) : price; item_total = parseFloat(price) + popup_price;//Check if the free extras exceed and it will start add the price of toppings var upsell_total = 0; $("#"+parent_div+" .upsell-item-chkbox:checked").each(function(){ var upsell_price = parseFloat($(this).data("price")); upsell_total += upsell_price; }); if(counter_free_extras > 0 && num_free_extra <= 0) { $("#"+ parent_div + " .popup-item-price").html('$' + (popup_orig+upsell_total).toFixed(2)); } else { $("#"+ parent_div + " .popup-item-price").html('$' + (item_total+upsell_total).toFixed(2)); } if($("#"+ parent_div +" #max_toppings").length){ var counter; if(this.checked){ counter = 1; }else{ counter = '-'+1; } max_toppings = $("#"+ parent_div +" #max_toppings span").html(); var toppings_left = max_toppings - counter; $("#"+parent_div+" #max_toppings span").html(toppings_left); } }); } $(".customise-add-button").click(function () { if($("input[name='storestatus']").val()=='offline'){ $.prompt($('#offline-alert-txt').html()); return; } var menu_id = $(this).closest('#menu_items').attr('data-menuid'); var parent_div = $(this).closest('.modal-popup').closest('li').attr('id'); var modal_div = $(this).closest('.modal-popup').attr('id'); var price = $("#"+ parent_div +" .popup-item-price").html(); price = parseFloat(price.replace('$', '')); var PLU = $(this).attr('ref'); var qty = $("#"+ parent_div +" .qty").html(); option_id=''; var mio_ids = [], mio_msg = [], mio_req = 0; if($("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list").length > 0){ $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list").each(function(){ if($(this).is(':checked')){ option_id += (option_id.trim()!="") ? "," : ""; option_id += $(this).attr('ref'); } if(typeof $(this).attr('mio-id') !== "undefined" && $(this).attr('mio_id') !== false){ mio_ids.push($(this).attr('mio-id')); } mio_ids = [... new Set(mio_ids)]; }); if(typeof $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list:first").attr('multiple-io') !== "undefined" && $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list:first").attr('multiple-io') !== false){ var io_div; $.each(mio_ids, function(key, val){ var io_selected = $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[mio-id='"+val+"']:checked").length, io_min = $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[mio-id='"+val+"']:first").attr('min-io'), io_max = $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[mio-id='"+val+"']:first").attr('max-io'), io_name = $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[mio-id='"+val+"']:first").parent().siblings("div.item-option-group-name-"+val).find("p").text(), io_container = $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[mio-id='"+val+"']:first").parent().parent(); io_container.css({"padding":"", "border":""}); if(io_selected < io_min){ io_container.css({"padding":"5px", "border":"1px solid red"}); mio_req++; if(!io_div){ io_div = io_container; } } else if(io_selected > io_max){ mio_msg.push("'"+io_name+"' can't have more than "+io_max); } }); if(mio_req > 0){ $.prompt("Please complete all sections to finish your order"); $("#"+modal_div+" .modal-body").scrollTop(0).scrollTop(io_div.position().top - 25); return false; } if(mio_msg.length > 0){ $.prompt(mio_msg.join("
")); return false; } $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list").attr('checked', false); checked_io($("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list"), "template4"); } else{ var default_io; default_io = $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list:checked").attr('default-io'); if(typeof default_io !== "undefined" && default_io !== false){ $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[ref='"+default_io+"']").attr('checked', true); } else{ $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list:not(:disabled):first").attr('checked', true); } checked_io($("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list:checked"), "template4"); } } var topping_array = new Array(3); var i = 0; var f = free_toppings_list.slice(); // to prevent mutation of the original list f.sort(); $("#"+ parent_div + " .toppings-checkbox").each(function () { if ($(this).hasClass('current_item') || ($(this).hasClass('extra-toppings-checkbox') && this.checked)){ var extra_plu = $(this).attr('plu'); var extra_price = parseFloat(this.value); var unit_price = parseFloat(this.value); var extra_qty = (this.checked == true ? 1 : -1); var is_current = $(this).hasClass('current_item'); var has_chargeable = false; if (!extra_price) { extra_price = 0; } if (!is_current || extra_qty < 0 || extra_qty > 1) { if (is_current && extra_qty > 1) { extra_qty--; } if (is_current && extra_qty < 0) { extra_price = 0; }else if($(this).hasClass('free_item') || is_current){ extra_price = 0; }else{ extra_price = unit_price; } topping_array[i] = new Array(3); topping_array[i][0] = extra_plu; topping_array[i][1] = (extra_qty * qty); topping_array[i][2] = extra_price; i++; // we add it after if (has_chargeable == true) { //increase the counter to prevent overwriting this index topping_array[i] = new Array(3); topping_array[i][0] = extra_plu; topping_array[i][1] = 1; topping_array[i][2] = 0; i++; } } } }); var payload = {"PLU": PLU, "qty": qty, "price": price, "option_id": option_id, "topping_array[]": topping_array, "menu_id" : menu_id}; $.ajax({ url: 'core/mybasket.php', type: "POST", data: payload, success: function (data) { $('#view-basket').html(data); get_cart_total(); if (!$('#free_item_plu').length) { new PNotify({ text: 'Item added to order.', width: "220px", delay: 3000, type: 'success' }); } $("#"+ parent_div + " .popup-orig-price").html('0'); option_id = ''; last_io_selected = []; } }).done(function(){ var upsell_item = {}; var c = 0; $("#"+parent_div+" .upsell-item-chkbox:checked").each(function(i){ var upsell_plu = $(this).attr("data-plu"); var upsell_price = $(this).data("price"); upsell_item[c.toString()] = { "PLU": upsell_plu, "price": upsell_price, "qty": 1, "menu_id": menu_id, "is_upsell": true}; c++; }); if(Object.keys(upsell_item).length > 0) { $.ajax({ url: 'core/mybasket.php', type: "POST", data: $.param(upsell_item), success: function (data) { $('#view-basket').html(data); get_cart_total(); if (!$('#free_item_plu').length) { new PNotify({ text: 'Item added to order.', width: "220px", delay: 3000, type: 'success' }); } } }); } }); }); function get_cart_total(){ $('#cartTotal').load("core/ajax/get_cart_total.php?page="+PAGE_NAME, function(data){ $('#cartTotal, .cartTotal').html('$'+data); }); } $("#promo_button").click(function(){ if($("input[name='storestatus']").val()=='offline'){ $.prompt($('#offline-alert-txt').html()); return; } $('#loading_bar').html("Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (2)"); $('#loading_bar').center(); var PLU = $(this).find("#add-prompt").attr('ref'); var qty = $("#promo_button #"+PLU+"-qty").val(); var price = $("#promo_button #"+PLU+"-price").val(); // greater than 1 because do not include the 1st item, which is :: Please select :: if($("#promotional_content #"+PLU+"-item-option option").length > 1) { var option_id = $("#promotional_content #"+PLU+"-item-option").val(); } var menu_id = $(this).parents("#menu_items").data('menuid'); $.ajax({ url: 'core/mybasket.php', type: "POST", data: { "PLU":PLU, "qty":qty, "price":price, "option_id":option_id, "menu_id":menu_id }, success: function(data){ $('#loading_bar').html(''); get_cart_total(); $('#view-basket').html(data); last_io_selected = []; if (!$('#free_item_plu').length) { new PNotify({ text: 'Item added to order.', width: "220px", delay: 3000, type: 'success' }); } $("#promotional_container").removeClass('active'); } }); }); $(".add-button").click(function(){ var parent_div = $(this).closest('li').attr('id'); var modal_div = $(this).closest('.modal-popup').attr('id'); if($("input[name='storestatus']").val()=='offline'){ $.prompt($('#offline-alert-txt').html()); return; } $('#loading_bar').html("Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (3)"); $('#loading_bar').center(); var PLU = $(this).attr('ref'); if(!isNaN(PLU)){ var qty = $("#"+parent_div).find("#"+PLU+"-qty").val(); var price = $("#"+parent_div).find(+"#"+PLU+"-price").val(); }else{ var qty = $("#"+parent_div+" #"+PLU+"-qty").val(); var price = $("#"+parent_div+" #"+PLU+"-price").val(); } var group_id = $(this).attr('id'); //check if item is from promotional prompt if(qty == null && price == null && $(this).attr('id')=="promo_button"){ var PLU = $(this).find("#add-prompt").attr('ref'); var qty = $("#promo_button #"+PLU+"-qty").val(); var price = $("#promo_button #"+PLU+"-price").val(); // greater than 1 because do not include the 1st item, which is :: Please select :: if($("#promotional_content #"+PLU+"-item-option option").length > 1) { var option_id = $("#promotional_content #"+PLU+"-item-option").val(); } } if($("#"+parent_div+" #menu-"+group_id).length > 0){ price = $("#"+parent_div+" #menu-"+group_id+" option:selected").attr('ref'); qty = $("#"+parent_div+" #qty-"+group_id).val(); if($("#"+parent_div+" .qty-label-popup").length > 0){ // if popup is enabled then we override the qty qty = $("#"+parent_div+" #qty-"+group_id).text(); var price = $("#"+parent_div+' input[name="menu-item-option-radio-'+group_id+'"]:checked').attr('price'); if(qty <= 0){ // if item option only then we override the qty qty = $("#"+parent_div+" #qty-"+PLU).text(); } } } var default_io, mio_ids = [], mio_msg = [], mio_req = 0; if($("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list").length > 0){ option_id=""; $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list").each(function(){ if($(this).is(':checked')){ option_id += (option_id.trim()!="") ? "," : ""; option_id += $(this).attr('ref'); } if(typeof $(this).attr('mio-id') !== "undefined" && $(this).attr('mio_id') !== false){ mio_ids.push($(this).attr('mio-id')); } mio_ids = [... new Set(mio_ids)]; }); if(typeof $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list:first").attr('multiple-io') !== "undefined" && $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list:first").attr('multiple-io') !== false){ var io_div; $.each(mio_ids, function(key, val){ var io_selected = $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[mio-id='"+val+"']:checked").length, io_min = $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[mio-id='"+val+"']:first").attr('min-io'), io_max = $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[mio-id='"+val+"']:first").attr('max-io'), io_name = $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[mio-id='"+val+"']:first").parent().siblings("div.item-option-group-name-"+val).find("p").text(), io_container = $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[mio-id='"+val+"']:first").parent().parent(); io_container.css({"padding":"", "border":""}); if(io_selected < io_min){ io_container.css({"padding":"5px", "border":"1px solid red"}); mio_req++; if(!io_div){ io_div = io_container; } } else if(io_selected > io_max){ mio_msg.push("'"+io_name+"' can't have more than "+io_max); } }); if(mio_req > 0){ $.prompt("Please complete all sections to finish your order"); $("#"+modal_div+" .modal-body").scrollTop(0).scrollTop(io_div.position().top - 25); $('#loading_bar').html(''); return false; } if(mio_msg.length > 0){ $.prompt(mio_msg.join("
")); $('#loading_bar').html(''); return false; } $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list").attr('checked', false); checked_io($("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list"), "template4"); } else{ default_io = $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list:checked").attr('default-io'); if(typeof default_io !== "undefined" && default_io !== false){ $("#"+parent_div+" input[name=item-option-radio-"+group_id+"][ref='"+default_io+"']").attr('checked', true); } else{ $("#"+parent_div+" input[name=item-option-radio-"+group_id+"]:not(:disabled):first").attr('checked', true); } checked_io($("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list:checked"), "template4"); } } var menu_id = $(this).parents("#menu_items").data('menuid'); $.ajax({ url: 'core/mybasket.php', type: "POST", data: { "PLU":PLU, "qty":qty, "price":price, "option_id":option_id, "menu_id":menu_id }, success: function(data){ $('#loading_bar').html(''); get_cart_total(); $('#view-basket').html(data); last_io_selected = []; if (!$('#free_item_plu').length) { new PNotify({ text: 'Item added to order.', width: "220px", delay: 3000, type: 'success' }); } $("#promotional_container").removeClass('active'); } }); }); $(".menu-item-option.form-control").change(function () { var parent_div = $(this).closest('li').attr('id'); var group_id = $(this).attr('ref'); var plu = $(this).val(); $("#customise-" + group_id).attr('ref', $(this).val()); $("#" + group_id).attr('ref', $(this).val()); // we hide the custom button when it has hide-custom attr var hide_custom = $("#"+parent_div+" #menu-" + group_id + " option:selected").attr("hide-custom"); if (hide_custom){ $("#"+parent_div+" #menu-"+ group_id).parent().siblings(".item-add-buttons").children(".customise-page").css("display", "none"); }else{ $("#"+parent_div+" #menu-"+ group_id).parent().siblings(".item-add-buttons").children(".customise-page").css("display", "inline-block"); } var io = $(this).closest("li").find(".item-options"); if (io) { var item_option = io.val(); $(io).attr("id",plu+"-option-id"); io.empty(); $.ajax({ url: 'core/ajax/item_options.php', type: "POST", data: { "plu": plu }, dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { // For item-options that was hidden because of no item option on default size // We need to show it else hide if no data was returned if(data.length >= 1 && data){ $(io).fadeIn(0); var io_ids =, value) { return key["id"]; }); }else{ var io_ids = []; $(io).fadeOut(0); } var option_selected=""; $.each(data, function (key, value) { //console.log(value.option_id); var price_txt = (value.item_price > 0) ? ' - $' + value.item_price : ''; if(item_option != null && io_ids.includes(item_option)){ option_selected = item_option; } else{ if(value.default_item_option_id =={ option_selected =; } } $('

', { value:, text: value.item_name + price_txt, ref: value.price }).appendTo(io) }); if(option_selected){ io.val(option_selected); } } }); option_id = $(this).closest("li").find(".item-options").val(); } }); if(check_store_stat() == 'offline') { $("#item-buttons .add-button, .item-add-buttons .customise-add-button").live("click", function(){ if (check_store_stat() == "online") { location.reload(); } }); } //if condition end //end Refresh page function }); //Refresh page function when closing modal OOA-1543 function check_store_stat() { var client_code = $("#client_code").val(); var data_status = ""; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', async: false, url: 'core/ajax/check_store_status.php', data: {client_code: client_code}, success: function(data) { data_status = data; } }); //ajax end return data_status; } //function check_store_stat() end function get_item_option(parent_div){ option_id = ''; if($("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list").length){ var popup_price = $("#"+ parent_div +" .active #popup-price").html(); if(popup_price){ popup_price = parseFloat(popup_price.replace('$', '')); var item_option_price = 0; var item_option_ref=""; if($("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list:checked").length){ $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list:checked").each(function(){ item_option_price += ($(this).val() !== undefined) ? parseFloat($(this).val()) : 0; item_option_ref += (item_option_ref.trim()!="") ? ", " : ""; item_option_ref += $(this).attr('ref'); }); } var toppings_price = $("#"+ parent_div +" .popup-orig-price").html(); toppings_price = parseFloat(toppings_price.replace('$', '')); var popup_qty = $("#"+ parent_div +" .qty").html(); var toppings_toppings_price = parseFloat(toppings_price) * parseInt(popup_qty); item_option_price = item_option_price * parseInt(popup_qty); popup_price = popup_price * parseInt(popup_qty); var upsell_total = 0; $("#"+parent_div+" .upsell-item-chkbox:checked").each(function(){ var upsell_price = parseFloat($(this).data("price")); upsell_total += upsell_price; }); var total_prices = popup_price + toppings_toppings_price + item_option_price + upsell_total; $("#"+ parent_div + " .popup-item-price").html('$' + total_prices.toFixed(2)); option_id = $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list:checked").attr('ref'); } } }

  • What a Week


    18inch NY Pizza - Chicken or Hawaiian or Vegetarian or Meat Lovers or Smokin Special Pizzas ONLY


    What a Week

    18inch NY Pizza - Chicken or Hawaiian or Vegetarian or Meat Lovers or Smokin Special Pizzas ONLY


    Any New Yorker Pizza

    • Ny Chicken

      Chicken breast, pineapple + bbq sauce

    • Ny Hawaiian

      Ham + pineapple

    • Ny VegetarianSmokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (4)

      Mushrooms, onion, capsicum + olives

    • Ny Meat Lovers

      Ham, salami, bacon, chorizo + bbq sauce

    • Ny Smokin Special

      Ham, salami, prawns + pineapple


Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (2024)
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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Views: 6321

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.