Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (2024)

Our menu

  • Deals
  • Traditional Pizzas
  • Gourmet Pizzas
  • Half/Half
  • Pasta
  • Risotto
  • Sides
  • Grill
  • Parma
  • Salads
  • Desserts
  • Drinks

'; } $.each(data, function(key, value){ checked=''; active=''; counter++; if(counter == 1){ padding = 'padding-right:15px; padding-left:0px;'; }else{ padding = 'padding-right:0px; padding-left:15px;'; counter = 0; } if(!isMultiple){ if(value.default_item_option_id =={ checked = 'checked'; active = ''; } input_type = "radio"; } else{ input_type = "checkbox"; } var price_txt = (value.item_price > 0) ? ' - $' + value.item_price : ''; item_option_html += '

' +'' +'' +'

'; }); if(isMultiple){ item_option_html += '

'; } $(item_option_html).appendTo(io); } if(load_once){ $(".add-button-popup").live("click", function(){ var parent_div = $(this).closest('li').attr('id'); var parent_div_class = $(this).closest('li').attr('class'); var plu = $(this).attr('ref'); $("#"+ parent_div +" #toppings_left").hide(); $(".popup-orig-price").html('0'); $(".popup-item-price").html(''); var t = 0; $("#"+ parent_div +" .input-group-label").each(function() { if($(this).hasClass('active')){ t = 1; } }); if(t == 0){ $("#"+ parent_div +" .input-group-label").each(function() { $(this).addClass('active'); return false; }); } if($("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list[multiple-io]").length > 0){ $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list[multiple-io]").each(function(){ if($(this).siblings(".input-group-label").hasClass("active")){ $(this).siblings(".input-group-label").removeClass("active"); } }); } var popup_price = $("#"+ parent_div +" .active #popup-price").html(); var hide_toppings = $("#"+ parent_div +" .active").attr('hide_toppings'); var active_plu = $("#"+ parent_div +" .active").parent().find('.radio-button-popup').attr('plu'); $("#"+ parent_div + " .modal-footer .qty").html('1'); $("#"+ parent_div + " .popup-item-price").html(popup_price); if(hide_toppings == 0){ get_condiments(active_plu, parent_div, "", "", ""); } get_item_option(parent_div); }); } $(".qty-btn-popup").live("click", function(){ var parent_div = $(this).closest('li').attr('id'); var popup_price = $("#"+ parent_div +" .active #popup-price").html(); if(popup_price){ popup_price = parseFloat(popup_price.replace('$', '')); var popup_qty = $(this).parent().find('.qty').html(); var toppings_price = $("#"+ parent_div +" .popup-orig-price").html(); toppings_price = parseFloat(toppings_price.replace('$', '')); var total_price = parseFloat(popup_price) * parseInt(popup_qty); var toppings_toppings_price = parseFloat(toppings_price) * parseInt(popup_qty); var upsell_total = 0; $("#"+parent_div+" .upsell-item-chkbox:checked").each(function(){ var upsell_price = parseFloat($(this).data("price")); upsell_total += upsell_price; }); total_price = total_price + toppings_toppings_price + upsell_total; $(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.popup-item-price').html("$"+total_price.toFixed(2)); get_item_option(parent_div); } }); $(".item-option-radio-list").live("click", function(){ var parent_div = $(this).closest('li').attr('id'); var multiple_io = $(this).attr('multiple-io'); var mio_id = $(this).attr('mio-id'); if(typeof multiple_io === "undefined" || multiple_io === false){ $('#'+ parent_div +' .item-option-radio-list').attr('checked', false); $(this).attr('checked', true); } else{ var min_io = $(this).attr('min-io'); var max_io = $(this).attr('max-io'); if($("#"+parent_div+" [name='"+$(this).attr('name')+"']:checked").length >= min_io){ $(this).parent().parent().css({"padding":"", "border":""}); } if(max_io == 1 && $("#"+parent_div+" [name='"+$(this).attr('name')+"']:checked").length > 1){ $("#"+parent_div+" [name='"+$(this).attr('name')+"']").attr('checked', false); $(this).attr('checked', true); } else if($("#"+parent_div+" [name='"+$(this).attr('name')+"']:checked").length > max_io){ $("#"+last_io_selected[mio_id]).attr('checked', false); } last_io_selected[mio_id] = $(this).attr('id'); } checked_io($(this), "template4"); get_item_option(parent_div); }); $(".menu-option-radio-list").live("click", function(){ // code for the new settings called customise_popup var group_id = $(this).attr('ref'); var menu_id = $(this).attr('menu-id'); var plu = $(this).attr('plu'); var old_plu = $(this).siblings('.input-group-label').hasClass('active') var hide_toppings = $(this).siblings('.input-group-label').attr('hide_toppings'); var parent_div = $(this).closest('li').attr('id'); var qty = $("#"+ parent_div + " .qty").html(); var io = $("#"+ parent_div + " .item-option-radio"); $("#"+ parent_div +" #toppings_left").hide(); var default_toppings = $("#"+parent_div+" .current-toppings-checkbox").map(function(){ return $(this).attr("plu"); }).get(); var current_toppings = $("#"+parent_div+" .current-toppings-checkbox:checked").map(function(){ return $(this).attr("plu"); }).get(); var extra_toppings = $("#"+parent_div+" .extra-toppings-checkbox:checked").map(function(){ return $(this).attr("plu"); }).get(); if(old_plu == false){ if(plu){ if(hide_toppings == 0){ get_condiments(plu, parent_div, current_toppings, extra_toppings, default_toppings); }else{ $("#"+ parent_div + " .popup-condiments").hide(); $("#"+ parent_div + " .popup-toppings").empty(); } } $(".popup-item-price").html(''); $("#"+ parent_div + " .popup-orig-price").html('0'); var popup_price = $(this).siblings('.input-group-label').children('#popup-price').html(); popup_price = parseFloat(popup_price.replace('$', '')); var upsell_total = 0; $("#"+parent_div+" .upsell-item-chkbox:checked").each(function(){ var upsell_price = parseFloat($(this).data("price")); upsell_total += upsell_price; }); var total_price = (parseFloat(popup_price) * parseInt(qty)) + upsell_total; $("#"+ parent_div + " .popup-item-price").html('$' + total_price.toFixed(2)); } // for the icon checked besides the label of radio button $(this).parent().parent().find('.check-img-popup').attr('src',""); $(this).parent().parent().find('.input-group-label').removeClass('active'); $(this).siblings('.input-group-label').children('.check-img-popup').attr("src",""); $(this).siblings('.input-group-label').addClass('active'); //fix for safari img shown as broken image $(this).parent().parent().find('.check-img-popup').css('visibility',"hidden"); $(this).siblings('.input-group-label').children('.check-img-popup').css('visibility',"visible"); $("#"+parent_div+' input[name="menu-item-option-radio-'+group_id+'"]').attr('checked', false); $(this).attr('checked', true); $("#" + group_id).attr('ref', $(this).val()); if(old_plu == false){ $('#'+ parent_div + '.item-option-radio-menu').hide(); $("#"+parent_div+" .radio-button-popup").attr('disabled','disabled'); // to prevent multiple item option when radio button is spammed if (io) { io.empty(); $.ajax({ url: 'core/ajax/item_options.php', type: "POST", data: { "plu": plu }, dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { // For item-options that was hidden because of no item option on default size // We need to show it else hide if no data was returned if(Object.keys(data).length >= 1 && data){ $('#'+ parent_div + ' .item-option-radio-menu').show(); $(io).fadeIn(0); if(data.hasOwnProperty('multiple_io')){ delete data['multiple_io']; var io_ctr = 1; $.each(data, function(key, value){ item_option_list(value, group_id, menu_id, io, true, key.trim(), io_ctr); io_ctr++; }); } else{ item_option_list(data, group_id, menu_id, io, false, "", 0); } }else{ $('#'+ parent_div + ' .item-option-radio-menu').hide(); } if (!$("#"+parent_div+" input[name=item-option-radio-"+group_id+"]:checked").val()) { // if no item option is checked, we make the first item the default //fix for safari img shown as broken image $("#"+parent_div+" input:radio[name=item-option-radio-"+group_id+"]:not(:disabled):first").attr('checked', true); $("#"+parent_div+" input:radio[name=item-option-radio-"+group_id+"]:not(:disabled):first").siblings(".input-group-label").children('.check-img-popup').attr("src","").css('visibility',"visible"); $("#add-popup-"+group_id+"-"+menu_id).find("input:not(:checked)").siblings(".input-group-label").find(".check-img-popup").css('visibility',"hidden"); } $("#"+parent_div+" .radio-button-popup").attr('disabled', false); }, complete: function (data) { get_item_option(parent_div); // Reset Styles for WEB-573 Line separation on the item modal $('#'+ parent_div + ' .item-option-radio-menu').css("border-bottom", "none"); $('#'+ parent_div + ' .popup-current-toppings').css("border-top", "none"); $('#'+ parent_div + ' #extra-toppings').css("border-top", "none"); var line_chk_01 = $('#'+ parent_div +' .menu-item-option-popup').children().length > 0; var line_chk_02 = $('#'+ parent_div +' .item-option-radio-menu').children().length > 0; var line_chk_03 = $('#'+ parent_div + ' .popup-current-toppings').children().length > 0; var line_chk_04 = $('#'+ parent_div + ' #extra-toppings').children().length > 0; if(line_chk_01 == true && $('#'+ parent_div + ' .item-option-radio-menu').length > 0) { $('#'+ parent_div + ' .item-option-radio-menu')[0].style.setProperty("border-top", "1px solid #00000038", "important"); } if((line_chk_01 || line_chk_02) && $('#'+ parent_div + ' .popup-current-toppings').length > 0) { $('#'+ parent_div + ' .popup-current-toppings')[0].style.setProperty("border-top", "1px solid #00000038", "important"); } if((line_chk_01 || line_chk_02 || line_chk_03) && $('#'+ parent_div + ' #extra-toppings').length > 0) { $('#'+ parent_div + ' #extra-toppings')[0].style.setProperty("border-top", "1px solid #00000038", "important"); } if((line_chk_01 || line_chk_02 || line_chk_03 || line_chk_04) && $('#'+ parent_div + ' .upsell-header').length > 0) { $('#'+ parent_div + ' .upsell-header')[0].style.setProperty("border-top", "1px solid #00000038", "important"); } } }); } } }); function isNumeric(n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); } var items = {}; var free_toppings_list = []; function calculateItems() { var total = 0; for (var plu in items) { total += items[plu]; } return total; } if(load_once){ $(".extra-toppings-checkbox").live('change', function () { var parent_div = $(this).closest('.modal-popup').closest('li').attr('id'); var popup_price = $("#"+ parent_div +" .popup-item-price").html(); var toppings_price = $("#"+ parent_div +" .popup-orig-price").html(); var qty = $("#"+ parent_div + " .qty").html(); var counter_free_extras = parseInt( $("#"+ parent_div +" #num-free-toppings").html()); var max_toppings; var num_free_extra = 0; var price = 0; if($("#"+ parent_div +" #max_toppings").length){ max_toppings = $("#"+ parent_div +" #max_toppings p").html(); }else{ max_toppings = 12; } if($("#"+ parent_div +" #num-free-toppings").length){ num_free_extra = $("#"+ parent_div +" #num-free-toppings").html(); num_free_orig = $("#"+ parent_div +" #num-free-orig").html(); } var plu = $(this).attr('plu'); var cur_toppings = $("#"+parent_div+" .extra-toppings-checkbox:checked").length; //will happen if there is no set limit var remaining_ = max_toppings - cur_toppings; // the text is valid since it always being updated by priceBase function // PREVENT ADDING MORE ITEMS if (remaining_ < 0) { $("#"+ parent_div +" #toppings_left").show().delay(1000).fadeOut(); $("#"+ parent_div +" #toppings_left").html("You have reached the extras limit of "+max_toppings); $(this).prop('checked', false); return false; }else{ $("#"+ parent_div +" #toppings_left").hide(); $("#"+ parent_div +" #toppings_left").html(''); } // Update the price fetching, now respects the order type // Please NOTE that overridden condiment prices will reflect on both pickup/delivery var order_type = 'pickup'; price = $(this).attr('value'); if(!price || price <= 0){ price = order_type == 'pickup' ? $(this).data('sell-shop') : (order_type == 'delivery' ? $(this).data('sell-delivery') : $(this).data('sell-table')); } if($("#"+ parent_div +" #num-free-toppings").length){ if (num_free_extra > 0 && this.checked) { price = 0; $("#"+parent_div+" #num-free-toppings").html(parseFloat(num_free_extra) - 1); $(this).addClass('free_item'); }else if(num_free_extra == 0 && this.checked){ $("#"+parent_div+" #num-free-toppings").html('0'); $(this).removeClass('free_item'); }else if(cur_toppings < num_free_orig){ price = 0; $("#"+parent_div+" #num-free-toppings").html(parseFloat(num_free_extra) + 1); $(this).removeClass('free_item'); } else if(!this.checked) {//Check if the checkbox is uncheck counter_free_extras += 1; } } if(price == null || price == 'undefined' || !price){ price = 0; } var popup_orig = parseFloat($("#"+ parent_div +" .active #popup-price").html().replace('$', '')); if(this.checked){ price = price; }else{ if(counter_free_extras > 0 && num_free_extra <= 0) { $("#"+parent_div+" .toppings-checkbox::checked").addClass("free_item"); } price = '-'+price; } popup_price = parseFloat(popup_price.replace('$', '')); var item_total = 0; var toppings_total = 0; toppings_total = parseFloat(price) + parseFloat(toppings_price); items[plu] = parseFloat(price); $("#"+ parent_div + " .popup-orig-price").html(toppings_total.toFixed(2)); price = (qty) ? (price * qty) : price; item_total = parseFloat(price) + popup_price;//Check if the free extras exceed and it will start add the price of toppings var upsell_total = 0; $("#"+parent_div+" .upsell-item-chkbox:checked").each(function(){ var upsell_price = parseFloat($(this).data("price")); upsell_total += upsell_price; }); if(counter_free_extras > 0 && num_free_extra <= 0) { $("#"+ parent_div + " .popup-item-price").html('$' + (popup_orig+upsell_total).toFixed(2)); } else { $("#"+ parent_div + " .popup-item-price").html('$' + (item_total+upsell_total).toFixed(2)); } if($("#"+ parent_div +" #max_toppings").length){ var counter; if(this.checked){ counter = 1; }else{ counter = '-'+1; } max_toppings = $("#"+ parent_div +" #max_toppings span").html(); var toppings_left = max_toppings - counter; $("#"+parent_div+" #max_toppings span").html(toppings_left); } }); } $(".customise-add-button").click(function () { if($("input[name='storestatus']").val()=='offline'){ $.prompt($('#offline-alert-txt').html()); return; } var menu_id = $(this).closest('#menu_items').attr('data-menuid'); var parent_div = $(this).closest('.modal-popup').closest('li').attr('id'); var modal_div = $(this).closest('.modal-popup').attr('id'); var price = $("#"+ parent_div +" .popup-item-price").html(); price = parseFloat(price.replace('$', '')); var PLU = $(this).attr('ref'); var qty = $("#"+ parent_div +" .qty").html(); option_id=''; var mio_ids = [], mio_msg = [], mio_req = 0; if($("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list").length > 0){ $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list").each(function(){ if($(this).is(':checked')){ option_id += (option_id.trim()!="") ? "," : ""; option_id += $(this).attr('ref'); } if(typeof $(this).attr('mio-id') !== "undefined" && $(this).attr('mio_id') !== false){ mio_ids.push($(this).attr('mio-id')); } mio_ids = [... new Set(mio_ids)]; }); if(typeof $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list:first").attr('multiple-io') !== "undefined" && $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list:first").attr('multiple-io') !== false){ var io_div; $.each(mio_ids, function(key, val){ var io_selected = $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[mio-id='"+val+"']:checked").length, io_min = $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[mio-id='"+val+"']:first").attr('min-io'), io_max = $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[mio-id='"+val+"']:first").attr('max-io'), io_name = $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[mio-id='"+val+"']:first").parent().siblings("div.item-option-group-name-"+val).find("p").text(), io_container = $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[mio-id='"+val+"']:first").parent().parent(); io_container.css({"padding":"", "border":""}); if(io_selected < io_min){ io_container.css({"padding":"5px", "border":"1px solid red"}); mio_req++; if(!io_div){ io_div = io_container; } } else if(io_selected > io_max){ mio_msg.push("'"+io_name+"' can't have more than "+io_max); } }); if(mio_req > 0){ $.prompt("Please complete all sections to finish your order"); $("#"+modal_div+" .modal-body").scrollTop(0).scrollTop(io_div.position().top - 25); return false; } if(mio_msg.length > 0){ $.prompt(mio_msg.join("
")); return false; } $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list").attr('checked', false); checked_io($("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list"), "template4"); } else{ var default_io; default_io = $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list:checked").attr('default-io'); if(typeof default_io !== "undefined" && default_io !== false){ $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[ref='"+default_io+"']").attr('checked', true); } else{ $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list:not(:disabled):first").attr('checked', true); } checked_io($("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list:checked"), "template4"); } } var topping_array = new Array(3); var i = 0; var f = free_toppings_list.slice(); // to prevent mutation of the original list f.sort(); $("#"+ parent_div + " .toppings-checkbox").each(function () { if ($(this).hasClass('current_item') || ($(this).hasClass('extra-toppings-checkbox') && this.checked)){ var extra_plu = $(this).attr('plu'); var extra_price = parseFloat(this.value); var unit_price = parseFloat(this.value); var extra_qty = (this.checked == true ? 1 : -1); var is_current = $(this).hasClass('current_item'); var has_chargeable = false; if (!extra_price) { extra_price = 0; } if (!is_current || extra_qty < 0 || extra_qty > 1) { if (is_current && extra_qty > 1) { extra_qty--; } if (is_current && extra_qty < 0) { extra_price = 0; }else if($(this).hasClass('free_item') || is_current){ extra_price = 0; }else{ extra_price = unit_price; } topping_array[i] = new Array(3); topping_array[i][0] = extra_plu; topping_array[i][1] = (extra_qty * qty); topping_array[i][2] = extra_price; i++; // we add it after if (has_chargeable == true) { //increase the counter to prevent overwriting this index topping_array[i] = new Array(3); topping_array[i][0] = extra_plu; topping_array[i][1] = 1; topping_array[i][2] = 0; i++; } } } }); var payload = {"PLU": PLU, "qty": qty, "price": price, "option_id": option_id, "topping_array[]": topping_array, "menu_id" : menu_id}; $.ajax({ url: 'core/mybasket.php', type: "POST", data: payload, success: function (data) { $('#view-basket').html(data); get_cart_total(); if (!$('#free_item_plu').length) { new PNotify({ text: 'Item added to order.', width: "220px", delay: 3000, type: 'success' }); } $("#"+ parent_div + " .popup-orig-price").html('0'); option_id = ''; last_io_selected = []; } }).done(function(){ var upsell_item = {}; var c = 0; $("#"+parent_div+" .upsell-item-chkbox:checked").each(function(i){ var upsell_plu = $(this).attr("data-plu"); var upsell_price = $(this).data("price"); upsell_item[c.toString()] = { "PLU": upsell_plu, "price": upsell_price, "qty": 1, "menu_id": menu_id, "is_upsell": true}; c++; }); if(Object.keys(upsell_item).length > 0) { $.ajax({ url: 'core/mybasket.php', type: "POST", data: $.param(upsell_item), success: function (data) { $('#view-basket').html(data); get_cart_total(); if (!$('#free_item_plu').length) { new PNotify({ text: 'Item added to order.', width: "220px", delay: 3000, type: 'success' }); } } }); } }); }); function get_cart_total(){ $('#cartTotal').load("core/ajax/get_cart_total.php?page="+PAGE_NAME, function(data){ $('#cartTotal, .cartTotal').html('$'+data); }); } $("#promo_button").click(function(){ if($("input[name='storestatus']").val()=='offline'){ $.prompt($('#offline-alert-txt').html()); return; } $('#loading_bar').html("Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (2)"); $('#loading_bar').center(); var PLU = $(this).find("#add-prompt").attr('ref'); var qty = $("#promo_button #"+PLU+"-qty").val(); var price = $("#promo_button #"+PLU+"-price").val(); // greater than 1 because do not include the 1st item, which is :: Please select :: if($("#promotional_content #"+PLU+"-item-option option").length > 1) { var option_id = $("#promotional_content #"+PLU+"-item-option").val(); } var menu_id = $(this).parents("#menu_items").data('menuid'); $.ajax({ url: 'core/mybasket.php', type: "POST", data: { "PLU":PLU, "qty":qty, "price":price, "option_id":option_id, "menu_id":menu_id }, success: function(data){ $('#loading_bar').html(''); get_cart_total(); $('#view-basket').html(data); last_io_selected = []; if (!$('#free_item_plu').length) { new PNotify({ text: 'Item added to order.', width: "220px", delay: 3000, type: 'success' }); } $("#promotional_container").removeClass('active'); } }); }); $(".add-button").click(function(){ var parent_div = $(this).closest('li').attr('id'); var modal_div = $(this).closest('.modal-popup').attr('id'); if($("input[name='storestatus']").val()=='offline'){ $.prompt($('#offline-alert-txt').html()); return; } $('#loading_bar').html("Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (3)"); $('#loading_bar').center(); var PLU = $(this).attr('ref'); if(!isNaN(PLU)){ var qty = $("#"+parent_div).find("#"+PLU+"-qty").val(); var price = $("#"+parent_div).find(+"#"+PLU+"-price").val(); }else{ var qty = $("#"+parent_div+" #"+PLU+"-qty").val(); var price = $("#"+parent_div+" #"+PLU+"-price").val(); } var group_id = $(this).attr('id'); //check if item is from promotional prompt if(qty == null && price == null && $(this).attr('id')=="promo_button"){ var PLU = $(this).find("#add-prompt").attr('ref'); var qty = $("#promo_button #"+PLU+"-qty").val(); var price = $("#promo_button #"+PLU+"-price").val(); // greater than 1 because do not include the 1st item, which is :: Please select :: if($("#promotional_content #"+PLU+"-item-option option").length > 1) { var option_id = $("#promotional_content #"+PLU+"-item-option").val(); } } if($("#"+parent_div+" #menu-"+group_id).length > 0){ price = $("#"+parent_div+" #menu-"+group_id+" option:selected").attr('ref'); qty = $("#"+parent_div+" #qty-"+group_id).val(); if($("#"+parent_div+" .qty-label-popup").length > 0){ // if popup is enabled then we override the qty qty = $("#"+parent_div+" #qty-"+group_id).text(); var price = $("#"+parent_div+' input[name="menu-item-option-radio-'+group_id+'"]:checked').attr('price'); if(qty <= 0){ // if item option only then we override the qty qty = $("#"+parent_div+" #qty-"+PLU).text(); } } } var default_io, mio_ids = [], mio_msg = [], mio_req = 0; if($("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list").length > 0){ option_id=""; $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list").each(function(){ if($(this).is(':checked')){ option_id += (option_id.trim()!="") ? "," : ""; option_id += $(this).attr('ref'); } if(typeof $(this).attr('mio-id') !== "undefined" && $(this).attr('mio_id') !== false){ mio_ids.push($(this).attr('mio-id')); } mio_ids = [... new Set(mio_ids)]; }); if(typeof $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list:first").attr('multiple-io') !== "undefined" && $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list:first").attr('multiple-io') !== false){ var io_div; $.each(mio_ids, function(key, val){ var io_selected = $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[mio-id='"+val+"']:checked").length, io_min = $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[mio-id='"+val+"']:first").attr('min-io'), io_max = $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[mio-id='"+val+"']:first").attr('max-io'), io_name = $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[mio-id='"+val+"']:first").parent().siblings("div.item-option-group-name-"+val).find("p").text(), io_container = $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list[mio-id='"+val+"']:first").parent().parent(); io_container.css({"padding":"", "border":""}); if(io_selected < io_min){ io_container.css({"padding":"5px", "border":"1px solid red"}); mio_req++; if(!io_div){ io_div = io_container; } } else if(io_selected > io_max){ mio_msg.push("'"+io_name+"' can't have more than "+io_max); } }); if(mio_req > 0){ $.prompt("Please complete all sections to finish your order"); $("#"+modal_div+" .modal-body").scrollTop(0).scrollTop(io_div.position().top - 25); $('#loading_bar').html(''); return false; } if(mio_msg.length > 0){ $.prompt(mio_msg.join("
")); $('#loading_bar').html(''); return false; } $("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list").attr('checked', false); checked_io($("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list"), "template4"); } else{ default_io = $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list:checked").attr('default-io'); if(typeof default_io !== "undefined" && default_io !== false){ $("#"+parent_div+" input[name=item-option-radio-"+group_id+"][ref='"+default_io+"']").attr('checked', true); } else{ $("#"+parent_div+" input[name=item-option-radio-"+group_id+"]:not(:disabled):first").attr('checked', true); } checked_io($("#"+parent_div+" .item-option-radio-list:checked"), "template4"); } } var menu_id = $(this).parents("#menu_items").data('menuid'); $.ajax({ url: 'core/mybasket.php', type: "POST", data: { "PLU":PLU, "qty":qty, "price":price, "option_id":option_id, "menu_id":menu_id }, success: function(data){ $('#loading_bar').html(''); get_cart_total(); $('#view-basket').html(data); last_io_selected = []; if (!$('#free_item_plu').length) { new PNotify({ text: 'Item added to order.', width: "220px", delay: 3000, type: 'success' }); } $("#promotional_container").removeClass('active'); } }); }); $(".menu-item-option.form-control").change(function () { var parent_div = $(this).closest('li').attr('id'); var group_id = $(this).attr('ref'); var plu = $(this).val(); $("#customise-" + group_id).attr('ref', $(this).val()); $("#" + group_id).attr('ref', $(this).val()); // we hide the custom button when it has hide-custom attr var hide_custom = $("#"+parent_div+" #menu-" + group_id + " option:selected").attr("hide-custom"); if (hide_custom){ $("#"+parent_div+" #menu-"+ group_id).parent().siblings(".item-add-buttons").children(".customise-page").css("display", "none"); }else{ $("#"+parent_div+" #menu-"+ group_id).parent().siblings(".item-add-buttons").children(".customise-page").css("display", "inline-block"); } var io = $(this).closest("li").find(".item-options"); if (io) { var item_option = io.val(); $(io).attr("id",plu+"-option-id"); io.empty(); $.ajax({ url: 'core/ajax/item_options.php', type: "POST", data: { "plu": plu }, dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { // For item-options that was hidden because of no item option on default size // We need to show it else hide if no data was returned if(data.length >= 1 && data){ $(io).fadeIn(0); var io_ids =, value) { return key["id"]; }); }else{ var io_ids = []; $(io).fadeOut(0); } var option_selected=""; $.each(data, function (key, value) { //console.log(value.option_id); var price_txt = (value.item_price > 0) ? ' - $' + value.item_price : ''; if(item_option != null && io_ids.includes(item_option)){ option_selected = item_option; } else{ if(value.default_item_option_id =={ option_selected =; } } $('

', { value:, text: value.item_name + price_txt, ref: value.price }).appendTo(io) }); if(option_selected){ io.val(option_selected); } } }); option_id = $(this).closest("li").find(".item-options").val(); } }); if(check_store_stat() == 'offline') { $("#item-buttons .add-button, .item-add-buttons .customise-add-button").live("click", function(){ if (check_store_stat() == "online") { location.reload(); } }); } //if condition end //end Refresh page function }); //Refresh page function when closing modal OOA-1543 function check_store_stat() { var client_code = $("#client_code").val(); var data_status = ""; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', async: false, url: 'core/ajax/check_store_status.php', data: {client_code: client_code}, success: function(data) { data_status = data; } }); //ajax end return data_status; } //function check_store_stat() end function get_item_option(parent_div){ option_id = ''; if($("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list").length){ var popup_price = $("#"+ parent_div +" .active #popup-price").html(); if(popup_price){ popup_price = parseFloat(popup_price.replace('$', '')); var item_option_price = 0; var item_option_ref=""; if($("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list:checked").length){ $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list:checked").each(function(){ item_option_price += ($(this).val() !== undefined) ? parseFloat($(this).val()) : 0; item_option_ref += (item_option_ref.trim()!="") ? ", " : ""; item_option_ref += $(this).attr('ref'); }); } var toppings_price = $("#"+ parent_div +" .popup-orig-price").html(); toppings_price = parseFloat(toppings_price.replace('$', '')); var popup_qty = $("#"+ parent_div +" .qty").html(); var toppings_toppings_price = parseFloat(toppings_price) * parseInt(popup_qty); item_option_price = item_option_price * parseInt(popup_qty); popup_price = popup_price * parseInt(popup_qty); var upsell_total = 0; $("#"+parent_div+" .upsell-item-chkbox:checked").each(function(){ var upsell_price = parseFloat($(this).data("price")); upsell_total += upsell_price; }); var total_prices = popup_price + toppings_toppings_price + item_option_price + upsell_total; $("#"+ parent_div + " .popup-item-price").html('$' + total_prices.toFixed(2)); option_id = $("#"+ parent_div +" .item-option-radio-list:checked").attr('ref'); } } }

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (4)








    Any Large Pizza

    Garlic Bread

    Any 1.25L Soft Drink

    • Lrg Americana

      salami, mushrooms, olives + jalapeños

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (5)

    • Lrg Aussie

      ham, bacon + egg

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (6)

    • Lrg Capricciosa

      ham, mushroom, olives + anchovies

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (7)

    • Lrg Chicken

      chicken breast, pineapple + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (8)

    • Lrg Chicken Supreme

      chicken, onion, capsicum + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (9)

    • Lrg Garlic

      double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (10)

    • Lrg Hawaiian

      ham + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (11)

    • Lrg Joes Loaded

      chicken, ham, mushroom, salami, onion, capsicum, bacon + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (12)

    • Lrg Macedonian

      ham, salami, capsicum, mushroom, garlic + chilli

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (13)

    • Lrg Margarita

      double mozzarella + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (14)

    • Lrg Meat Lovers

      ham, salami, bacon, chorizo + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (15)

    • Lrg Mexican

      salami, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (16)

    • Lrg Mushroom

      mushroom, double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (17)

    • Lrg Napolitana

      olives, anchovies + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (18)

    • Lrg Pepperoni

      double mozzarella + mild pepperoni

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (19)

    • Lrg Smokin Special

      ham, salami, prawns + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (20)

    • Lrg Southern Chicken

      chicken, bacon, sweet corn + chipotle sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (21)

    • Lrg Supreme

      ham, mushroom, onion, salami, capsicum, pineapple, prawns, bacon + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (22)

    • Lrg Vegetarian

      mushrooms, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (23)

    • 1.25l 7up

    • 1.25l Creamy Soda

    • 1.25l Lemonade

    • 1.25l Pepsi

    • 1.25l Pepsi Max

    • 1.25l Raspberry

    • 1.25l Solo

    • 1.25l Sunkist


  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (24)








    Any Small Traditional Pizza

    Any Small Traditional Pizza

    Garlic Bread

    Can Drinks or Water

    Can Drinks or Water

    • Sml Americana

      salami, mushrooms, olives + jalapeños

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (25)

    • Sml Aussie

      ham, bacon + egg

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (26)

    • Sml Capricciosa

      ham, mushroom, olives + anchovies

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (27)

    • Sml Chicken

      chicken breast, pineapple + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (28)

    • Sml Chicken Supreme

      chicken, onion, capsicum + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (29)

    • Sml Garlic

      double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (30)

    • Sml Hawaiian

      ham + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (31)

    • Sml Joes Loaded

      chicken, ham, mushroom, salami, onion, capsicum, bacon + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (32)

    • Sml Macedonian

      ham, salami, capsicum, mushroom, garlic + chilli

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (33)

    • Sml Margarita

      double mozzarella + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (34)

    • Sml Meat Lovers

      ham, salami, bacon, chorizo + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (35)

    • Sml Mexican

      salami, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (36)

    • Sml Mushroom

      mushroom, double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (37)

    • Sml Napolitana

      olives, anchovies + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (38)

    • Sml Pepperoni

      double mozzarella + mild pepperoni

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (39)

    • Sml Smokin Special

      ham, salami, prawns + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (40)

    • Sml Southern Chicken

      chicken, bacon, sweet corn + chipotle sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (41)

    • Sml Supreme

      ham, mushroom, onion, salami, capsicum, pineapple, prawns, bacon + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (42)

    • Sml Vegetarian

      mushrooms, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (43)

    • Sml Americana

      salami, mushrooms, olives + jalapeños

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (44)

    • Sml Aussie

      ham, bacon + egg

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (45)

    • Sml Capricciosa

      ham, mushroom, olives + anchovies

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (46)

    • Sml Chicken

      chicken breast, pineapple + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (47)

    • Sml Chicken Supreme

      chicken, onion, capsicum + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (48)

    • Sml Garlic

      double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (49)

    • Sml Hawaiian

      ham + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (50)

    • Sml Joes Loaded

      chicken, ham, mushroom, salami, onion, capsicum, bacon + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (51)

    • Sml Macedonian

      ham, salami, capsicum, mushroom, garlic + chilli

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (52)

    • Sml Margarita

      double mozzarella + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (53)

    • Sml Meat Lovers

      ham, salami, bacon, chorizo + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (54)

    • Sml Mexican

      salami, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (55)

    • Sml Mushroom

      mushroom, double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (56)

    • Sml Napolitana

      olives, anchovies + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (57)

    • Sml Pepperoni

      double mozzarella + mild pepperoni

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (58)

    • Sml Smokin Special

      ham, salami, prawns + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (59)

    • Sml Southern Chicken

      chicken, bacon, sweet corn + chipotle sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (60)

    • Sml Supreme

      ham, mushroom, onion, salami, capsicum, pineapple, prawns, bacon + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (61)

    • Sml Vegetarian

      mushrooms, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (62)

    • Can 7up

    • Can Creamy Soda

    • Can Drinks

    • Can Lemonade

    • Can Pepsi

    • Can Pepsi Max

    • Can Raspberry

    • Can Solo

    • Can Sunkist

    • Mineral Water

    • Can 7up

    • Can Creamy Soda

    • Can Drinks

    • Can Lemonade

    • Can Pepsi

    • Can Pepsi Max

    • Can Raspberry

    • Can Solo

    • Can Sunkist

    • Mineral Water


  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (63)








    Any Large Pizza

    Any Large Pizza

    Garlic Bread

    Any 1.25L Soft Drink

    • Lrg Americana

      salami, mushrooms, olives + jalapeños

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (64)

    • Lrg Aussie

      ham, bacon + egg

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (65)

    • Lrg Capricciosa

      ham, mushroom, olives + anchovies

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (66)

    • Lrg Chicken

      chicken breast, pineapple + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (67)

    • Lrg Chicken Supreme

      chicken, onion, capsicum + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (68)

    • Lrg Garlic

      double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (69)

    • Lrg Hawaiian

      ham + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (70)

    • Lrg Joes Loaded

      chicken, ham, mushroom, salami, onion, capsicum, bacon + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (71)

    • Lrg Macedonian

      ham, salami, capsicum, mushroom, garlic + chilli

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (72)

    • Lrg Margarita

      double mozzarella + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (73)

    • Lrg Meat Lovers

      ham, salami, bacon, chorizo + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (74)

    • Lrg Mexican

      salami, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (75)

    • Lrg Mushroom

      mushroom, double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (76)

    • Lrg Napolitana

      olives, anchovies + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (77)

    • Lrg Pepperoni

      double mozzarella + mild pepperoni

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (78)

    • Lrg Smokin Special

      ham, salami, prawns + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (79)

    • Lrg Southern Chicken

      chicken, bacon, sweet corn + chipotle sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (80)

    • Lrg Supreme

      ham, mushroom, onion, salami, capsicum, pineapple, prawns, bacon + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (81)

    • Lrg Vegetarian

      mushrooms, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (82)

    • Lrg Americana

      salami, mushrooms, olives + jalapeños

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (83)

    • Lrg Aussie

      ham, bacon + egg

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (84)

    • Lrg Capricciosa

      ham, mushroom, olives + anchovies

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (85)

    • Lrg Chicken

      chicken breast, pineapple + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (86)

    • Lrg Chicken Supreme

      chicken, onion, capsicum + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (87)

    • Lrg Garlic

      double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (88)

    • Lrg Hawaiian

      ham + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (89)

    • Lrg Joes Loaded

      chicken, ham, mushroom, salami, onion, capsicum, bacon + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (90)

    • Lrg Macedonian

      ham, salami, capsicum, mushroom, garlic + chilli

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (91)

    • Lrg Margarita

      double mozzarella + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (92)

    • Lrg Meat Lovers

      ham, salami, bacon, chorizo + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (93)

    • Lrg Mexican

      salami, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (94)

    • Lrg Mushroom

      mushroom, double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (95)

    • Lrg Napolitana

      olives, anchovies + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (96)

    • Lrg Pepperoni

      double mozzarella + mild pepperoni

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (97)

    • Lrg Smokin Special

      ham, salami, prawns + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (98)

    • Lrg Southern Chicken

      chicken, bacon, sweet corn + chipotle sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (99)

    • Lrg Supreme

      ham, mushroom, onion, salami, capsicum, pineapple, prawns, bacon + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (100)

    • Lrg Vegetarian

      mushrooms, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (101)

    • 1.25l 7up

    • 1.25l Creamy Soda

    • 1.25l Lemonade

    • 1.25l Pepsi

    • 1.25l Pepsi Max

    • 1.25l Raspberry

    • 1.25l Solo

    • 1.25l Sunkist


  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (102)

    Hunger Buster




    Hunger Buster



    Any Large Pizza

    Any Large Pizza

    Any Large Pizza

    • Lrg Americana

      salami, mushrooms, olives + jalapeños

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (103)

    • Lrg Aussie

      ham, bacon + egg

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (104)

    • Lrg Capricciosa

      ham, mushroom, olives + anchovies

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (105)

    • Lrg Chicken

      chicken breast, pineapple + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (106)

    • Lrg Chicken Supreme

      chicken, onion, capsicum + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (107)

    • Lrg Garlic

      double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (108)

    • Lrg Hawaiian

      ham + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (109)

    • Lrg Joes Loaded

      chicken, ham, mushroom, salami, onion, capsicum, bacon + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (110)

    • Lrg Macedonian

      ham, salami, capsicum, mushroom, garlic + chilli

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (111)

    • Lrg Margarita

      double mozzarella + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (112)

    • Lrg Meat Lovers

      ham, salami, bacon, chorizo + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (113)

    • Lrg Mexican

      salami, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (114)

    • Lrg Mushroom

      mushroom, double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (115)

    • Lrg Napolitana

      olives, anchovies + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (116)

    • Lrg Pepperoni

      double mozzarella + mild pepperoni

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (117)

    • Lrg Smokin Special

      ham, salami, prawns + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (118)

    • Lrg Southern Chicken

      chicken, bacon, sweet corn + chipotle sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (119)

    • Lrg Supreme

      ham, mushroom, onion, salami, capsicum, pineapple, prawns, bacon + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (120)

    • Lrg Vegetarian

      mushrooms, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (121)

    • Lrg Americana

      salami, mushrooms, olives + jalapeños

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (122)

    • Lrg Aussie

      ham, bacon + egg

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (123)

    • Lrg Capricciosa

      ham, mushroom, olives + anchovies

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (124)

    • Lrg Chicken

      chicken breast, pineapple + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (125)

    • Lrg Chicken Supreme

      chicken, onion, capsicum + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (126)

    • Lrg Garlic

      double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (127)

    • Lrg Hawaiian

      ham + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (128)

    • Lrg Joes Loaded

      chicken, ham, mushroom, salami, onion, capsicum, bacon + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (129)

    • Lrg Macedonian

      ham, salami, capsicum, mushroom, garlic + chilli

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (130)

    • Lrg Margarita

      double mozzarella + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (131)

    • Lrg Meat Lovers

      ham, salami, bacon, chorizo + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (132)

    • Lrg Mexican

      salami, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (133)

    • Lrg Mushroom

      mushroom, double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (134)

    • Lrg Napolitana

      olives, anchovies + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (135)

    • Lrg Pepperoni

      double mozzarella + mild pepperoni

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (136)

    • Lrg Smokin Special

      ham, salami, prawns + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (137)

    • Lrg Southern Chicken

      chicken, bacon, sweet corn + chipotle sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (138)

    • Lrg Supreme

      ham, mushroom, onion, salami, capsicum, pineapple, prawns, bacon + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (139)

    • Lrg Vegetarian

      mushrooms, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (140)

    • Lrg Americana

      salami, mushrooms, olives + jalapeños

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (141)

    • Lrg Aussie

      ham, bacon + egg

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (142)

    • Lrg Capricciosa

      ham, mushroom, olives + anchovies

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (143)

    • Lrg Chicken

      chicken breast, pineapple + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (144)

    • Lrg Chicken Supreme

      chicken, onion, capsicum + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (145)

    • Lrg Garlic

      double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (146)

    • Lrg Hawaiian

      ham + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (147)

    • Lrg Joes Loaded

      chicken, ham, mushroom, salami, onion, capsicum, bacon + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (148)

    • Lrg Macedonian

      ham, salami, capsicum, mushroom, garlic + chilli

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (149)

    • Lrg Margarita

      double mozzarella + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (150)

    • Lrg Meat Lovers

      ham, salami, bacon, chorizo + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (151)

    • Lrg Mexican

      salami, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (152)

    • Lrg Mushroom

      mushroom, double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (153)

    • Lrg Napolitana

      olives, anchovies + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (154)

    • Lrg Pepperoni

      double mozzarella + mild pepperoni

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (155)

    • Lrg Smokin Special

      ham, salami, prawns + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (156)

    • Lrg Southern Chicken

      chicken, bacon, sweet corn + chipotle sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (157)

    • Lrg Supreme

      ham, mushroom, onion, salami, capsicum, pineapple, prawns, bacon + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (158)

    • Lrg Vegetarian

      mushrooms, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (159)


  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (160)

    Mix N Match




    Mix N Match



    Any Large Pizza

    1 Small Garlic Pizza

    Any Pasta

    Any 1.25L Soft Drink

    • Lrg Americana

      salami, mushrooms, olives + jalapeños

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (161)

    • Lrg Aussie

      ham, bacon + egg

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (162)

    • Lrg Capricciosa

      ham, mushroom, olives + anchovies

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (163)

    • Lrg Chicken

      chicken breast, pineapple + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (164)

    • Lrg Chicken Supreme

      chicken, onion, capsicum + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (165)

    • Lrg Garlic

      double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (166)

    • Lrg Hawaiian

      ham + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (167)

    • Lrg Joes Loaded

      chicken, ham, mushroom, salami, onion, capsicum, bacon + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (168)

    • Lrg Macedonian

      ham, salami, capsicum, mushroom, garlic + chilli

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (169)

    • Lrg Margarita

      double mozzarella + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (170)

    • Lrg Meat Lovers

      ham, salami, bacon, chorizo + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (171)

    • Lrg Mexican

      salami, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (172)

    • Lrg Mushroom

      mushroom, double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (173)

    • Lrg Napolitana

      olives, anchovies + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (174)

    • Lrg Pepperoni

      double mozzarella + mild pepperoni

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (175)

    • Lrg Smokin Special

      ham, salami, prawns + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (176)

    • Lrg Southern Chicken

      chicken, bacon, sweet corn + chipotle sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (177)

    • Lrg Supreme

      ham, mushroom, onion, salami, capsicum, pineapple, prawns, bacon + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (178)

    • Lrg Vegetarian

      mushrooms, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (179)

    • Bolognese

      rich homemade meat sauce

    • Chicken + Avocado

      breast chicken, onion, parsley, garlic + cream sauce

    • Chicken + Mushroom

      parsley, spring onion, garlic + cream sauce

    • Chicken Pesto

      chicken, spinach, cherry tomato + cream

    • Gamberi

      prawns, spring onion, garlic, olive oil + parsley

    • Joes Favourite

      chicken, bacon, mushroom, spinach + rosé sauce

    • Marinara

      mix seafood, parsley + rose sauce

    • Meat Balls

      homemade meat balls + rich tomato sauce

    • Napoletana

      rich homemade tomato sauce

    • Carbonara

      bacon, spring onion, garlic + cream sauce

    • Chorizo

      spicy sausage, cherry tomato, spinach, chilli + rich tomato sauce

    • Matriciana

      bacon, onion, roast peppers, chilli + homemade tomato sauce

    • Vegetarian

      mushroom, onion, roast peppers, spinach + rosé sauce

    • 1.25l 7up

    • 1.25l Creamy Soda

    • 1.25l Lemonade

    • 1.25l Pepsi

    • 1.25l Pepsi Max

    • 1.25l Raspberry

    • 1.25l Solo

    • 1.25l Sunkist


  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (180)

    Pasta Taster




    Pasta Taster



    Any Pasta

    Any Pasta

    Any 1.25L Soft Drink

    1 Small Garlic Pizza

    • Bolognese

      rich homemade meat sauce

    • Chicken + Avocado

      breast chicken, onion, parsley, garlic + cream sauce

    • Chicken + Mushroom

      parsley, spring onion, garlic + cream sauce

    • Chicken Pesto

      chicken, spinach, cherry tomato + cream

    • Gamberi

      prawns, spring onion, garlic, olive oil + parsley

    • Joes Favourite

      chicken, bacon, mushroom, spinach + rosé sauce

    • Marinara

      mix seafood, parsley + rose sauce

    • Meat Balls

      homemade meat balls + rich tomato sauce

    • Napoletana

      rich homemade tomato sauce

    • Carbonara

      bacon, spring onion, garlic + cream sauce

    • Chorizo

      spicy sausage, cherry tomato, spinach, chilli + rich tomato sauce

    • Matriciana

      bacon, onion, roast peppers, chilli + homemade tomato sauce

    • Vegetarian

      mushroom, onion, roast peppers, spinach + rosé sauce

    • Bolognese

      rich homemade meat sauce

    • Chicken + Avocado

      breast chicken, onion, parsley, garlic + cream sauce

    • Chicken + Mushroom

      parsley, spring onion, garlic + cream sauce

    • Chicken Pesto

      chicken, spinach, cherry tomato + cream

    • Gamberi

      prawns, spring onion, garlic, olive oil + parsley

    • Joes Favourite

      chicken, bacon, mushroom, spinach + rosé sauce

    • Marinara

      mix seafood, parsley + rose sauce

    • Meat Balls

      homemade meat balls + rich tomato sauce

    • Napoletana

      rich homemade tomato sauce

    • Carbonara

      bacon, spring onion, garlic + cream sauce

    • Chorizo

      spicy sausage, cherry tomato, spinach, chilli + rich tomato sauce

    • Matriciana

      bacon, onion, roast peppers, chilli + homemade tomato sauce

    • Vegetarian

      mushroom, onion, roast peppers, spinach + rosé sauce

    • 1.25l 7up

    • 1.25l Creamy Soda

    • 1.25l Lemonade

    • 1.25l Pepsi

    • 1.25l Pepsi Max

    • 1.25l Raspberry

    • 1.25l Solo

    • 1.25l Sunkist


  • Joes Grill Pack THE ULTIMATE MEAL




    Joes Grill Pack THE ULTIMATE MEAL



    6 Sticky Wings

    Choose Your Ribs

    2 Chicken Skewers

    Fat Chips

    Garden Salad

    • 1/2 Smokey Pork

    • 1/2 Lamb Ribs


  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (181)

    Party Starter




    Party Starter



    Any Family Pizza

    Any Family Pizza

    Garlic Bread

    Garlic Bread

    Any 1.25L Soft Drink

    Any 1.25L Soft Drink

    • Fam Americana

      salami, mushrooms, olives + jalapeños

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (182)

    • Fam Aussie

      ham, bacon + egg

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (183)

    • Fam Capricciosa

      ham, mushroom, olives + anchovies

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (184)

    • Fam Chicken

      chicken breast, pineapple + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (185)

    • Fam Chicken Supreme

      chicken, onion, capsicum + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (186)

    • Fam Garlic

      double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (187)

    • Fam Hawaiian

      ham + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (188)

    • Fam Joes Loaded

      chicken, ham, mushroom, salami, onion, capsicum, bacon + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (189)

    • Fam Macedonian

      ham, salami, capsicum, mushroom, garlic + chilli

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (190)

    • Fam Margarita

      double mozzarella + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (191)

    • Fam Meat Lovers

      ham, salami, bacon, chorizo + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (192)

    • Fam Mexican

      salami, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (193)

    • Fam Mushroom

      mushroom, double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (194)

    • Fam Napolitana

      olives, anchovies + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (195)

    • Fam Pepperoni

      double mozzarella + mild pepperoni

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (196)

    • Fam Smokin Special

      ham, salami, prawns + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (197)

    • Fam Southern Chicken

      chicken, bacon, sweet corn + chipotle sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (198)

    • Fam Supreme

      ham, mushroom, onion, salami, capsicum, pineapple, prawns, bacon + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (199)

    • Fam Vegetarian

      mushrooms, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (200)

    • Fam Americana

      salami, mushrooms, olives + jalapeños

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (201)

    • Fam Aussie

      ham, bacon + egg

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (202)

    • Fam Capricciosa

      ham, mushroom, olives + anchovies

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (203)

    • Fam Chicken

      chicken breast, pineapple + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (204)

    • Fam Chicken Supreme

      chicken, onion, capsicum + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (205)

    • Fam Garlic

      double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (206)

    • Fam Hawaiian

      ham + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (207)

    • Fam Joes Loaded

      chicken, ham, mushroom, salami, onion, capsicum, bacon + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (208)

    • Fam Macedonian

      ham, salami, capsicum, mushroom, garlic + chilli

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (209)

    • Fam Margarita

      double mozzarella + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (210)

    • Fam Meat Lovers

      ham, salami, bacon, chorizo + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (211)

    • Fam Mexican

      salami, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (212)

    • Fam Mushroom

      mushroom, double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (213)

    • Fam Napolitana

      olives, anchovies + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (214)

    • Fam Pepperoni

      double mozzarella + mild pepperoni

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (215)

    • Fam Smokin Special

      ham, salami, prawns + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (216)

    • Fam Southern Chicken

      chicken, bacon, sweet corn + chipotle sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (217)

    • Fam Supreme

      ham, mushroom, onion, salami, capsicum, pineapple, prawns, bacon + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (218)

    • Fam Vegetarian

      mushrooms, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (219)

    • 1.25l 7up

    • 1.25l Creamy Soda

    • 1.25l Lemonade

    • 1.25l Pepsi

    • 1.25l Pepsi Max

    • 1.25l Raspberry

    • 1.25l Solo

    • 1.25l Sunkist

    • 1.25l 7up

    • 1.25l Creamy Soda

    • 1.25l Lemonade

    • 1.25l Pepsi

    • 1.25l Pepsi Max

    • 1.25l Raspberry

    • 1.25l Solo

    • 1.25l Sunkist


  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (220)

    Parma Deal




    Parma Deal



    Any Parma

    Any 1.25L Soft Drink

    Garlic Bread

    • Traditional

    • Ham, Napoli Sauce + Cheese

    • Bolognese Sauce + Cheese

    • Aussie (bacon, Onion + Cheese)

    • Peri Peri (onion, Roast Peppers + Spicy Sauce)

    • Mushroom (creamy Mushrooms + Cheese)

    • Aloha (ham + Pineapple)

    • 1.25l 7up

    • 1.25l Creamy Soda

    • 1.25l Lemonade

    • 1.25l Pepsi

    • 1.25l Pepsi Max

    • 1.25l Raspberry

    • 1.25l Solo

    • 1.25l Sunkist


  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (221)

    Triple Gourmet




    Triple Gourmet



    Any Large Gourmet Pizza

    Any Large Gourmet Pizza

    Any Large Gourmet Pizza

    • Lrg Buffalo Chicken

      chicken, capsicum, onion, jalapeños, garlic, chilli + buffalo sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (222)

    • Lrg Chicken Pesto

      pesto, chicken, spinach, cherry tomato + feta

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (223)

    • Lrg Joes Burger

      beef, onion, egg + burger sauce

    • Lrg Marinara

      fresh seafood marinated in garlic + parsley

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (224)

    • Lrg Meat Ball

      meat balls, bacon, cherry tomato + shaved parmesan

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (225)

    • Lrg Moroccan Lamb

      marinated lamb, spinach, spanish onion, cherry tomatoes + garlic sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (226)

    • Lrg Nachos

      corn chips, bolognese sauce, bacon, jalapenos, guacamole + sour cream

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (227)

    • Lrg Peri-peri Chicken

      chicken, roast peppers, spring onion, caramelised onion + peri peri mayo

    • Lrg Prawn

      fresh prawns, spinach, roast peppers, garlic + chilli

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (228)

    • Lrg Roast Pumpkin

      roast pumpkin, spinach, feta + rosemary

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (229)

    • Lrg Tandoori

      spinach, spanish onion, roast peppers, marinated chicken + garlic sauce

    • Lrg Veggie Patch

      roast pumpkin, spanish onions, spinach, roast peppers, olives, cherry tomato + feta

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (230)

    • Lrg Buffalo Chicken

      chicken, capsicum, onion, jalapeños, garlic, chilli + buffalo sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (231)

    • Lrg Chicken Pesto

      pesto, chicken, spinach, cherry tomato + feta

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (232)

    • Lrg Joes Burger

      beef, onion, egg + burger sauce

    • Lrg Marinara

      fresh seafood marinated in garlic + parsley

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (233)

    • Lrg Meat Ball

      meat balls, bacon, cherry tomato + shaved parmesan

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (234)

    • Lrg Moroccan Lamb

      marinated lamb, spinach, spanish onion, cherry tomatoes + garlic sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (235)

    • Lrg Nachos

      corn chips, bolognese sauce, bacon, jalapenos, guacamole + sour cream

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (236)

    • Lrg Peri-peri Chicken

      chicken, roast peppers, spring onion, caramelised onion + peri peri mayo

    • Lrg Prawn

      fresh prawns, spinach, roast peppers, garlic + chilli

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (237)

    • Lrg Roast Pumpkin

      roast pumpkin, spinach, feta + rosemary

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (238)

    • Lrg Tandoori

      spinach, spanish onion, roast peppers, marinated chicken + garlic sauce

    • Lrg Veggie Patch

      roast pumpkin, spanish onions, spinach, roast peppers, olives, cherry tomato + feta

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (239)

    • Lrg Buffalo Chicken

      chicken, capsicum, onion, jalapeños, garlic, chilli + buffalo sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (240)

    • Lrg Chicken Pesto

      pesto, chicken, spinach, cherry tomato + feta

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (241)

    • Lrg Joes Burger

      beef, onion, egg + burger sauce

    • Lrg Marinara

      fresh seafood marinated in garlic + parsley

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (242)

    • Lrg Meat Ball

      meat balls, bacon, cherry tomato + shaved parmesan

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (243)

    • Lrg Moroccan Lamb

      marinated lamb, spinach, spanish onion, cherry tomatoes + garlic sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (244)

    • Lrg Nachos

      corn chips, bolognese sauce, bacon, jalapenos, guacamole + sour cream

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (245)

    • Lrg Peri-peri Chicken

      chicken, roast peppers, spring onion, caramelised onion + peri peri mayo

    • Lrg Prawn

      fresh prawns, spinach, roast peppers, garlic + chilli

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (246)

    • Lrg Roast Pumpkin

      roast pumpkin, spinach, feta + rosemary

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (247)

    • Lrg Tandoori

      spinach, spanish onion, roast peppers, marinated chicken + garlic sauce

    • Lrg Veggie Patch

      roast pumpkin, spanish onions, spinach, roast peppers, olives, cherry tomato + feta

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (248)


  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (249)

    Drink and Garlic Bread



All pizzas with tomato base & mozzarella

  • Brekky (Limited Time Only)

    bacon, egg, cherry tomato, mozzarella


    Brekky (Limited Time Only)

    bacon, egg, cherry tomato, mozzarella

    Choose one

    Out of stock : NY Brekky

  • Beef and Reef (Limited Time Only)

    tomato base, ground beef, capsicum, onions, prawns, hollandaise sauce


    Beef and Reef (Limited Time Only)

    tomato base, ground beef, capsicum, onions, prawns, hollandaise sauce

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (259)

    Most Popular


    double mozzarella + mild pepperoni



    double mozzarella + mild pepperoni

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (265)


    olives, anchovies + oregano



    olives, anchovies + oregano

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (271)


    ham, mushroom, onion, salami, capsicum, pineapple, prawns, bacon + olives



    ham, mushroom, onion, salami, capsicum, pineapple, prawns, bacon + olives

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (277)


    ham + pineapple



    ham + pineapple

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (283)


    double cheese + oregano



    double cheese + oregano

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (289)

    Chef's Recommendation

    Meat Lovers

    ham, salami, bacon, chorizo + bbq sauce


    Meat Lovers

    ham, salami, bacon, chorizo + bbq sauce

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (295)


    mushrooms, onion, capsicum + olives



    mushrooms, onion, capsicum + olives

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (301)


    mushroom, double cheese + oregano



    mushroom, double cheese + oregano

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (307)

    Southern Chicken

    chicken, bacon, sweet corn + chipotle sauce


    Southern Chicken

    chicken, bacon, sweet corn + chipotle sauce

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (313)

    Smokin’ Special

    ham, salami, prawns + pineapple


    Smokin’ Special

    ham, salami, prawns + pineapple

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (319)


    ham, mushroom, olives + anchovies



    ham, mushroom, olives + anchovies

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (325)


    chicken breast, pineapple + bbq sauce



    chicken breast, pineapple + bbq sauce

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (331)


    ham, salami, capsicum, mushroom, garlic + chilli



    ham, salami, capsicum, mushroom, garlic + chilli

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (337)


    ham, bacon + egg



    ham, bacon + egg

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (343)


    double mozzarella + oregano



    double mozzarella + oregano

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (349)


    salami, mushrooms, olives + jalapeños



    salami, mushrooms, olives + jalapeños

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (355)

    Chicken Supreme

    chicken, onion, capsicum + pineapple


    Chicken Supreme

    chicken, onion, capsicum + pineapple

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (361)

    Joe’s Loaded

    chicken, ham, mushroom, salami, onion, capsicum, bacon + pineapple


    Joe’s Loaded

    chicken, ham, mushroom, salami, onion, capsicum, bacon + pineapple

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (367)


    salami, onion, capsicum + olives



    salami, onion, capsicum + olives

    Choose one

All pizzas with tomato base & mozzarella

  • Deluxe Meat (Limited Time Only)

    tomato base, ham, bacon, chicken, peperoni, hot salami, chorizo, topped with bbq sauce


    Deluxe Meat (Limited Time Only)

    tomato base, ham, bacon, chicken, peperoni, hot salami, chorizo, topped with bbq sauce

    Choose one

  • Satay Chicken (Limited Time Only)

    tomato base, spanish onion, chicken breast, roast peppers, mozzarella, topped with satay sauce


    Satay Chicken (Limited Time Only)

    tomato base, spanish onion, chicken breast, roast peppers, mozzarella, topped with satay sauce

    Choose one

  • Prosciutto (Limited Time Only)

    prosciutto, cherry tomato, mozzarella, parmesan cheese


    Prosciutto (Limited Time Only)

    prosciutto, cherry tomato, mozzarella, parmesan cheese

    Choose one

  • Chorizo (Limited Time Only)

    chorizo, olives, parsley, sausage, cherry tomato, mozzarella


    Chorizo (Limited Time Only)

    chorizo, olives, parsley, sausage, cherry tomato, mozzarella

    Choose one

  • Mediterranean (Limited Time Only)

    Roasted pepper, feta, cherry tomato, olives, mozzarella


    Mediterranean (Limited Time Only)

    Roasted pepper, feta, cherry tomato, olives, mozzarella

    Choose one

  • Roasted Pumpkin (Limited Time Only)

    Roast pumpkin, feta, mozzarella, topped with rocket, balsamic vinegar


    Roasted Pumpkin (Limited Time Only)

    Roast pumpkin, feta, mozzarella, topped with rocket, balsamic vinegar

    Choose one

  • Tandoori Chicken (Limited Time Only)

    spanish onion, roasted pepper, marinated chicken, tandoori chicken mozzarella with aioli sauce


    Tandoori Chicken (Limited Time Only)

    spanish onion, roasted pepper, marinated chicken, tandoori chicken mozzarella with aioli sauce

    Choose one

  • Spaghetti Bolognese (Limited Time Only)

    spaghetti, Bolognese sauce, mozzarella topped with parmesan cheese


    Spaghetti Bolognese (Limited Time Only)

    spaghetti, Bolognese sauce, mozzarella topped with parmesan cheese

    Choose one

    Out of stock : NY Spaghetti Bolognese

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (412)

    Meat Ball

    meat balls, bacon, cherry tomato + shaved parmesan


    Meat Ball

    meat balls, bacon, cherry tomato + shaved parmesan

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (418)

    Buffalo Chicken

    chicken, capsicum, onion, jalapeños, garlic, chilli + buffalo sauce


    Buffalo Chicken

    chicken, capsicum, onion, jalapeños, garlic, chilli + buffalo sauce

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (424)


    fresh seafood marinated in garlic + parsley



    fresh seafood marinated in garlic + parsley

    Choose one

  • Tandoori

    spinach, spanish onion, roast peppers, marinated chicken + garlic sauce



    spinach, spanish onion, roast peppers, marinated chicken + garlic sauce

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (435)

    Chicken Pesto

    pesto, chicken, spinach, cherry tomato + feta


    Chicken Pesto

    pesto, chicken, spinach, cherry tomato + feta

    Choose one

  • Peri-Peri Chicken

    chicken, roast peppers, spring onion, caramelised onion + peri peri mayo


    Peri-Peri Chicken

    chicken, roast peppers, spring onion, caramelised onion + peri peri mayo

    Choose one

  • Joe’s Burger

    beef, onion, egg + burger sauce


    Joe’s Burger

    beef, onion, egg + burger sauce

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (451)

    Moroccan Lamb

    marinated lamb, spinach, spanish onion, cherry tomatoes + garlic sauce


    Moroccan Lamb

    marinated lamb, spinach, spanish onion, cherry tomatoes + garlic sauce

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (457)


    corn chips, bolognese sauce, bacon, jalapeños, guacamole + sour cream



    corn chips, bolognese sauce, bacon, jalapeños, guacamole + sour cream

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (463)


    fresh prawns, spinach, roast peppers, garlic + chilli



    fresh prawns, spinach, roast peppers, garlic + chilli

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (469)

    Veggie Patch

    roast pumpkin, spanish onions, spinach, roast peppers, olives, cherry tomato + feta


    Veggie Patch

    roast pumpkin, spanish onions, spinach, roast peppers, olives, cherry tomato + feta

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (475)

    Roast Pumpkin

    roast pumpkin, spinach, feta + rosemary


    Roast Pumpkin

    roast pumpkin, spinach, feta + rosemary

    Choose one

  • Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (481)




    Choose Your First Half

    Select Size
    *includes $2 surcharge

    Select Your Pizzas

    Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (482) Select your first half

    Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (483) Select your second half

    • Lrg Brekky

      bacon, egg, cherry tomato, mozzarella

    • Lrg Beef And Reef

      tomato base, ground beef, capsicum, onions, prawns, hollandaise sauce

    • Lrg Pepperoni

      double mozzarella + mild pepperoni

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (484)

    • Lrg Napolitana

      olives, anchovies + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (485)

    • Lrg Supreme

      ham, mushroom, onion, salami, capsicum, pineapple, prawns, bacon + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (486)

    • Lrg Hawaiian

      ham + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (487)

    • Lrg Garlic

      double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (488)

    • Lrg Meat Lovers

      ham, salami, bacon, chorizo + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (489)

    • Lrg Vegetarian

      mushrooms, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (490)

    • Lrg Mushroom

      mushroom, double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (491)

    • Lrg Southern Chicken

      chicken, bacon, sweet corn + chipotle sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (492)

    • Lrg Smokin Special

      ham, salami, prawns + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (493)

    • Lrg Capricciosa

      ham, mushroom, olives + anchovies

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (494)

    • Lrg Chicken

      chicken breast, pineapple + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (495)

    • Lrg Macedonian

      ham, salami, capsicum, mushroom, garlic + chilli

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (496)

    • Lrg Aussie

      ham, bacon + egg

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (497)

    • Lrg Margarita

      double mozzarella + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (498)

    • Lrg Americana

      salami, mushrooms, olives + jalapeños

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (499)

    • Lrg Chicken Supreme

      chicken, onion, capsicum + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (500)

    • Lrg Joes Loaded

      chicken, ham, mushroom, salami, onion, capsicum, bacon + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (501)

    • Lrg Mexican

      salami, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (502)

    • Lrg Deluxe Meat

      tomato base, ham, bacon, chicken, peperoni, hot salami, chorizo, topped with bbq sauce

    • Lrg Satay Chicken

      tomato base, spanish onion, chicken breast, roast peppers, mozzarella, topped with satay sauce

    • Lrg Prosciutto

      prosciutto, cherry tomato, mozzarella, parmesan cheese

    • Lrg Chorizo

      chorizo, olives, parsley, sausage, cherry tomato, mozzarella

    • Lrg Mediterranean

      Roasted pepper, feta, cherry tomato, olives, mozzarella

    • Lrg Roasted Pumpkin

      Roast pumpkin, feta, mozzarella, topped with rocket, balsamic vinegar

    • Lrg Tandoori Chicken

      spanish onion, roasted pepper, marinated chicken, tandoori chicken mozzarella with aioli sauce

    • Lrg Spaghetti Bolognese

      spaghetti, Bolognese sauce, mozzarella topped with parmesan cheese

    • Lrg Meat Ball

      meat balls, bacon, cherry tomato + shaved parmesan

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (503)

    • Lrg Buffalo Chicken

      chicken, capsicum, onion, jalapeños, garlic, chilli + buffalo sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (504)

    • Lrg Marinara

      fresh seafood marinated in garlic + parsley

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (505)

    • Lrg Tandoori

      spinach, spanish onion, roast peppers, marinated chicken + garlic sauce

    • Lrg Chicken Pesto

      pesto, chicken, spinach, cherry tomato + feta

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (506)

    • Lrg Peri-peri Chicken

      chicken, roast peppers, spring onion, caramelised onion + peri peri mayo

    • Lrg Joes Burger

      beef, onion, egg + burger sauce

    • Lrg Moroccan Lamb

      marinated lamb, spinach, spanish onion, cherry tomatoes + garlic sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (507)

    • Lrg Nachos

      corn chips, bolognese sauce, bacon, jalapenos, guacamole + sour cream

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (508)

    • Lrg Prawn

      fresh prawns, spinach, roast peppers, garlic + chilli

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (509)

    • Lrg Veggie Patch

      roast pumpkin, spanish onions, spinach, roast peppers, olives, cherry tomato + feta

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (510)

    • Lrg Roast Pumpkin

      roast pumpkin, spinach, feta + rosemary

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (511)

    • Lrg Brekky

      bacon, egg, cherry tomato, mozzarella

    • Lrg Beef And Reef

      tomato base, ground beef, capsicum, onions, prawns, hollandaise sauce

    • Lrg Pepperoni

      double mozzarella + mild pepperoni

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (512)

    • Lrg Napolitana

      olives, anchovies + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (513)

    • Lrg Supreme

      ham, mushroom, onion, salami, capsicum, pineapple, prawns, bacon + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (514)

    • Lrg Hawaiian

      ham + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (515)

    • Lrg Garlic

      double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (516)

    • Lrg Meat Lovers

      ham, salami, bacon, chorizo + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (517)

    • Lrg Vegetarian

      mushrooms, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (518)

    • Lrg Mushroom

      mushroom, double cheese + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (519)

    • Lrg Southern Chicken

      chicken, bacon, sweet corn + chipotle sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (520)

    • Lrg Smokin Special

      ham, salami, prawns + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (521)

    • Lrg Capricciosa

      ham, mushroom, olives + anchovies

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (522)

    • Lrg Chicken

      chicken breast, pineapple + bbq sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (523)

    • Lrg Macedonian

      ham, salami, capsicum, mushroom, garlic + chilli

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (524)

    • Lrg Aussie

      ham, bacon + egg

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (525)

    • Lrg Margarita

      double mozzarella + oregano

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (526)

    • Lrg Americana

      salami, mushrooms, olives + jalapeños

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (527)

    • Lrg Chicken Supreme

      chicken, onion, capsicum + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (528)

    • Lrg Joes Loaded

      chicken, ham, mushroom, salami, onion, capsicum, bacon + pineapple

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (529)

    • Lrg Mexican

      salami, onion, capsicum + olives

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (530)

    • Lrg Deluxe Meat

      tomato base, ham, bacon, chicken, peperoni, hot salami, chorizo, topped with bbq sauce

    • Lrg Satay Chicken

      tomato base, spanish onion, chicken breast, roast peppers, mozzarella, topped with satay sauce

    • Lrg Prosciutto

      prosciutto, cherry tomato, mozzarella, parmesan cheese

    • Lrg Chorizo

      chorizo, olives, parsley, sausage, cherry tomato, mozzarella

    • Lrg Mediterranean

      Roasted pepper, feta, cherry tomato, olives, mozzarella

    • Lrg Roasted Pumpkin

      Roast pumpkin, feta, mozzarella, topped with rocket, balsamic vinegar

    • Lrg Tandoori Chicken

      spanish onion, roasted pepper, marinated chicken, tandoori chicken mozzarella with aioli sauce

    • Lrg Spaghetti Bolognese

      spaghetti, Bolognese sauce, mozzarella topped with parmesan cheese

    • Lrg Meat Ball

      meat balls, bacon, cherry tomato + shaved parmesan

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (531)

    • Lrg Buffalo Chicken

      chicken, capsicum, onion, jalapeños, garlic, chilli + buffalo sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (532)

    • Lrg Marinara

      fresh seafood marinated in garlic + parsley

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (533)

    • Lrg Tandoori

      spinach, spanish onion, roast peppers, marinated chicken + garlic sauce

    • Lrg Chicken Pesto

      pesto, chicken, spinach, cherry tomato + feta

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (534)

    • Lrg Peri-peri Chicken

      chicken, roast peppers, spring onion, caramelised onion + peri peri mayo

    • Lrg Joes Burger

      beef, onion, egg + burger sauce

    • Lrg Moroccan Lamb

      marinated lamb, spinach, spanish onion, cherry tomatoes + garlic sauce

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (535)

    • Lrg Nachos

      corn chips, bolognese sauce, bacon, jalapenos, guacamole + sour cream

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (536)

    • Lrg Prawn

      fresh prawns, spinach, roast peppers, garlic + chilli

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (537)

    • Lrg Veggie Patch

      roast pumpkin, spanish onions, spinach, roast peppers, olives, cherry tomato + feta

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (538)

    • Lrg Roast Pumpkin

      roast pumpkin, spinach, feta + rosemary

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (539)


  • Gamberi


    prawns, spring onion, garlic, olive oil + parsley



    prawns, spring onion, garlic, olive oil + parsley

    Pasta Opt

  • Saltati (Limited Time Only)


    bacon, mushrooms, in a bolognese sauce fresh parsley


    Saltati (Limited Time Only)

    bacon, mushrooms, in a bolognese sauce fresh parsley

  • Chicken + Avocado


    breast chicken, onion, parsley, garlic + cream sauce


    Chicken + Avocado

    breast chicken, onion, parsley, garlic + cream sauce

    Pasta Opt

  • Napoletana


    rich homemade tomato sauce



    rich homemade tomato sauce

    Pasta Opt

  • Bolognese


    rich homemade meat sauce



    rich homemade meat sauce

    Pasta Opt

  • Meat Balls


    homemade meat balls + rich tomato sauce


    Meat Balls

    homemade meat balls + rich tomato sauce

    Pasta Opt

  • Joes Favourite


    chicken, bacon, mushroom, spinach + rosé sauce


    Joes Favourite

    chicken, bacon, mushroom, spinach + rosé sauce

    Pasta Opt

  • Marinara


    mix seafood, parsley + rose sauce



    mix seafood, parsley + rose sauce

    Pasta Opt

  • Chicken + Mushroom


    parsley, spring onion, garlic + cream sauce


    Chicken + Mushroom

    parsley, spring onion, garlic + cream sauce

    Pasta Opt

  • Chicken Pesto


    chicken, spinach, cherry tomato + cream


    Chicken Pesto

    chicken, spinach, cherry tomato + cream

    Pasta Opt

  • Matriciana


    bacon, onion, roast peppers, chilli + homemade tomato sauce



    bacon, onion, roast peppers, chilli + homemade tomato sauce

    Pasta Opt

  • Vegetarian


    mushroom, onion, roast peppers, spinach + rosé sauce



    mushroom, onion, roast peppers, spinach + rosé sauce

    Pasta Opt

  • Carbonara


    bacon, spring onion, garlic + cream sauce



    bacon, spring onion, garlic + cream sauce

    Pasta Opt

  • Chorizo


    spicy sausage, cherry tomato, spinach, chilli + rich tomato sauce



    spicy sausage, cherry tomato, spinach, chilli + rich tomato sauce

    Pasta Opt

  • Pumpkin Risotto


    spinach, feta, creamy sauce


    Pumpkin Risotto

    spinach, feta, creamy sauce

  • Prawn Risotto


    roast peppers, spinach + cream sauce


    Prawn Risotto

    roast peppers, spinach + cream sauce

  • Vegetarian Risotto


    mushrooms, onion, roast peppers, cherry tomato, spinach + rosé sauce


    Vegetarian Risotto

    mushrooms, onion, roast peppers, cherry tomato, spinach + rosé sauce

  • Chicken Risotto


    mushrooms, spinach, spring onion, garlic + cream sauce


    Chicken Risotto

    mushrooms, spinach, spring onion, garlic + cream sauce

  • Chicken + Bacon Risotto


    chicken, spinach + cream sauce


    Chicken + Bacon Risotto

    chicken, spinach + cream sauce

  • Tomato and Cheese (Limited Time Only)

    Tomato, Cheese


    Tomato and Cheese (Limited Time Only)

    Tomato, Cheese

    Choose one

  • Cheese and Pesto Sauce (Limited Time Only)

    Cheese, Pesto Sauce


    Cheese and Pesto Sauce (Limited Time Only)

    Cheese, Pesto Sauce

    Choose one

  • Cheese and Garlic (Limited Time Only)

    Cheese, garlic


    Cheese and Garlic (Limited Time Only)

    Cheese, garlic

    Choose one

  • Cheese and Olives (Limited Time Only)

    Cheese, Olives


    Cheese and Olives (Limited Time Only)

    Cheese, Olives

    Choose one

  • Fat Chips


    Fat Chips

    Choose one

  • Nachos

    Corn Chips, Cheese, Salsa, Jalapeños, Bolognese Sauce, Sour Cream, Guacamole + Spring Onion



    Corn Chips, Cheese, Salsa, Jalapeños, Bolognese Sauce, Sour Cream, Guacamole + Spring Onion

    Choose one

  • Pepper Squid (Limited Time Only)


  • Calamari (12)


    w/ garlic aioli

  • Crumbed Tenders + Chips


  • Buffalo Wings (6)


    w/ hot sauce

  • Garlic Bread Roll


  • Mozzarella Bites (10)


    w/ homemade napoli sauce

  • Sauces




    Sauce Opt

  • BBQ Ribs

    Slow Cooked In A Smokey BBQ Sauce And Finished On Our Flamin’ Hot Chargrill! Served With Garden Salad And Chips


    BBQ Ribs

    Slow Cooked In A Smokey BBQ Sauce And Finished On Our Flamin’ Hot Chargrill! Served With Garden Salad And Chips

    BBQ RIBS Opt

  • Wings

    Sticky Chicken Wings Are Marinated Overnight In Our Smokey BBQ Sauce & Grilled To Perfection On The Chargrill, Served With Garden Salad And Chips



    Sticky Chicken Wings Are Marinated Overnight In Our Smokey BBQ Sauce & Grilled To Perfection On The Chargrill, Served With Garden Salad And Chips

    Wings Opt

  • Rib Eye Steak (400g)


    Our Premium Steaks Are Slowly Chargrilled To Your Liking Served With Chips, Garden Salad And Mushroom, Pepper Or Garlic Sauce


    Rib Eye Steak (400g)

    Our Premium Steaks Are Slowly Chargrilled To Your Liking Served With Chips, Garden Salad And Mushroom, Pepper Or Garlic Sauce


    Choose your Steak Cook

    Choose your Sauce

    Choose your Sides

    • Rare

    • Medium Rare

    • Medium

    • Medium Well

    • Well Done

    • Mushroom

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (635)

    • Avocado

    • Creamy Garlic

    • Peri Peri

    • Salad

    • Chips

    • Chips And Salad


  • Chicken Breast


    w/ your choice of either mushroom, avocado,creamy bacon or peri peri sauce, served with Garden salad and chips


    Chicken Breast

    w/ your choice of either mushroom, avocado,creamy bacon or peri peri sauce, served with Garden salad and chips


    Choose Type

    Choose Sauce

    • Grilled

    • Crumbed

    • Mushroom

      Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (636)

    • Avocado

    • Creamy Garlic

    • Peri Peri


  • Grilled Tenders


    w/ your choice of either sweet chilli, peri perior signature bbq sauce, served with Garden salad and chips


    Grilled Tenders

    w/ your choice of either sweet chilli, peri perior signature bbq sauce, served with Garden salad and chips

    Grilled Tenders Sauce Option

  • Joes Signature Parma


    w/ your choice of; traditional , ham napoli sauce + cheese , bolognese sauce + cheese , aussie (bacon, onion + cheese) peri peri (onion, roast peppers + spicy sauce) , mushroom (creamy mushrooms + cheese) , aloha (ham + pineapple), served with Garden salad and chips


    Joes Signature Parma

    w/ your choice of; traditional , ham napoli sauce + cheese , bolognese sauce + cheese , aussie (bacon, onion + cheese) peri peri (onion, roast peppers + spicy sauce) , mushroom (creamy mushrooms + cheese) , aloha (ham + pineapple), served with Garden salad and chips



    • Traditional

    • Ham, Napoli Sauce + Cheese

    • Bolognese Sauce + Cheese

    • Aussie (bacon, Onion + Cheese)

    • Peri Peri (onion, Roast Peppers + Spicy Sauce)

    • Mushroom (creamy Mushrooms + Cheese)

    • Aloha (ham + Pineapple)


  • Greek Salad


    baby cos, olives, feta, onion,cucumber, tomato + lemonvinaigrette


    Greek Salad

    baby cos, olives, feta, onion,cucumber, tomato + lemonvinaigrette

  • Garden Salad


    mix greens, tomato, cucumber,onion, capsicum + Italian dressing


    Garden Salad

    mix greens, tomato, cucumber,onion, capsicum + Italian dressing

  • Caesar Salad


    baby cos, croutons, bacon,parmesan + dressing


    Caesar Salad

    baby cos, croutons, bacon,parmesan + dressing

  • Pumpkin + Feta


    mixed green + Italian dressing


    Pumpkin + Feta

    mixed green + Italian dressing

  • Nutella Pizza


    w/ nutella, icing sugar and your choice of either strawberries or banana


    Nutella Pizza

    w/ nutella, icing sugar and your choice of either strawberries or banana

    Nutella opt

  • Cinnamon Churroz (8)


    Out of stock

  • Cookies & Cream Mousse


  • Chocolate Mousse


  • Ben & Jerrys


    Ben & Jerrys

    Choose one

  • Can Drinks



    Can Drinks

    Can Drinks Opt

  • 1.25L Bottles



    1.25L Bottles

    125Liter Opt

  • Mineral Water


  • Beers

    Out of stock

  • Wines

    Out of stock

  • Mixes

    Out of stock

  • Mixes + Ciders

    Out of stock

Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (657) - Vegetarian

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Store is Offline!

'); } }); $('#view-basket').load('core/mybasket.php?page='); } else if (order_type == 'pickup') { var txt = 'You will be picking up from:'; $('#order-type-details-pickup').show(); $('#order-type-details-delivery').hide(); $("#estimated-time").load("core/estimated-time.php?type=pickup", function (data) { updateStoreDetails('Pickup'); store_status(order_type, data); if (!$.trim(data)) { $("#estimated-time").html('

Store is Offline!

'); } }); $('#view-basket').load('core/mybasket.php?page='); } }); } function store_status(order_type, notice_txt) { $.post('core/ajax/store_status.php', function (data) { if ($.trim(data) == 'taking_orders' || $.trim(data) == 'preordering' || $.trim(data) == 'future_ordering') { $("#bt-checkout").removeClass('disabled'); $("#bt-checkout").attr('disabled', false); //Disable checkout button upon checking store status } else { $("#bt-checkout").addClass('disabled'); $("#bt-checkout").attr('disabled', true); if(notice_txt != undefined && notice_txt != ''){ show_stack_bottomright(order_type, notice_txt); } } $("#order-type-bt-pickup, #order-type-bt-delivery, #platina-order-type-bt-pickup, #platina-order-type-bt-delivery").prop('disabled', false); }); } function show_stack_bottomright(order_type,notice_txt) { var stack_bottomright = {"dir1": "up", "dir2": "left", "firstpos1": 25, "firstpos2": 25}; var str = order_type +" Not Available"; str = str.toLowerCase().replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function(letter) { return letter.toUpperCase(); }); var opts = { title: str, text: notice_txt, addclass: "stack-bottomright", stack: stack_bottomright }; new PNotify(opts); } function checkout(e,v,m,f){ var order_time = ''; //var street_suburb = $("#deliveryStreet").val() == null ? '' : $("#deliveryStreet").val(); var checkorder = true; var type; if($('#order_time').length >0){ order_time = $('#order_time').val(); } $(".order-type-bt").each(function(){ if($(this).hasClass('active')){ if($(this).val()==='delivery'){ type='delivery'; }else{ type='pickup'; checkorder = true; } } }); if(checkorder){ $("#order-type-bt-pickup, #order-type-bt-delivery, #platina-order-type-bt-pickup, #platina-order-type-bt-delivery").prop('disabled', true); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "core/ajax/checkorder.php", }).done(function(msg){ if(msg=='reload'){ location.reload(); return; } if(msg=='guess_checkout'){ window.location = '?page=checkout'; return; } if(msg=='verifycode'){ startSMSCodeTimer(); showSMSVerifyWindow(); return; } if(msg=='prompt_login'){ window.login_referer = 'checkout'; $('.or_guest, .checkout_as_guest').show(); $('.register-ling a').attr('href','?page=register'); $('#login-wrap').fadeToggle('fast'); //display the popup modal login $('#order-type-bt-pickup, #order-type-bt-delivery, #platina-order-type-bt-pickup, #platina-order-type-bt-delivery').prop('disabled', false); $('.checkout_as_guest a').text('Checkout as Guest'); return; } if(e===undefined && (msg=='cart_loyalty_negative_amount' || msg=='cart_discount_negative_amount')){ if(msg=='cart_loyalty_negative_amount'){ var display_msg = 'Your order value is lower than your redemption. The Remaining value will be lost. Why not add to your order?'; }else if(msg=='cart_discount_negative_amount'){ var display_msg = 'Your order value is lower than your discount. The Remaining value will be lost. Why not add to your order?'; } $.prompt(display_msg ,{ buttons:{ 'Continue Browsing': false, 'No Thanks, I\'m Done': true },submit: function(e,v){ if(e){ msg=1; mycallbackfunc2(e); } $("#order-type-bt-pickup, #order-type-bt-delivery, #platina-order-type-bt-pickup, #platina-order-type-bt-delivery").prop('disabled', false); } }); return false; }else if(e===true && v===true){ //if customer agrees to continue msg=1; } if(msg=='cart_first_order'){ $.prompt('Please add items in your cart.'); $("#order-type-bt-pickup, #order-type-bt-delivery, #platina-order-type-bt-pickup, #platina-order-type-bt-delivery").prop('disabled', false); return; } if(msg=='cart_first_order_loyalty'){ $.prompt('Please add another item with your Loyalty Redemption Reward.'); $("#order-type-bt-pickup, #order-type-bt-delivery, #platina-order-type-bt-pickup, #platina-order-type-bt-delivery").prop('disabled', false); return; } if(msg>0){ if($('#jqi_state0_buttonOk').length){ $('.free-item-popup button#jqi_state0_buttonOk').live('click', function(e){ window.location = '?page='+page+'&order_time='+order_time; }); }else{ window.location = '?page='+page+'&order_time='+order_time; } }else if(msg<0){ $.prompt('Your order is less than the minimum order!'); $("#order-type-bt-pickup, #order-type-bt-delivery, #platina-order-type-bt-pickup, #platina-order-type-bt-delivery").prop('disabled', false); }else{ $.prompt('Your order is currently empty!'); $("#order-type-bt-pickup, #order-type-bt-delivery, #platina-order-type-bt-pickup, #platina-order-type-bt-delivery").prop('disabled', false); } }); } } function promo_code(xhr){ var promotional_code = ''; if( $("#promtional-code").length){ promotional_code = $("#promtional-code").val(); if( $('#promtional-code').val().trim().length===0 ){ ajaxResponse = true; } } //-if has request if(xhr){ xhr.abort(); } //-promo code request xhr = $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "core/ajax/check_promotional_code.php", data: {promotional_code:promotional_code} }).done(function(msg){ if(msg){ var response_code = msg.response_code; var promptMessage; /** v6 promocode lib returns this metadata for discounts */ if (msg.notification) { promptMessage = msg.notification; } else { promptMessage = msg.message; } //-prompt error if(response_code !== '00'){ ajaxResponse = false; $.prompt(promptMessage); }else{ //-ajax has flag is_special if(msg.is_special === 1){ window.location = '?page=deals&deal_plu='+msg.promotional_plu+'&deal_id='+msg.deal_id+'&menu_id=null'; }else if(msg.is_itemoption){ //-ajax return is for item option $.prompt(promptMessage,{ submit : function(e){ var data = []; data["option_id"] = $("#promo_option_id").val(); data["qty"] = 1; $("#promo_option_id").parent().children("input").each(function(o){ if($(this).attr('name') == 'plu'){ data['PLU'] = $(this).val(); } if($(this).attr('name') == 'price'){ data['price'] = $(this).val(); } if($(this).attr('name') == 'promocode'){ data['promocode'] = $(this).val(); } if($(this).attr('name') == 'single_promo_code'){ data['single_promo_code'] = $(this).val(); } if($(this).attr('name') == 'min_order'){ data['min_order'] = $(this).val(); } if($(this).attr('name') == 'promotional_id'){ data['promotional_id'] = $(this).val(); } if($(this).attr('name') == 'promotional_link'){ data['promotional_link'] = $(this).val(); } }); //Convert the object to query string var serialize = function(obj) { var str = []; for(var p in obj) if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p)) { str.push(encodeURIComponent(p) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[p])); } return str.join("&"); } $('#view-basket').load('core/mybasket.php?page=&'+serialize(data)); } }); }else{ $('#view-basket').load('core/mybasket.php?page=', function () { if ($('#discount_removal_notif').length === 0) { $.prompt(promptMessage); } }); } } } $('#promtional-code').val(''); }); return xhr; } function confirmCheckout(ordertype){ $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "core/ajax/get_times.php", data: "client_id=9885&ordertype="+ordertype, success: function(msg){ $.prompt(msg,{ buttons:{ 'Cancel': false, 'Proceed': true }, submit: function(e,v){ if(e){ mycallbackfunc(true); } } }); } }); return false; } function confirmDisclaimerCheckout(){ $.prompt("Please check your final order as the store will not be held accountable for any customer's mistake.",{ buttons:{ 'Cancel': false, 'Proceed': true }, submit: function(e,v){ if(e){ mycallbackfunc(true); } } }); return false; } function promptWithoutBeerCheckout2(){ $(".main-mask").css('z-index','998').addClass('active'); $(".main-mask").css('display','block').addClass('active'); $(".promptWithoutBeerCheckout").addClass('active'); } //function to Update the Store Information Details function updateStoreDetails(mode) { if ($("#estimated-time #est-time").length) { $('.store-details-open').empty().append('Estimated ' + mode + ' (' + $('#est-time').text() + ' mins)'); $('.store-details-open').show(); $('.store-details-close').hide(); } else { $('.store-details-open').hide(); $('.store-details-close').show(); var dataText = $("#estimated-time .store_status").text(); if (dataText === 'closed') { $('.store-status-details').html('

Store is not open for orders right now.

'); } else if (dataText === 'future_ordering') { $('.store-status-details').html('

Store is closed today but you can place your order for a later date.

'); } else if (dataText === 'preorder_waiting' || dataText === 'preordering') { if(mode == 'Delivery' && true){ $('.store-status-details').html('

Delivery starts later but you can pre-order now.

'); }else{ $('.store-status-details').html('

Store is currently closed but you can still order for later.

'); } } else if (dataText === 'closed_after_lunch') { $('.store-status-details').html('

Store is currently closed. Please come back later.

'); } else if (dataText === 'delivery_waiting') { $('.store-status-details').html('

Delivery orders start later.

'); } else if (dataText === 'delivery_ended') { $('.store-status-details').html('

Delivery has finished for today.

'); } } } function mycallbackfunc(e,v,m,f){ if(e){ checkout(); } } function mycallbackfunc2(e,v,m,f){ if(e){ checkout(e,true); } } $("#submitcode").click(function () { ($("#smscode").val().length <=0) ? $("#smscode").css("border-color", "red") : $("#smscode").removeAttr('style') $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "core/ajax/validatesmscode.php", data: $("#smscode").serialize(), success: function (result) { if (result == 'verified') { checkout(); } else if(result == 'verifiedguest'){ window.location.href = '?page=checkout'; } else if (result == 'failed') { $("#smscode").css("border-color", "red"); alert('Code is invalid. Please check if the code is correct.'); }else if (result == 'expired') { $("#smscode").css("border-color", "red"); alert('Code has expired (code is valid only within 10 minutes).'); } } }); }); $("#smscode").keypress(function (){ ($("#smscode").val().length >4)?$("#smscode").removeAttr('style'):''; })});

Order Type


Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (658)

Burger Deal

Itaque earum rerum tenetur a sapiente delectus ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores.

Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (659)

Free Drink

Itaque earum rerum tenetur a sapiente delectus ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores.

Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (660)

Chicken Deal

Itaque earum rerum tenetur a sapiente delectus ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores.

Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (661)

Burger Fries Deal

Itaque earum rerum tenetur a sapiente delectus ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores.

Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (662)

Grab a copy of our menu here.

Itaque earum rerum tenetur a sapiente delectus ut aut reiciendis maiores alias consequatur.

Quisque ac dolor nec nisl pellen tesque ulla mor. Ves tibulum sed per etamus. Ei erant pha edrum vis. Eut alii auta ea, tek sit timeam.

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About Us

Located throughout Victoria and recently NSW, we've been serving up quality, fresh Restaurant style food for you to enjoy at home since 2015. Made fresh to order, our expansive range of Pizza, Pasta, Risotto, Steak and Parmas will not disappoint. We've got something for even the pickiest foodie!

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Unit 2b/142 Halley St, Chisholm, ACT

02 5142 9918

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";$.prompt(promptMessage, { buttons: {Ok: true}, submit: anchorOption, });function anchorOption(e, v, m, f){if(v){ $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $('#store-data').offset().top}, 'slow', function(){var uri = window.location.toString();if(uri.indexOf("#") > 0){var clean_uri = uri.substring(0, uri.indexOf("#"));window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, clean_uri);}});}}// $('#login-wrap').fadeToggle("fast");});
Smokin' Joe's Pizza & Grill (2024)
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Article information

Author: Dan Stracke

Last Updated:

Views: 6317

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (63 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.