The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

F. J. an It veyed J. purchaser W. will sale 70 ESTATE TRANSACTIONS Mercantile Buiding For Cambridge St.

Five Brick Apartment Houses in Dorchester Sold. North Brighton Corner Changes Ownership. The Bowdoin real estate trust has conveyed to George Willcomb a brick and frame building, 80 and 82 Chardon st, Merrimac st and alWest End. It is near the co corner of ready owned by the purchaser." There is a total rating of with $10,700 on the 3434 square feet of land. The title came through Arthur C.

Badger. Annie Shapiro has bought 5 Revere-st pl, off Revere st, from the Sarah L. and $900 of this is on the 879 square lsenberg estate. It is taxed for $2100, feet of land. There is a four-story brick house.

Papers have been signed whereby a large property on Cambridge st, near Bowdoin sq, will soon change ownership, and it will mean the construction of a mercantile building. The title is now being will examined, and the final papers go record in a few days. The total amount involved is about $125,000, including the proposed new building. George P. MacLellan, the Roxbury Crossing broker, has sold to George A.

Saltmarsh a three-story and basem*nt brick house at 32 Genesee st, South End. It was owned for by Eleanor Ryan, and is taxed $5800. The assessors' value of the 900 square feet of land is $1800. MERCHANTS BANK BUILDING. The Merchants national bank is' to erect upon its present site as tall a building as the law will permit, say nine or 10 stories, at Van approximate cost of $1,000,000.

Plans are not yet ready. ROXBURY TRANSACTIONS. Papers have gone to record in the sale of 43 and 45 Quincy st, Roxbury, by Mary E. Bartlett Ida Cooper. The large frame house stands on 7504 square feet of land, rated at $2600.

The total assessment is $8000. The location is near the corner of May st. James H. Brennan, 31 State st, reports the sale for Rosalie A. Coleman of the property 6 st, near Gannett Holborn.

comprises a large frame house and 2777 square feet of land. of a total rating of $5700 there is $1200 on the lot. The purchaser was Frederick W. Miller Jr. A frame house and 1720 square feet of land, 76 Eustis st, near Dearborn st.

taxed for $2600, have been sold by Asa J. Merritt to John F. O'Brien et al. The assessors value the lot at $1500. George C.

Appleton Son report the sale of the property in Roxbury, 1 Sumner pl, corner of Cabot st, consisting of 11-room frame house, large stable and 5799 square feet of land. Whole is assessed for $7000. Agnes B. and Edith L. Jenks were the grantors and Elizabeth Coleman the purchaser, who buys for occupancy.

DORCHESTER SALES. The property of Sarah Isenberg, 1 to 7 Marshfield st, corner of Clifton st, Dorchester. has been purchased by Charles Wilinsky. It has a total rating of $24,400, of which $2200 is on the 5560 square feet of land. There are five brick apartment houses.

Another sale through the office of George P. MacLellan is of 46 Norfolk st, corner of Withington st. Sarah C. Rogers conveyed to John Sammullar et al, who have taken title. The large frame house occuples 4632 square feet of land, the latter rated at $1600.

There is a total assessment of $5000. Property, 94 to 96 Milton av, corner of Stockton st, assessed for $7200, has been bought by Alfred P. Nelson. It consists of 7928 square feet of land, rated at $2200, and a large frame house. The grantor was Lillie A.

Bartols. Silas E. Parsons has gold for Charles E. Sundburg, a frame three-apartment house and 3427 square feet of land, at 1517 Blue Hill av, Mattapan. The purchaser was Leslie J.

Gerould, for investment. The rating was at $7000, with $1000 on the land. Mrs Catherine B. Friel has bought for investment, 31 Holliday st, near the corner of Geneva av. It was sold through the Doherty realty company.

The price paid exceeded the total rating of $6500. There is 2698 square feet of land, taxed tor $700. The same company has agreement papers signed for the sale of several other parcels in different parts of Dorchester. BRIGHTON CORNER SOLD, Papers have gone to record at the Suffolk registry of deeds in the sale of 156 to 158 North Beacon st, corners of Etna st, North Brighton. There are six brick houses and 12,784 square feet of land, $3000 being the rating on the latter.

The whole is taxed for $15,000. The purchaser was James C. Keith, who took the title from Simeon W. Brown Jr. SALE IN BROOKLINE.

Through the office of Poole Bige. low: Mason building, a lot containing 10,000 square feet on the Chestnut Hill crossway, Brookline, has been sold to Alfred H. Moorehouse of Brookline, who erect an up-to-date house for occupancy. The road has just been completed by the Taylor estate and opens up an attractive section between Fisher Hill and Chestnut Hill. NEWTON HIGHLANDS.

Alvord Bros Co have sold to Fred R. Hayward 19,443 square of land on Cushing st, Newton Highlands. This sale is one of six parcels, including the house occupted for many years by J. Ilyde, former president of the Newton savings bank, all of which are now brought under one ownership for improvement. SALE IN WESTON.

low. Through the office of Poole Cooper of Weston has W. 413 acres of land on South av to Dr Posthauer of Brookline. The will erect a modern country residence on the premises and will gencrally improve the property. IPSWICH FARM SOLD.

The well-known John A. Burnham farm of acres, on Argilla has rd, Ipswich, been sold to A. N. Rantoul, who will make extensive improvements and occupy as a summer residence. The property is considered one of the finest in that town, as it is in a very prominent section.

The broker was Beverly Rantoul, 50 Congress st. COMPLAINT AGAINST HOTEL. Law Enforcement League Secures Warrant, Alleging Illegal Liquor Sales in Barnstable. Acting for the Law Enforcement Attorney Felix J. league, McGettrick and James Ray, together with two other detectives, motored to Barnstable yesterday and presented evidence to Judge Frederick C.

Swift of the Arst district court in regard to the alleged illegal of liquor at Terrace Gables, summer hotel of that place. was Judge Swift granted a warrant, which case will be served upon proprietor Draper. The heard at Barnstable Friday. According to the evidence two detectives dressed visited golfers the hotel late in August, as and yachtsmen, and allege liquors that. they bought intoxicating both in the.

dining hall and at the bar downstairs. Georgia Railway Electric Co. It 18 said that the holders of Georgia Railway Electric common stock will soon receive a valuable "melon." The plan is to lease the company's franchises the plants a new corporawhich has applied Railway tor a charter Co. and fieorgia Power for incorporation with a capital of 827,000,000, of which $15,000,000 will be common stock. The shares of the new company will be exchanged for shares said, the old one on such a basis, it 18 that the common stock of the present company will receive from 10 to The percent Georgia annual dividends.

18 earning Railway Electric Co now than percent common stock and paying 8 on percent. The stock sells in the Boston for about 157. WATER FRONT NEWS. The Captain Bennett Met Heavy Gales. Steamship Winifredian Brings in Many Tourists.

With her cargo shifted and heavily listed to port the Norwegian steamer Captain Bennett, Capt Pettersen, came into port. yesterday and anchored off the New Haven docks at 7:30 a.m. For four days the fruiter had been battling with. gales and fearful seas, and she pitched SO heavily that the cargo of bananas in the hold finally broke from the tiers and slid over to the port side. She brought the first cargo for the Caribbean fruit company.

was due Monday morning, but at that time she her way against a fierce northeasterly gale. The seamer was not damaged, however, and went up to 9 her berth and at the Charles river stores at a began unloading. Steamship. Winifredian of the Leyland line, Capt Shepherd, arrived yesterday from Liverpool, bringing 187 passengers, including a number of teachers and college instructors, while among the 19 cattlemen were students from Harvard, Brown, Cornell, Colgate, university of Chicago and the university of Illinois. The liner encountered some bad weather during the passage, and a slight detated stopping on two occasions for rangement to the steering gear necessipairs.

From the Grand banks the weather was particularly boisterous. The continuation of the northeasterly gale yesterday held up shipping and terrupted considerably with the schedules of the coastwise lines. The steamer Bunker Hill, which was due in the morning from New York, did not arrive until late in the afternoon. Her officers reported the storm unusually severe. The steamer Belfast, Capt Curtis, from the east, arrived from gor, after a rough night, and the Prince George, Capt McKinnon, from Yarmouth, came through without mishap.

The lower roads was congested with a fleet of storm-bound schooners and barges. Down in Vineyard sound a fleet of barges and schooners are stalled, whose total cargoes aggregate over 60,000 tons of coal. Most of these vessels are bound to Boston. Over a score of vessels arrived at wharf yesterday after running through rough weather from the Ashing grounds. Steamers Ripple came in with 48,200 pounds of mixed fish, Spray 43,007 pounds, schooners Rose Standish six swordfish, Clara G.

Silva 20,000 pounds of haddock, 18,000 pounds of cod, 1000 pounds of pollock and 600 pounds of halibut; Walter P. Goulart 30,000 pounds of haddock, 17,000 pounds of cod, 300 pounds of pollock and 2000, pounds of halibut; Mary Edith, 1100 pounds of cod, 500 pounds of pollock, 30,000 pounds of hake, 3000 pounds of cusk, 300 pounds of halibut; Mary C. Santos 10,000 pounds of haddock, 6000 pounds of cod, 4000 pounds of pollock, 1000 pounds of hake, 1000 pounds of catfish; Pontiac 26,500 pounds of haddock, cod and hake, Buema 22,500 pounds, Robert Arthur 000 pounds, Olive Hutchins 31,500 pounds, Josephine De Costa 19,500 pounds. Emilia Enos 19,500 pounds, Flora J. Sears $47,500 pounds, Mooanam 98.000 pounds, Alice M.

Guthrie 33.000 pounds. Terranova 38,000 pounds, Eva Avina 6000 pounds, Diana 3500 pounds, Actor 7000 pounds, Appomattox 10,000 pounds. Lillian 10,000 pounds. Dealers quoted cents per pound for steak cod, 5 cents for market cod, cents for haddock, cents for pollock, cents for large hake, cents for medium hake, cents for cusk, cents for catfish. Capt Elmer Crowley of the steamer Suffolk, from Norfolk, reports that the Great Round shoal gas and bell buoy No.

11-A had dragged to the southwest of its proper position. The change in position of the buoy was noted when the steamer passed Great Round shoal on Sunday. It was announced today that a lightship will be stationed Halifax next December as an aid to winter shipping. Heretofore no lightship has marked that spot. ARRIVED SEPT 19.

Ss, Winifredian Shepherd, Liverpool; Imani (Br), Pemberphy, Java via Fayal: Capt Bennett (Nor), Pettersen, Port Antonio, Jaw; Prince George (Br), McKinnon, Yarmouth, Goy Dingley, Mitchell, St John, via Eastport and Portland; One tario, Bond, Norfolk; Bunker Lewis, New York. Schs, Taura Melanson (Br), Melanson, Weymouth, Emily Northam, Huntley, Shulce, George Bradford, Littlefield, lockport, Mass, Tugs, Cuba, Bartlett, Gloucester; Neponset, Sears, Portland. SAILED. U'S battleship Michigan, New York. Ns, Franconia (Br), Liverpool via Queenstown: Devonian (Br), Liverpool; Sloterdyk (Dutch), Rotterdam via Philadelphia: Mandeville (Nor, Port Boston Antonio.

Jam; Rossano (BE), Sydney, (Br), Digby, Prince Arthur (Br), Yarmouth (latter not 18th); Hallfax (Br), Halifax, Port Hawkesbury, and Charlottetown, City of Macon, Savannah; Howard, Norfolk; Persian, Philadelphia: Bunker Melrose, Baltimore: Herman Winter and Hill, New York; Suffolk, Norfolk. Tugs, Cuba, towing barge Sagua, Newport News (calling at Newport for barge Foster): Cumberland, Portland (to tow barges Nos, 12 and 23 to Baltimore, returning here for barge No, 7). FRANCONIA SAILS. Isabel Daniel, 14, Who Has Been at School, Goes Alone to Join Mother, Just before dark last evening the Cunard steamship Franconia, Capt Smith, moved out from her berth at East ton and started, on her passage to Queenstown Liverpool. Her sailing time was 6 and about two miputes before that time some belated passengers rushed down the pier and climbed up the gangplank.

On board were 57 saloon passengers, 175 second cabin and 350 steerage, and she carried out a cargo that tested the capacity of her great holds. Several of the saloon passengers were English tourists returning home, while there were a number of Americans who will spend the winter abroad. Isabel Daniel, a 14-year-old who has been attending a private school in the south, went over on steamer to join her mother, Mrs A. H. Barclay, a wealthy American woman, who resides in England.

Mrs Joseph "Houston "the her son, who had traveled across continent from Vancouver, nearly missed the liner. They were the last to go on board. A number of Boston people were among the passengers and their friends were out in large 'numbers to bid them bon voyage. WAGON WRECKS TRAIN. Freight Car Derailed, Driver and Horse Escape Unhurt.

A backing freight train of the Boston Maine railroad demolished fish wagon belonging to Fernald Co, East Boston, at the Hoosac tunnel docks in Charlestown yesterday consisting morning and scattered Its contents, the of 20 barrels of salt fish, over street. Three of the freight cars were damaged and' a fourth was escaped derailed, without Horse and driver A scratch. BUSINESS NOTICES CASTORIA For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Services at parents residence, 194 Fenno Revere. Wednesday, 2 m. English and Scotch papers please copy.

MARRIAGES. at St church, by Rev W. M. BURNHAM-LUTHER-In Marblehead, Sept Partridge, Ernest rector of the of parisis, the cathedral assisted by of Rev Dr Voorhis St John the Divine, New York, Grace Aline Luther to John Appleton Barnham. DEATHS.

Hoose Tunnel, suddenly. Sept. 15, Susie I. Allan, beloved daugater of David and Family J. Allan, 22 9 mos 10 THE BOSTON DEATHS.

ALVES Suddenly, on the fishing schooner Ethel Penny. Sept 17, Othon L. Alves, 01 vra. Funeral at Cohasset, Wednesday mornW. Ing.

Sept. 20. Friends may view remains at H. Graham's funeral parlors. 1770 WashIngton st, Tuesday, Sept 19, after 8 m.

BLAISDELL. Everett, Mass, Sept 18. Han. nah widow of Charles 8. Blaisdell, 88 yrs.

Services at her late residence. 32 Oak st, Thursday, Sept 21. at 10 a m. Burial at Sowers worth, N. el.

BRESLIN-In Dorchester, Sept 19. Mary Breslin (nee Eyland), wife of Thomas G. Breslin. Funeral from ber late residence. 9 Mather st.

Thursday, Sept 21, nt 7 a sharp. High mass of requiem at St Mark's church. Dorchester ay, at 7:15 o'clock. Intertnent In Portland. Train leaves North station for Portland at 10 m.

Relatives and friends invited to attend. Kindly omit flowers. BURNS In Cambridge, Sept 18, Patrick Burns. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral from the home of his daughter, Mrs. Katherine Ready, 117, Webster high av.

mass at Thursday St- morning at 8:15, Requiem Patrick's church. Berkshire st, at 9 o'clock. Burial at Malden. busband of In Jane Everett, Conroy, Sept 18, 74 P'eter, beloved yrs. Funeral from the residence of bis son, Dr Peter J.

Conroy, 835 Solemn Broadway, Thursday, Sept 21. at 8 a m. high mass of requiem at the Immaculate Conception church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment at Lawrence, Mass.

Bangor papers please copy. South Boston, Sept 18. Charles beloved hushand of Mary V. Crowley (nee Cassidy), 47 yrs. Funeral from his late restdence, 394 Athens st, Thursday.

Sept 21, at 8:15 a m. Requiem mass at st Vincent's church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Late member of division 75, A. O.

and stone masons' union 9. Itterment at New Calvary cemetery. DALEY--In South Natick, Sept 19, Katherine A. beloved daughter of John and Mary, Dales. 19 yrs 3.

mos. Funeral from her late residence, 14 Broads ay, Friday, Sept 22, at 8:15 a m. Requiem mass at the church of the Sacred Heart at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends are invited. DOLBEN-In East Boston, Sept 19.

at 243 Princeton st. Ernest Edward, son of the late Joseph and Mary Dolben, 22 yrs 7 mos 17 ds. Funeral services at the Trenton-st Baptist church. Thursday, Sept 21, at 2 p. 81, DONCASTER-In South Boston, Sept.

18, Cath-d erine Doncaster (nee Dooley), beloved wife of George A. Doncaster. Funeral from her late residence, 250 Sth st, Thursdas, Sept 21, at 8:30 a m. High mass et. St Augustine's church at 9 o'clock.

Relatives and friends are Invited. Burial at Holy Cross. cemetery, Malden. DULLAHAN-In the West End, Sent 10, Hugh youngest son of Michael and Catherine Mansfield Dullahan. Funeral (corner from North parents' Grove residence, 1 Church pl st).

Wednesday, Sept 20, at 2 at m. Relatives and triends Invited. Interment Holy. Cross cemetery, Malden. DUNN-In beloved Cambridge, Sept 18, Catherine Theresa, daughter of John and Catherine T.

(Grady) Dunn, 18 yrs 5 de. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral from her late home, 601 Main st, Thursday, St Sept 21, 8 church at 9 Requiem o'clock. high Burial muss at at a m. Holy Cross cemetery. Sept 18,, Minnie wife of Benjamin Edwards, 84- yrs mos.

Services at her late residence, East st, Winchester, Wednesday, Sept 20, m. FENTON--In Charlestown, Sept 18, Daniel, beloved husband of the late Mary Fenton (nee Conley). Funeral from the residence of his daughter, Mrs William H. Bolton, 66 Walker st. Wednesday, Sept 20, at 8:30.

Requiem high mass at St. Francis de Sales' church, Bunker Hill st, at 9 o'clock. Kindly omit flowers. FLEMING-In Boston, Sept 10, Nellie youngest daughter of the late John and Star. garet Fleming.

Funeral from her late restdence, 784. Beucon st. Friday, Sept 22, at 9 a m. Solemn requiem mass at St Cecilia's church, Belvidere st, at 10. a In.

Kindly omit dowers FLYNN--In Chelsea, Sept 10, James Joseph, Infant son of Joseph and Mary Flynn (nee Moran), formerly of the West End. Funeral from. parents residence, 43 Sbawmut st, Thursday, Sept 21, at 2 elock. Relatives and friends invited. Interment at Holy Cross, Maiden.

Mass, in FRENCH-Suddenly, the 68th year of her age, Frances on Sept 18, in Petersham, widow of the late John J. French and daughter of the late Charles E. Stratton. Services at 200 Commonwealth av, Thursday, Sept 21, at 2 o'clock. GAGAN-In Beverly, Sept 18, Bridget Thomas Gagan (nee loved son of John and McDonough), Funeral from the residence of his cousin, Mrs Bartholomew McDonough, 88 West 6th st, South Boston, Thursday, Sept 21, at 8:15.

High mass of requiem at Lady of the Rosary church at 9 a m. tives and friends invited to attend. GILLMAN-In Everett, Sept 17. Vinorab, wife of Henry B. 6 Marion pl, Everett, 56 sr8.

Services 3 Thursday at the residence. Interment at Glenwood cemetery. Portsmouth, and Milford, Mass, papers please copy. GRAHAM--In this city, Sept 17, Lucinda, beloved wife of Calvin H. Graham.

47 Funeral Services at her late residence. 101 Albion st, Wednesday, Sept invited 20, at to 1 attend m. Relatives and friends are without further notice. GRANT--In Roxbury, Funeral Sept: 10, William from his W. late residence, 9 Brookford st, on Thursday, Grant, yrs.

services Sept 21, at 3:80 m. Relatives and friends invited to attend without further notice, HODSDON--In this 'city, Sept 18, suddenly, Elizabeth W. Hodsdon. Funeral from her late residence, 89 Franklin st, Allston. Thursday, Sept 21, at 2 m.

HOFFMAN--In East Boston, Sept 18, William beloved child of John C. and Margaret Funeral Hoffman (nee 8 yrs 6 mos. from parents' residence, 683 Bennington st, Wednesday at 2 m. Relatives attend. aud friends are respectfully invited to KENNEY--In Rosbury, Sept 19, Margaret (nee McGrath), widow of the late Thomas Kennes, 37 of yrs.

Funeral E. Rattery, 1169 Tremont from the undertaking st. Wednesday, Sept 20, at 8:30 a m. High parlors Thomas mass of requiem at St Francis de Sales' church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends kindly invited.

MARSTON--In Allston, A. Sept G. 19, at Marston, the resi- 1379 dence of Her son, P. av, -Mary James Marston, in 89th year of her life, Prayers at the the crematory chapel, Mt Auburn, Thursday at 3 o'clock. MeGUIRE-In East Boston, and Sept 19, Catherine John Mebeloved son of James Guire (nee Farrell), 8 mos.

Funeral from at 2 m. Relatives and friends are respectparents' residence, 87 Chelsen st, Weduesday, fully invited to attend. McKER-In West Quincy, Sept: 19, Mary MeKee, 88 yrs. Funeral from the residence of her daughter, Mrs Jane Caven, 42 Grove st, Wednesday, Sept at 20, St at Mary's 8:15 a church m. at High 9 mass of requiem o'clock.

Relatives and felends invited to attend. Dorchester, Sept 18, Joseph, beloved husband of Elizabeth L. McKinnon (nee Schofeld). Funeral from the late dence, 17 ID. Requiem high mass at St Leo's Standish st, Thursday, Sept 21, at a at 9 a m.

Interment at Holy Cross, Malden. Edward Island and Spokane and Prince Washington papers please copy. MeLOUGHLIN-In Chelsea, Catherine Sept 18. MeLough. Patrick beloved husband Funeral of from his late restlin (Hee Elis).

dence, 189 Bellingham st, mass Thursday, at St Sept Rose's 21. at church 8 a at m. 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends Solemn high invited to attend. McLEAN-In Somerville, McLean, Sept 19, Janet Funeral wife of Donald C.

61-3rs. services at late residence, 19 Paulina st, Thursday, at 2 m. MILES -In Jamaica Plain, Sept 19, Alexander, husband of Annie M. Miles (nee Baxter), 52 Funeral from his late residence, 82 yrS. Carolina av, Thursday, Sept 21, at 2:30 In.

Nova Scotia papers please copy. MURPHY-In Cambridge, the Sept late 18, Francis Ann C. F. Mur- Mur. ray, becoved wife of plis.

Funeral from residence 66 of Dana her st, daughter, CamSirs Isabelle J. Rolide, mass bridge, of requiem at St Mary's of the AnThursday, Sept 21, at 10 a m. High nunciation church at 11 o'clock. Relatives and -friends invited to attend. Interment in St Paul's cemetery, Arlington.

NEWHALL-In Everett, Thomas Sept E. 19, Newhall, Harriet 70 Rebecca, widow of yes 10 mos 18 ds. Funeral services late residence. 175 Nichols st, Thursday, Sept 21, at 2:80 p.m. Burial private, Friday, at Wyoming cemetery, Metrose.

NUNE-In this cits, services Sept 18, Otis the F. None, 32 chapel, 2328 Washington st, Roxbury, Funeral at Waterman nesday, Sept 20, at 1 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Sept 19, Irving 8. Palmer of Winchester and Marblehead Neck.

72 yrs 10 mos 4 is. Funeral from residenre, 37 Dis st, Winchester, Thursday, Sept 21, at. 2:30 m. Trains leave North station at 1:30 and 2 o'clock. Please omit flowers, Manchester H.

papers please copy. PIGEON--In Roxbury, Sept residence 18, of Mary Pigeon. Funeral from the her sister, Mrs William Mulbern, 13 Southwood st, Thursday, Sept St 21, John's at 8 a church m. at High 9 mass o'elock. of requiem at Relatives and friends invited.

Providence papers please cops. PIKE--In Waltham, Sept 18, Alfred soil of George S. and Sara Pike, 61 yes. Born and brought up in West End, Boston. Funeral him inte residence.

392. Newton st. Waltham. Thursday, 21, at 2 m. Relatives and friends Invited.

POWERS In Somerville, 19, Patrick Powers. Notice of funeral later, RYAN--In Sept 19, and Catherine beloved child of Ralph V. Nellie Ryan, mos 6 de. Funeral from parents' res dence, 80 Eastie at, Wednesday, Sept 20, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends.

invited. SEGO--In East Boston, Sept 19, Ellen, widow of Charles Sego, formerly of the West End. Funeral from the residence of her: daughter. Mrs Mary J. Jaryls, 821 Saratoga st, Thursday at 8:15 a m.

High mass of requiem clock. at the Star of the Sen eburch at Relatives and friends invited to attend. Take Orient Heights car. SHEEHY--In Roxbury, Sept 19, Mrs Mary Sheehy wife of Thomas J. Sheehy.

Funeral from her inte residence, 32 Clifton st, Thursday, Sept. 21, at 8 a m. High massof requiem at Peal's church. Wood st, nt 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited to attend.

FLOWERS Of All Kinds, Loose and Arranged. ZINN, 1 Park St. WINES, LIQUORS. ETC KY. TAYLOR WHISKEY A PERFECT BLEND SOLD BY DEALERS AT $1.00 Ene Old The Full Honest Qt.

At good dealers. Have Your Licensed Grocer O1 Mail Order House Include a Bottle in Your Next Order. Wholesale dealers can communicate with THE R. H. HIRSHFIELD CO.

NEW ENGLAND AGENTS Washington St. Boston P. WHITNEY, EVERETT C. BENTON, Metropolitan Park Commission. JOHN R.

RABLIN, Engineer. 3t 819 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, Metropolitan Park Commission- Notice to Contractors Sealed proposals for constructiag granolithic walks, gutters and curbs at the Charles River Embankment between Cambridge Bridge and Charlesgate West, Boston, will be received at the office of the Metropolitan Park Cemmission, 14 Beacon Street, Boston, until 12 o'clock- M. of September 26. 1911, at which time and place the bids will be publicly opened and read. Proposals must be made up: on the blank form furnished with the copy of contract and specifications, and ench bid must be accompanied by' a certified, check for the sum of $2000.

"Che estimate of the amount of work to be done is 3100. square yarde granolithic walks, gutters information and curbs. Pamphlets containing further for bidders, form of proposal, contract. specifications and bond may be obtained, and plans may be seen 14 at the office of the engineering department, Beacon Street, A deposit of 82. will be required for copies of the above-mentioned pamphlets.

The Commission reserves the right reject any and proposals or to accept the proposal deemed best for the Commonwealth. WILLIAM DE LAS CASAS. EDWIN U. CURTIS, N. SKILLINGS, ELLERTON P.

WHITNEY. EVERETT C. BENTON. politan. Park Commission.

JOHN. R. RABLIN. Engineer. 8t s19 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, Metropolitan Park Commission, Notice to Contractors.

Sealed proposals for building and erecting an iron fence on retaining walls near Broadway. Alewife Brook Parkway. (Somer ville. Arlington and Cambridge, will be- re: ceived at the office of the Metropolitan Park Commission, 14 Beacon of street. Boston, 1911.

until 12 o'clock m. September 26. at which time and place the bids will publicly opened and read. Proposals must be made upon the blank form furnished with the copy of contract accompanied by certified and each and specifications, bid must be a check for the sum of 81000. The estimate of the amount of work to be done is 1850 lineal feet iron fence.

Pamphlets containing further information for form of proposal, contract, specifientions, bond and may be obtained at the. office of the engineering: department. 14 Beacon street. A deposit of 82 will be for coples of the above-mentioned pamphlets, The Commission reserves tire right reject any and all proposals or to accept the proposal deemed best for the Common wealth. WILLIAM B.


RABLIN, Engineer. 3t NOTICE TO CONFRACTORS- Sealed hide for furnishing and setting enameled elling, and for other work incidental thereto. in station near Park and Tremont streets of the Tunnel under Beacon Hill, will be received by the undesigned until 2:30 o'clock of Monday, Sept 25, 1911. Specifications and forms of contract can be obtained at 15 Beacon street, 9th floor, The right to reject any and all bids, and to award the contract as is. deemed to be for the best Interest of the City of Boston is reserved.

By order of the ROSTON TRANSIT COMMISSION. B. LEIGHTON BEAL, Secretary. PROPOSALS Metropolitan COMMONWEALTH Park OF MASSACHUSETTS, Commission, Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals for excavating and refilling with loam and manure tree.

pits on Charles River Embankment, Boston, will be received Commission, at the office of the Metropolitan Park 14 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass, until 12 o'clock of September 26, 1911, af which time and and place the bids will be pubHely opened read. Proposals must be made upon the blank forms furnished with the copy of contract and specifications, and each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for the sum of $1000. The estimate of the amount of work to be done is as follows: 3500 cubic yards earth excavation: 2850 cable yards loam to be furnished by Contractor: 1000 cuble yards screened loam to' be furnished by Contractor; 130 cords manure. Pamphlets taining further information for bidders, form of proposal, contract, specifications and bond may be obtained, and plans may be seen at the office of the engineering department, 14 A Bencon Street. A deposit of $2 will be required for copies of the above-mentioned pamphlets.

The Commission reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or to accept the proposal deemed best for the Commonwealth. WILLIAM B. DE LAS CASAS, EDWIN U. CURTIS, DAVID N. SKILLINGS, ELLERTON LOST, FOUND, ETC FOUND -White yacht tender in Dorchester bay; can have by paying charges.

W. J. -197 Broadway, So. Boston. :19 POUND -Baby carriage, owner can have by proving property and Boston.

paying charges. $20 Apply 16 Wendell st. South FOUND--Pocket book FARRELL, containing 348. Harrison small sum av, of money, coal office. FOUND--A sum of money in a cate: owner can have by proving property.

Box 141. $19 FOUND- A watch, in Haywarket sq, -Sept 15. 267, Globe office. West, Washington or Temple pl, a small gold LOST On Monday afternoon on Tremont. lady's Waltham reward.

watch, 39 monogram Rogers on back, pin attached; av, Lynn, Mass. LOST- -From 103 Beverly st, Russian poodle, dark brown in color, short tall, been clipped, answers to the name of Teddy. Return to 103 Beverly st and receive reward: JOE LOST- Near Uphams Corner, Monday P. white and brindle setter F. puppy Reward for return to -0, DAVENPORT, LOST--Sept 18, Boston terrier dog, brindle Windermere road.

Dorchester. and white, weight 22 return to owner and receive reward, P. SULLIVAN, 11 Batchelder st, Roxbury. LOST--Lady's suit on late Woburn MacMILLAN Boston car Sunday night, Return to BROS, 9 East Dedham st; reward. LOST -Saturday, traveling handbag containing papers.

tapeline, ete; reward. A. 34 Center, Lowell, Mass. 819 THE BALL ROOM SHEAFE'S DANCING ACADEMY HAS REMOVED to 883 Boylston st, eor Gloucester: open for business; tel B. B.

4279. AT MR AND MRS W. S. STOKELL'S, 872. Boylston st- Class or private lessons; course $5.

818 BOSTON'S Tending dancing sebool, Bay State, 1081 Washington st; Mon, Fri classes; Tues, Thur, Sat socials; call or' send for. elrculars. 1817 PROF AND URS HEINEMANN. 176 Temont st--New Sat; opens Tues, Thurs, join DOW: socials Wed. private lessons any time with music; waltz or tirostep 2 lessons, $17 PROFESSOR 8 SLYE, class), 446 call Tremont 2 to st.

4 12 lessons (4 private, any afternoon, or 6 to 9 any evening, 617 CLOTHING "CAST-OFF CLOTHING wanted of all kinds: also carpets and cash. M. furniture; 0. 76 postal, I send will call. and pay Church st.

$17 LADIES' CLOTHES of all MRS ANNIE description and furs sold 50c on dollar. GOLDBERG, 68 Green st, near Staniford, W. E. WThF 820 WANTED- All from Kinds $2 of $5 gents cast-0. Ing; will pay to more for largest garments than other denlers; we have the outlets; send postal, will call, or tel 1990-W Ros, MARKS CHESTER, 105 Dudley st.

817 PATENTS C. S. GOODING Engineer Mechanical PATENTS 28. School St. Boston--Registered Attorney (Established 29 years.) WFSuMtf SOFT STOVE 85e.

LINING BAKER all stoves and ranges: price 00, 4Sutf Portlandst. $17 LEGAL NOTICES LAWYER HILL 47. COURT family BOSTON. FREE ADVICE, in troubles, desertion: non-support, intoxication, cruelty and all other probate matters, conducted quietly and on easy terma. 40 YEARS' 817.

PRACTICE. HEATING AND COOKING IMMENSE SALE big lot of new Boston-made for a few days, 814; to dealers or others ranges. lots of 10, 813.50; don't aniss this chance. ALBEE'S. 53 Sud6t $17 SEWING MACHINES ALL MAKES 53 to $10; new, $10.

50 $35; all makes repaired and rented, parts for all makes machines. 36 Warren st, Roxbury; tel 8202-L. AN A WEE 1822 ad SEPTEMBER TRANS- LINES CUNARD LINE Boston-Queenstown-Liverpool FRANCONIA Oct. 17, 4:30 P. M.

IVERNIA- Oct. 31, 4:00 P. M. New York-Fishguard-Liverpool 23. 10 A.


Fort Hill 4000 126 STATE ST Sudtt 810 ALLAN LINE Montreal to Liverpool The St. Lawrence Route Shortest, Smoothest, Most Picturesque. New, Fast Turbine Steamers Sept 23, Oct 20, Nov 17 Sept 29, Oct 27 6, Nov 8 Victorian. 13, Nov 10 Saloon Passage $80.00 upward. Second Saloon $50.00 upward.

H. A. ALLAN, 90 State Boston. ANCHOR LINE GLASGOW LONDONDERRY AND Sailing Splendid from New York every Saturday. CHAS.

V. 8 Broad st. Boston. accommodations. Moderate rates.

dSutf myl OCEAN AND COASTWISE LOW RATE EXCURSIONS TO BERMUDA S. FAST S. TWIN "OCEANA SCREW Round Largest Trip, and Berth Finest and Meals $15 Up Bermuda-Atlantic Line, 290 B'way, 'N. 'Y. tr Je22 BUSINESS CHANCES $050-HAIRDRESSING, facial massage bustness, excellent location, business $20 dally, 6 bicely, furnished rooms: connected.

rent $25, including heat; little mint. MES BISHOP, 276 Fremont st. $700- VARIETY, grocery, Wakefeld; bustness $150 weekly, only $12; old est place; coining money. Particulars see MRS BISHOP. LODGING HOUSE, 14 well furnished rooms, nice carpets, beds, all let, paying well; tent $70; bargain.

MRS BISHOP. 5275 RESTAURANT LUNCH, seats 36, nice location, rent Jump quick for a bargain. MRS BISHOP, 276 Tremont st. A BARBAIN- $350, only: $125 down, buys elegantly furnished 10-room lodging house, brass beds, art squares and new carpets; rent $45, income about $100; sickness cause sale. WEBB.

A BARGAIN- $450, only $150 down, 17-100m house, hot water beat: rent $75, income $154; velvet carpets. WEBB, 8 Berkeley st. MASS. AV-18-room house, partly furnished, income $100 month over all expenses; beautiful location, finely furnished; price $675. WEBB, Berkeley st.

LODGING HOUSE, 17 rooms and bath, best location at So End; must be sold. S. WOLFE, 683 Tremont st. $20 LODGING HOUSE, 13 rooms and bath, good location; price $700. E.

S. WOLFE, 683 Tremont st. 520 LODGING HOUSE, 15 rooms, rent $55 month, price $400; also others, all prices, $400 to $2500. E. 8.

WOLFE, 683 Tremont st, cor West Newton st. 820 A BARGAIN- house, finely furnished, steum heat, open plumbing; rent month, income price $1500. WEBB, 8 Berkeley st. BUSINESS $3600, Boston manifactory, worthy investigation. COYLE, 164 Federal.

819 BACK. BAY LODGING HOUSE, 12 rooms, rent $75, well, furnished, good income. 167 Massachusetts av, near. Boyiston st. BLACKSMITH business for sale, 18 miles from Brockton; price low.

Address 343, Globe office. BUY QUICK LUNCH car transter; terms. SHOREY, notary, 705 Washington. 820 BARBER SHOP and poolroom, very good place. COTE.

1984 Mass. av. CIGAR STORE, best down-town location, clear $20 weekly, great bargain offered; call early, HARPER, 230 Washington st. CANDY AND ICE CREAM STORE to let. fixtures for sale, tools for manufacturing if wanted.

Apply 211 W. Newton st. CAPITAL WANTED First-class ing proposition, unlimited field. Address 74, Globe office. DRUG BUSINESS for sale, suburb of Hoston, 17 years established; modern fixtures, complete stock, nice family trade, owner retires; quiek sale desired.

Call or address 24 Milk st, 1001n 711, Boston, Mass. $20 DINING ROOM to let, tully equipped. Apply 10 Elliot st. Beverly, Mass. dSu7t 815 FOR SALE VERY CHEAP -A nice grocery and creamery store in Charlestown.

clearing $20 a week; good reason selling. Can see owner at 42 Trull st, Someryille, only. nights; ask for MR HERMAN; will give some easy terms. 820 FOR SALE Grocery store, well stocked, goods, fixtures: run by the same party 15 years. 354.

Globe 'office. FOR Cigar store, good opportunity. 260 Washington st, Newton. 817 TOR SALE Grocery store, well stocked, always busy, 168 Cedar st, Roxbury, 817 GROCERY AND HOTEL for sale, 10 miles from Boston, on main st, small hotel, with 11 rooms, all modern improvements, grocery store connected; owner obliged to go away; price reasonable. 308, Globe office.

GROCERY and meat market for sale in heart of city, corner store, very reasonable; business increasing. 272, Globe office. GOOD OPPORTUNITY shop for sale, prop. leave business. 201 Cambridge st, East Cambridge, Mass, :20 GRO AND PROV BUS of Wash st, cash trade, good location, price right.

334, Globe ollice. HICKS MeGINLEY, 28 School st- creamery and grocery, bus $200 week; $350, grocery, corner store; $300, grocery, 2 rooms con; department store at inventory, 110 petition; millinery, offer wanted. HANCOOK ST, near state house 16-room house, elegantly furnished, income $100 month over rent; price $1100. WEBB, 8 Berkeley st. HERE is a store business for you that want 8 good paying business in a variety.

See HOLLAND, 387 Talbot av. Dorchester. HAVE 2 first-class lodging houses, 1 for sale; can show profit of over $1000 per year. 287, Globe office. 820 WANT A prov store that will stand up; send particulars.

265, Globe office. JEWISH GROCERY, 4 rooms connected, fine business. sickness compels sale. 186, Globe office. "LODGING HOUSES- Some special bargains; 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 to 22 rooms; prices $450, $475, $500, $550, up; 16 rooms, finely steam rent $58, price $490; also fine list of B.

Bay houses: bakery and gro, good' corner, $550. F. J. TURNER, 504 Fremont st. LODGING HOUSE for sale at a bargain; everything good and as represented; best house on street, full of permanent roomers; pays a profit of $65 over rent; come and look it over.

48 Appleton st, elty. $20 LUNCH ROOM, in a good location: will sell for any offer 86 owner 19 going away. 254, Globe office. LODGING HOUSE for sale- A clean, well furnished house, full of lodgers. Apply LANDLADY, 1 Concord sq.

$20 LODGING HOUSE, 14 rooms, only $250 down. Apply Dartmouth st: Mr COOK. MILLINERY STORE for sale, on account of owner's sudden illness. 1977 Columbus ar, near Egleston Square, Rot. $20 OVEN BUILDING specialty.

estimates furnished, all kinds of brick work. C. A. KELLEY, 3 Allston pl. s12 ONE OF THE FINEST paying grocery stores in Somerville, doing over $200 weekly.

HOLLAND. 337 Talbot av. Dorchester. PARTNER wanted, as treasurer of theatre, $25, weekly and third interest in business, $500 required. J.

W. 258 Washington st. STRAIGHT GROCERY, oft main st, in Dorchester, doing fine cash business. Get particulars of HOLLAND, 387 Talbot av. Dorchester.

TERRITORY open for bright men, $250 will establish you in business for yourself on the Odell automatic machine so you can be independent; you can earn $25 weekly, and by securing more territory on same basis, double it; no speculation, sound business; 1 can show you such results right here being in operation less than 30 days; call or quiek. J. W. KIRK, 79 Summer st. VARIETY STORE-Magazines, periodicals, cigars, tobacco, seliool supplies, soda, large candy trade.

WARD, 34 School -st. VARIETY OF grocery, with rooms; quick. 264. Globe office. WE START YOU In a rapidly growing Dualness of your own and furnish everything.

keep your present position until entire timo is required; big profit, patented repeat order mail order specialties, manufactured by us and sold exclusively through our representatives, small capital, new selling write for plan, and sworn statements. M. PEASE MEG CO, 126 Michigan at, Buffalo, N. Y. SuWSt 83 WILL ADVANCE money in any going bustness; must show profit: no get-rich scheme.

Address room 46, Barristers Hall, Brockton, Mans. VANTED TO rent. lunch room oF dining room, by two young men, just closed summer place in Maine: best references. A. 67 Gardner st.

Springfield, Mass. Parties with 85000 to take 5 terest in inanufacturing plant, established STERN 68. Globe offices YOUNG MAN with few hundred dollars to. levest and services as partner in good establisted business, moving pletures preferred, trial allowable. Address 179.

Globe office, 3t 810 16 ST CHARLES ST- 12-E. 1 house, 5, beat, rent $50, income $100, price $450, $250 down. sickness; hours 4 to 5. 919 20, 1911. BUSINESS CHANCES proposition.

ROGERS. PROCTOR ROGERS 30 244 GLOBE WASHINGTON BUILDING. ST. IF YOU HAVE a business of any kind tor sale or exchange list it here: will get you cash for same in 10 daya; several places sold last week; let yours be next. ROGERS.

CHANCE OF A LIFETIME -Lunch room with connters and tables. elegantly fitted, the best location and lowest rent In Boston. doing large and profitable bus, will sacrifice for good reasons. ROGERS. -VARIETY, soda fountain, lee cream, school supply, main st.

large elty near Boston, doing bus: if looking for bus, here it 1s. ROGERS. $250 BUYS nice little book, store and eirculating library, rent only $10 month. right in Boston, good. opening for young man.

ROGERS. 8550 BUYS lunch room, close to Charlestown navy yard, doing splendid bus, great chance, act prompt. ROGERS, STRAIGHT GROCERY busiest city in Mans, very low rent. owner in other bits run by help, can clear $40 weekly, snap. ROGERS.

$300 LUNCH ROOM In the heart of the shopping and theatre dist: death in family forces this little mint on the market. ROGERS. DAIRY LUNCH- Busy part Washington st. this proposition worthy investigation. ROGERS.

WANTED A MAN with $600 to take interest in dairy lunch, must be an netive worker and capable of taking entire charge, can draw fair salary and the profits, this is a. bonn fide 35 COURT ST, over Puritan Trust bank--No trouble to sell your place: phone 1060 Main. It any place is a bargain it's at Proctor's; if it's at Proctor's, it's a bargain. CREAMERY FOR SALE- Owner will not cover is the only reason for this cash. weekly business, butter, cheese, eggs and other goods such as sold in a firstclass creamery: you are sure of at 880 clear: price $800, not half what it's worth.

PROCTOR, 85 Court st. GROCERY and provision store, a few miles out, where honest people and large prices exist: no bonus asked. Just as per inventory, about $1400. PROCTOR, 35 Court st. LODGING HOUSES- Every street in Boston, any price you want and terms to sult you; think of this lodging near state house.

21 very best location; the owner 19 sick and I can save you on former price. PROCTOR. BACK BAY lodging house, Newbury st, the price and terms private, a snap: one on Boylston st, the nice part. high prices for rooms and lows price for house, only $1200. TOR, 35 Court st.

HARPER CO, 230 WASHINGTON ST. and meats, over $600 cash store trade weekly, show books for. past six years; can make $50 weekly. HARPER. PHOTOGRAPH studio.

on account illness, for sale, want offer (down town). $1600-WEST END rooming house, 30 3 baths. steam heat, Income 6284 month. HARPER. seats 37, well-known cor, handsomely furnished; disagreement HARPER.

of partners; can clear $60 weekly, $200-VARICTY and light grocery, 100108 included, cor, rent $12, big stock. HARPER. $650-BEACON HILL dining room and res. taurant, old rellable, year-round money maker. $500-PARTNER wanted, grocery and prOvision store; man to take cash and help OD orders; can.

draw 820. weekly and halt of profits; references exchanged. HARPER, 230 Washington st. $325-14-ROOM LODGING HOUSE THIS HOUSE is well furnished, rented to nice people, rent $55; it will pay to buy this to sell over again. DENNEN, 88 Dartmouth st.

$700 BUYS TRIS GREAT BARGAIN BOARDING AND LODGING house, 27 rooms, all rented, 30 to 40 boarders, all workingmen, this is a chance seldom offered. DENNEN, 88 Dartmouth st. A FINE PAYING grocery store, one owner 10 years, in tenement-house district: come and see the trade. DENNEN, 88 Dartmouth st. S.

CROSBY- CO, 167 WARREN AV. LODGING HOUSE of 14 runs, all let, in good condition, r. $65, a bargain, at $650. -WEST BROOKLINE ST-12 rius, finely furnished and clean, gee it to appreciate it. CROSBY.

WE HAVE a large list of bargains: see them and convince yourself. S. CROSBY 00, 167 Warren av. FOR SALE Shoe factory all equipped for making McKay work; five stories and basem*nt, 50,600 square feet of floor space: steam, plant, 200 horsepower, nearly new: factory In first-class condition and all ready to start on a moment's notice; can: make Goodyear wors ir preferred, by putting in line of Goodyear welt machines; a Arst-class place to manufacture shoes at low cost; gas and electricity; a model plant in a desirable locality of 50,000 Inhabitants; will be sold at 8 very low figure; low taxation. NATIONAL SHOEMAKERS, Lewiston, Me.

dSu7t 815 CASH FOR STORES STOCK AND FIXTURES NO. MATTER WHERE LOCATED. Atwood, Pattee Potter 27 School Boston. Tel. 715-716 Main.

Wtf 1926 Business Men's Lunch $500, OR BEST OFFER, for retiring partinterest if taken this week, in prosperous lunch business. established 20 years. 07, Globe office, PROVERB CONTESTANTS ATTENTION! GET the latest and most complete list of solutions; send thirty cents, silver or stamps. MAPLE LEAF PUZZLE BUREAU, Melrose, Mass, SPOT CASH FOR STOCKS and fixtures of stores, merchandise of any description. BOSTON CONSIGNMENT CO, 28 School st: tel Main 2949-M.

:19 FOR SALE-LICENSED HOTEL OF 70 ROOMS; another, no-license 1otel of 40 rooms. Apply E. H. VIEN, New Bedford, Mass. s15 $400 BUYS a well-furnished 10-room lodging house, 83 West Brookline st; selling on account illness.

FSuW 815 30-WORD ADV 10c a day. DAILY ENTERPRISE, Brockton; Mass; circulation 12,000. Sudtf ape MONEY TO LOAN BORROW MONEY ON AUTOMOBILES, legacies, Incomes, negotiable securities. horses, carriages, furniture, pianos, in sums of $30 to $5000; diamonds, watches, furs, sealskins, etc; loans made anywhere in all loans can be repaid in small monthly payments, thus reducing both principal and Interest at each payment; 20 years in buelness: honest dealings; perfect privacy, COLUMBIA LOAN co, 46 School st, room opp. City Hall, WEMt $20 Why Co, Borrow and when pay you from high can a rates get Loan all of the money you want at low rates and ensy payments on furniture, pianos, offices, stores, teams, assignment of accounts, salary, etc.

Kilby Investment 14 Kilby off State St. PMWI 88 WORKINGMEN'S LOAN ASSOCIATION ROBERT TREAT. PAINE, 2nd, TREAS, Lends money on furniture and pianos at 1 percent per mouth, no borrower should pay more. Apply in person at No. 1 Beacon st, room 65.

dSutf an12 WAGE EARNERS' LOAN ASS'N Loans on your plain note at a month. or on Horses, teams, pianos and Collateral Loan tickets; 110 publicity. 10 State st, Rm. A. dSutt 124 BUSINESS MEN and higher salaried persons can secure financial accommodafions confidentially on note without curity.

Address Box 1672, Boston. WFMt! au30 SALARIED PEOPLE furnished money on most favorable terms of payment, lowest cost. D. H. TOLMAN, room 254, 201 Devonshire st.

dSutf 88 APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSES OFFICE of the LICENSING T68 BOARD BOSTON, FOR SEPT THE 20, CITY 1911. OF Notice is hereby given, under Chapter 100 of the Revised Laws, that Jeremiah D. and John D. Diggin as J. D.

Diggin have applied for a transfer of their license of the First Class to sell Intoxicating liquors as Victuallers from 271 Dover st, to 271 and 278 Dover st, 309 Albany st, unnumbered entrance on Albany st and trance to cellar In rear, in said Boston, in two rooms and office first floor, cellar for stock only, of said building. EZRA H. BAKER, Chairman. OFFICE of the LICENSING 69 BOARD BOSTON, FOR SEPT THE 20, CITY 1911. OF Notice is hereby given, under Chapter 100 of the Revised Laws, that.

Jacob and Agnes Berkman, as Leverett Wine have applied for a transter of their license of the Fourth Class to -sell intoxicating 11- quors as Wholesale Dealers from 120 Leverett st to 120 (two doors). 192, 124 126 Leverett st, Barton st, and bunkhead entrance on Barton st, in said ton, in four rooms first floor and four lars of said building. EERA H. BAKER, Chairman. INFORMATION WANTED INFORMATION WANTED as to the whereabouts of William Harland Foun, formerly of Island, but who has lived in United States for these Inst 11 years; if he should see this please auswer, as unele in England has died and left a fortune to his namesake, Win.

H. Four. Please auswer D. R. W.

WALL PAPERS CLEARANCE SALD as low as roll. gilts 80. two tones In green, red or 100, also remnants at your own price. BASCOM, 763 Wash, at. upstairs.

517 SITUATIONS WANTED--MALE WANTED SITUATION, OFFICE WORK PREFERRED, for a lad of 17, grammar school graduate: can be well recommended by the advertiser tor willingness, honesty and good character. 163, Globe office. BOOKKEEPER AND OFFICE MANAGER, 10 years' expertence, best of references, desires position. 38. Globe office, 810 A MIDDLE AGED Protestant, good Interior painter, celling work, outside, too, bandy with Tools, good worker, can be very useful in house, wants' employment; moderate, 329, Globe office, A CHEF, young man, hotel and club expertence; economical, not afraid of work, up to date respects, wants steady position.

teas than $100 not considered. EN 52. Globe office. 820 A SINGLE AMERICAN MAN wants situa tion as Janitor, watchman or general work; strictly and reliable; years in present. place: best of reterences.

Address 811, Globe office. 810 AT ENGINEERS BUREAU, 1031 Washington st- send for engineers, firemen, Janitors, watchmen, mechanical and hotel help, where the best of applicants call for situatione. Tel Tremont 2278-MI. A hydraulic TEMPERATE and reliable esp pumps, also watchman. or janitor, 1st el lie, best ref.

Address U. 81 Newcombe st, Rox. 7t 819 ANALYTICAL and Industrial organic chemist would like position part time, 10 years' exp as supt and chemist in industrial plants. N- 42. Globe office.

810. A YOUNG MAN, 10, at present employed. would like clerical position from 2:80 to can operate typewriter. 31 288. Globe office.

919 A YOUNG MAN, experienced packer of crockery, ete, willing to wake himself useful; best of reference. 309, -Globe office. YOUNG MAN, 28, with excellent references as to character and ability, wishes posttion of any kind. 277, Globe office. AT HOTEL HELP ASSOCIATION, 153 Cont st--Hotel, restaurant help supplied.

Tel 1743 Hay. BAKER--Good all-round man, long expert: ence, seeks a steady job; temperate and used to take charge in small business: country preferred. P. JENSEN, 252 Hanover st, Boston. 420 BAKER- First class man to take charge Ta bakery or restaurant, 18 years' experience in all branches.

BAKER, 1022 Tremont st; tel Tremont 2360-W. BOOKKEEPER, all-round- office man, 15 years' experience. good penman, capable of taking charge of office. 48, Glolie office. dSubt 820 BAKER- man, all experience, wants steady work.

Address 816, Globe office. $20 BOY, 11 would like to learn good trade. 374, Globe office. 814 BARBER steady, sober man wants situation. 337, Globe ottice.

BOY, 17, would like to learn the plumber's trade. 351, Globe office. BARBER- Young American, married, would like position. 2950 Washington st, suite 2. BOY, 16 yrs, would like light work.

271, Globe office. COMPOSITOR -Nonunion, middle age, tentperate, reliable, wants position as compositor or assistant in small office or near Boston: best rot. Address Box 108, Alstead, H. :20 COLORED man wants position as night or day porter or useful indoor man, temperate and reliable, eity: J. with good ref.

Apply 38 Buckingham st, J. CARPENTER and finisher, first-class workman wants position; can lay out work and work from drawings; references. Address 347, Globe office, COMMERCIAL ARTIST of experience would like to cooperate with established ad writer on high class advertising literature, 299, Glohe ottice. :20 CHEF wants steady position, American plan preferred, considered very good cook, will go anywhere with right party, best ref. 51, Globe office.

820 CHAUFFEUR- Young man position. can do own repairing, best references. HAR RIS J. COOK, 1974 Dorchester AV, Dorchester. 816 COLLEGE GRADUATE, 1909, desires posttion where ability and hard work insures advancement.

Address 138, Globe office. Sud6t CHAUFFEUR- Several years experience driving car; also do repairing, excellent references from last employer. 298, Globe office. CHAUFFEUR, American, with road and suop experience; DO liquor, tobacco; go anywhere, M. RAMSDELL, Rye, H.

:10 CHEF- Hotel, restaurant, club; will go, anywhere; satisfaction guaranteed; best ref; wages moderate, 735 Tremont st. CARPENTER and painter. wants hotel or factors job; exp. R. BLAKE, 20 St Charles.

820 CHEF, cook, colored, wants work. JOHN BROWN, 69 Sawyer st, Rox; tel 2419-M Rox. 817 CARPENTER, experienced, reasonable workman, wants work. Address 321, Globe office. CHEF, first-class, best of ref.

wants out-oftown position. 284. Globe office. 819 CARPENTER and painter jobbing work. BLAKE, 20 St Charles.

:20 CARPENTER wants work, job or day; expert. 282, Globe office. DRUG CLERK, unregistered, 10 years experience, first-class references. Address MARK R. BROWN, 174 Seventh st, So.

Boston. 818 SDRAUGHTSMAN, college graduate, expertenced, willing to go out anywhere. 335, DRUGGIST- Reg Mass. and Globe office. Maine, wants position, relief or steady, 874 B'way, Chelsea; tel 143-4.

819 DRUG CLERK, unregistered. wants posttion working nights and Sundays, so 48 to attend school days. 380. Globe office. DRUG CLERK, 19 years exp.

desires change, country preferred, references Al. 263, Globe office. DRUGGIST, registered in Mass, good expertence, wants position. 286, Globe office. enced steam, A etectricity, a.

d. current, light ENGINEER Mass license, experiand railroad power stations. gas engines and producers and refrigerating; 12 years' general experience, Address P. 0. Box 428.

Provideuce, R. dSu7t 814 ENGINEER-20 class, good experience, am all-around repair man, expect good pay and will give good service; wants position to gO to work second week in October. 75, Globe office, 420 EXPERIENCED theatre cashier and ticket seller desires a position; reference furnished. A. D.

877 Mass av, Lexington, Mass. 820 EXPERIENCED grocery clerk, honest -and reliable, no bad habits, hustler, best references. 303, Globe office. 919 ENGINEER wants to make change: 1st class license, experience, strictly temperate, ble. 258, Globe office, 520 EXPERT TYPEWRITER and stenographer desires evening or special work; law preferred.

327, Globe office. WE $20 EDUCATED MAN wants position salesman, agent, collector, references. 284, Globe office. EVENING CLERICAL POSITION wanted by man. P.O Box 1048, Boston.

young JANITOR OF assistant by middleaged, around man, first -class references, strictly sober. Address A. 26 Hanson st, city. 1816 JOB young, energetic, rellable, 9 yrs' Globe office. MAN AND WIFE, Protestant, girl years, desires position on estate or farm anywhere: could care for estate; best reference; write or call.

T. I. 45 Marble at, Stopeham Mass. MAN and wife, middle want situation, woman cook, man general work, care furnaces, lawns, etc, moderate wages, reference. 82, Globe office, s19 MIDDLE man as messenger or collector, references and bond it required.

Address C. J. Arlington-st church, elty, care of sexton. 620 MASTER PLUMBER wants work; chance for real estate broker; can do all kinds of repairs: country preferred. 276, Globe MARINE GAS ENGINEER wants positions yacht going south.

Address 329, Globe on office. MAN desires care of property for tree rent. W. H. 84 W.

Rutland sq. elty. 817 MAN would like a position as night man. Address BLANCHARD, Back Bay O. :19 OPTOMETRIST And watchmaker, grinding, and can A11 oculist references.

prescriptions WIL- and all mechanical work; JOHN LIAMSON, Mansion House, Milford, Mass. PAWN TICKETS bought or loaned on; highest prices paid for dia, old gold, sliver, pearls, broken. Jewelry. ROY, P. 52, 77 Summer st.

POSITION" wanted by an expert Swedish masseur. Ade 111 Webster st, East Boston, 819 POSITION as housekeeper in hotel, expert: enced, best references. 275, Globe office. 820 POSITION wanted -Fireman, first-class, good reference. 316, Globe office.

SITUATION wanted by a well-educated Turkish young man of 10, kuowing English well, in machine shop, store or factory, where there is advancement and chance to learn the business; will do any kind of night work: can furnish good, references. A ASHRAF. 40 Kneeland st, city. 620 WELL EDUCATED, ACTIVE MAN, 28, desires position as canvasser of salesman; available on short antice. 386.

Globe office. WHAT. POSITION CAD you offer educated. reliable man having executive ability at once, references. 285, Globe office.

WANTED- -Situation on gentleman's farm, care horses, cows, gardening; good references. 4 304, Globe office. 2t :20 WANTED- Position as watchman or porter In first-class club or hotel. A1 reterences. Address M.

245. Globe office. N10 WANT POSITION- Engineer, sober and careful man, good references. A. 101 Stain st, Everett, Mass, 820 WASTED- Position an teamster: expert: enced.

HERBERT HIGGINS, Box 129, Hope kintou, Mass. YOUNG MAN (21) with 12 years' experience in office of large, manufacturing concern bookkeeper, cashier, credit man and office manager, desires responsible position as inside or outside man where will trustwortbiness and atten: tion to duties be appreciated. Address 180. Globe office. 819 819 YOUNG MAN (10), now employed, a good knowledge of mathematies and mechanical drawing and has ad considerable experience desires position with electrical contractor: best references and willing to start with reasonable pay.

0. 205, Globe office. YOUNG man desires positions as sheet metal workers' helper. to learn trade. Ad dress E.

J. GANNON, 146 Thornton st. Roxbury, Mass. YOUNG MAN would like outside work learn plumbing. 250, Globe office.

819 1 5 15 SITUATIONS WANTED- MALE YOUNG MAN, slightly lame, best of referonces as to honesty and character. some knowledge of bookkeeping, would like position inside or on the road. 60, Glott office. YOUNG colored than wishes position as washer or polisher in auto garage, has experience of such. la familiar with machines.

C. PADMORE, 30 Sawyer at, Roxbury. 810 YOUNG MAN. exp. stenographer and bookkeeper, desires to make change: can take charge of office.

0 288, Globe office. YOUNG MARRIED MAN wants position. good, handy, all-around, references. 36. Globe othee, 620 YOUNG at anything: strictly temperate, willing.

381, Globe office. YOUNG MAN would like position poultry farm, some experience. 382. Globe office. YOUNG MAN would like position to care for horse, cow or poultry, 388.

Globe office. 210 8 .20 1 YOUNG MAN, lab exp. as asst with dentist. Globe office. 8D CLASS ENGINEER desires change, present employed, experienced in power ton, factory and elevators: can give good ref erences.

Address ENGINEER, 680 Chestnut at Lynn. Man. 40 20 3D ENGINEER, young man, strictly temperate, experienced, references, wishes steady position. 353. Globe office.

820 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE AMERICAN WIDOW. 84, with two refined, little giris, and 7 yrs, desires position as housekeeper with kind-hearted widower or middle- aged gentleman; kindness to myself and children considered wore than remuneration; excellent credentials. 2238 Globe office. 819 GIRL. wants position for general housework and cooking In A Baptist family.

SUHN, 152 Boyiston st, 20 floor, Jamaica Plain. Mass. 2t 810. LADY. with desires experience as nograpber and office work a position in.

Boston, can give references. 255. Globe office. 617 AM. WOMAN, 36, with small Income, position as caretaker or housekeeper in respectable family.

Ad. 177 Buckman st, Everett, 010 BOOKKEEPER (single entry), with know edge of stenography and typewriting. 68. 0 213. Globe office.

810 BOOKKEEPER, beginner, desires position to assist with books or general office work. 282, Globe office. 820 A COLORED WOMAN would like morning' a work by the day or week. F. 150 Northampton st.

LADY would Tike position to take full charge of dentist or doctor's office. N. 66, Globe office. dSu5t 820 ALL KINDS general work by day, hour OF permanently. Tel 1715- Rox; 56 Roxbury st.

617 AN EXPERIENCED woman desires position washing glass and silver. 268, Globe office. 820 SMART young woman wants work by the day or hour, good reference. 40 Union-pk st. 21 :20 ACCURATE STENOGRAPHER desires posttion; references.

380, Globe office. 817 AN EXPERIENCED cashier desires a posttion. M. MALONEY, 366 Dudley st, Roxbury. THOROUGH farmer, wite nice Scotch, b'w'k, $5: girl, $3.

257 Washington. COLORED woman as drat-class cook in small hotel, private boarding house, school or eluo, good experience. Apply 2 Burbank st, elty, 810 5t. COLORED SEAMSTRESS desires work with ladies doing own dressmaking, or with a dress maker. La STEWART, 20 Windsor st, Cambridge.

COLORED gIFT wants general housework In city OF in the suburbs. Please apply 38 Buckingham st, m. v. COMPETENT GIRL wishes position as second or general work. 325, Globe office.

CHAMBER WORK in genteel lodging house, housework in small family. 55, Globe office, DRESSMAKER- Excellent cutter, fitter, 36- signer wants more engagements by the day. 187, Globe office. 814 EDUCATED lady with executive ability and business experience wants management of large apartment house or position of trust; write for full particulars, references. Box 782, Portland, Me.

810 trous worker, EXPERIENCED salary moderate. 56. Glohe d. bookkeeper, conscienoffice. 820 FIRST -CLASS domestic help.

MISS HOGAN, 62 Melrose st, city: tel 2884 Tremont. HOTEL HOUSEKEEPER, competent, st present place, excellent references. Address 0. G. 8 Parkside road, Providence, L.

4607t s14 EXPERIENCED Troner wants position in private hospital or family. 27 Union av, Jamates Plain. EXP ledger clerk desires position. Globe office. HOUSEKEEPER -Refined American woman, about 40, congenial home considered rather than large salary, references, 177.

Globe office. 617 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE wants position stenographer, some experience. 610 172, as Globe office. HOUSEKEEPER with daughter of 6 yearn in refined lodging house or adult family, 326, Globe office. "LIGHT HOUSEWORK wanted by young Protestant woman in family of 1 op 2 adults, 8 to 4 weekdays.

68, Globe office. MANICURING -Wanted, residential work in manicuring, shampooing and tollet work. MISS N. ADAMS. 280 Columbus av, suite 1.

Sud5t 817 NURSE, professional, seeks engagement, confinements a specialty. 206, Globe office. 817 OFFICE girl with knowledge of typewriting and bookkeeping. 258, Globe office. REMABLE WOMAN would like work Ad- for few hours a day in office or dining room.

dress 72 W. Cedar st, REFINED American widow of 81 desires position as housekeeper. Address 247, Globe office. 9t desires permanent position; salary moderate. 50, Globe office, 820 SALESGIRL, wants a position in a store: has also some experience in a bakery.

53, Globe office. STENOGRAPHER, exp, rapid office. and accurate, best ref, $10. 817, Globe :20 -Position by Nova chamber Scotia woman, housework in small family or work in hotel or lodging house. Call or address B.

32 Creighton st. North Cambridge. 2t 810 WIDOW -First-class dressmaker, work at home, claity; or also by tailoring. day; Mrs DOUCETT, 24 Selout children's clothes spe. den st.

Dor. WS1O 620 ANTED -Position as attendant in an osteooffice, can do ronnieuring, facial and scalp path's work. 37. Globe office. 819 WANTED- Cooking or housework, A.

private 463 family; references, Please address Shawmut av. WANTED -Washing and cleaning. C. 218 W. 9th st, South Boston, Mass.

819 YOUNG LADY would like to do edice. clerical work in office, experienced. 277, Globe 200 819 SCOTCH girls want positions gen housework, good cook and laund; ref. 92 Vernon st; 3178-R Rox. AGENTS, PARTNERS, ETC Salesman Wanted THROUGHOUT New England, to sell largest aceldent and wick benefit insurance for the company in existence: popular one dollar month plan: steady paying positions: expertence unnecessary.

Address MANAGER, room 601. 277 Broudway. Y. Sn Wtf A027 AGENTS wanted to distribute our advertis Ing coupons; best proposition ever offered; none but neat and reliable agents need apply. OTTO SARONY CO, 146 Tremont st.

2t $20 BIG MONEY to be made; sample free; a new leader; attractive proposition; write for the sample. BURLINGTON SPECIALTY. CO, 32 Nash pl, Burlington, Vt. HANDLE remarkable money getter; easy to sell: repeat orders, almost every house: write for free sample. RELIANCE MFG SUPPLY Co, Box 276, Lancaster, Pa.

LIVE AGENTS wanted to sell Tabor saving device necessary in stores, factories, markets, ete; 5-minute seller, 100 percent. GEORGE'S SELLING AGENCY, Motor Mart. dSu7t 820 CITY OF BOSTON TO THE BOARD OF STREET COMMIS. SIONERS-'The undersigned respectfully potttions for a license for the keeping, storage and sale of Gasoline, 280 gallons in tank under. ground, in the building or structure at 40 IteadIng Street, Roxbury, in the City of Boston, for one year, from date.

CURTIS POPE LUM. BER 00. by BENJAMIN 1911. POPE, 774 Albany St. Boston, Sept 7, CITY OF BOSTON In Board of Street Competition.

it In hereby Ordered, that fourteen missioners, Sept 12, 1911. the foregoing days' notice be given by the petitioner to all parties interested that this board will on Tuesday, the 34 day of October, at 11. o'clock a m. take Into consideration the expediency of granting the prayer of the above petition when any parties who object thereto may appear and be heard. Said notice to be given by publication of a copy of said petition and Passed.

this order thereon in the Boston. Globe. A true copy. J. 0 Secretary, Attest: J.

CALLAGHAN, Secretary. WANTED Models of Whale Ships PICTURES OF WHALING SCENES, ship pietures and specimens of old sailors handiwork wanted: state condition, price, ete, A. Globe office. Sud7t WANTED 600 cuble WALWORTH sards brickbats 18E for Apple at MFG CO. and 0 sts.

South Boston. 8t 820 COPARTNERSHIP. NOTICES DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP NOTION C. Ross and Joseph H. Ross dissolved partnership conducted under the Brr name of Ross Bros at 34 Hanover st.

Boston. iterbert C. Hose Is conducting the same bustness under same firm name at same location. HERBERT C. ROSS.

813 DETECTIVE AGENCIES J. IN GREENLEAF. Private Detective, 28 School st. Bostou; ea Ta del connection. SuWIE AM.

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.