Each of the three DLCs offers an additional story, with achievements related to completing specific missions in each DLC. The corresponding stories are fairly linear, and should be considered standalone campaigns. Each DLC will also offer a new assignment or task that becomes available once the related storyline is complete, which contributes to about half of the effort to completing the achievement list for a given add-on. New vehicles, weapons, or equipment are also available throughout the three campaigns, all of which can be carried into your progress of the main story once acquired. Since the DLC stories are fairly straightforward, I will limit the mission details in the guide below; this is to reduce the amount of content you will need to read through and limit spoilers. Honestly, I found the DLC stories more interesting and fun than the main campaign, so enjoy!
DLC – Faster, Baby!
This additional story revolves around a new area in New Bordeaux, called Sinclair Parish. Here, hostilities escalate between minority civil rights activists and the local Sheriff Department; whom are notorious for unjustly persecuting persons of color entering the area in an effort to preserve the parish's all-white population. All police within the parish immediately turn hostile towards Lincoln when seen, making this a potentially dangerous location to traverse, be warned!
Story Mission – Another Brother Falls
Upon entering Sinclair Parish, you are soon confronted by local Sheriff's Deputies; these cops pursue you more aggressively than other places in New Bordeaux. During the attempt to escape, you will learn about vehicle traps. Utilize these to help shake off the fuzz so you can complete the remaining mission objectives.
Vehicle Traps
Traps are indicated on the mini-map by blue triangles, and are only found within the Sinclair Parish region. Similar to a vehicle takedown, the trap is auto-targeted when a weapon is equipped while driving. Once you get close enough to the trap, you can shoot the trigger to engage the trap, which activates as you drive past; potentially disrupting the chase and allowing you to escape. The locations of traps don't move, and are conveniently placed along many of the routes you will likely find yourself on as you progress through the many scripted chase sequences throughout this DLC story. If you reach the end of story and you have yet to get the related achievement, you can grind this by resetting a trap (drive far enough away) and reusing it until you trigger 10 during chases. Just gain the attention of the cops and take them to the known trap location, drive far enough away to have it reset, then rinse and repeat.
Trap Game Strong
Successfully triggered 10 Vehicle Traps
7 guides
Proximity Mines
Throughout the many chases, you can also utilize proximity mines to destroy pursuing vehicles. You may have earned several kills in a similar manner during the main story already, but just be aware you should be using these when it makes sense to do so. You can use them outside of the vehicle to earn kills as well; which is best when paired with the Screaming Zemi to pull unsuspecting enemies together before tossing a mine into the middle of the group for an easy multi-kill. If you don't get this achievement here, there is an excellent place to earn many kills, quickly, in the Sign of the Times DLC story as well, FYI. Once you kill 30 enemies with mines, you will unlock an achievement.
Danger Close
Killed 30 enemies using Proximity Mines
14 guides
By completing this story mission you will earn the first DLC story related achievement.
Another Brother Falls
You survived the drive into Sinclair Parish
1 guide
Continue with the next few missions as directed.
Story Mission – Kickin’ Up Dust
Once you acquire the target vehicle from the impound lot, you will be directed to take the ramp straight ahead to flee the area. Doing so will likely cause you to crash through one of Slim’s Re-Election Billboards. Keep an eye out for these across town, as you will need to destroy 10 in total for an achievement. These are often conveniently located near ramps and they can only be destroyed by crashing into the sign portion via driving off a ramp. You will come across several during this mission, just keep an eye out for ramps as you cause destruction. If you still need more after the mission is over, you can simply grind the rest on the same sign; as it will respawn once you drive far enough away (~500 meters).
Campaign Strategy
Destroyed 10 of Slim's re-election billboards
3 guides
This mission can be tricky, but the goal is to keep the distraction meter filled and avoid having the timer reach zero, as it will fail the mission if it does. You will need to crash into the objects with blue markers and/or shoot the orange items to cause explosions, which will increase the meter and add to the timer. Keep an eye out for vehicle trap indicators and re-election billboards as you move between locations and repeat the process to keep up the destruction.
Complete the mission to earn another achievement.
Kickin' Up Dust
You helped MJ and Roxy get the Witnesses free
1 guide
Story Mission – Ain’t Nowhere Safer
Completion of this mission will earn an achievement and unlock the Herbalism activity.
Ain't Nowhere Safer
You captured Slim Beaumont
1 guide
Story Mission – Concerned Citizen
Talk to the Voice to initiate three "optional” missions. Once all three are complete, you will conclude the final story mission and earn the final story related achievement.
Optional DLC Mission – Sinclair Parish – A Good Man
Optional DLC Mission – Sinclair Parish – An Instrument of Justice
Optional DLC Mission – Sinclair Parish – The Proverbial Canary
Return to the Voice to complete this DLC story.
Concerned Citizens
You helped Irma, Jeremiah, and Christian
1 guide
Optional Task – Herbalism
This activity will have you working with MJ to start growing weed, which will eventually be harvested and sold wholesale to districts for a profit. You will need to invest a lot of time and money to improve your strains and therefore increase how much money you can earn per harvest.
You will start off with Ditch Weed, plant it and you will have to wait some in-game hours before you can harvest it. The time needed will vary based on the plant's stats, but this can be sped up with fertilization once the plant reaches a certain growth level. Additionally, certain story missions will advance the in-game time, effectively fast tracking the growth as well. Once the plant is mature, you can Harvest and then select which district to sell it in. The value of your grow varies, based on your plant’s attribute, its yield, as well as the selected district’s demand/supply. You can eventually cross breed strains in the lab, to create improved hybrid variants that will become more profitable as the attribute improve over time. Be sure to collect new base strains as they are identified, and check in regularly to harvest, sell, and plant more crops to keep your operation progressing. As you earn money from selling, you will eventually max out your Herbalism level.
Rank 1 – Starting level
Rank 2 – Earn $1,000 in crops sold, then collect Ruderalis (0/2)
Rank 3 – Earn $10,000 in crops sold, then collect Indica (0/3)
Rank 4 – Earn $25,000 in crops sold, then collect Sativa (0/3)
MAX – Earn $50,000 in crops sold, then speak to MJ.
Reached the Max Herbalism level
1 guide
Increasing your Herbalism level will unlock additional grow house upgrades to improve the growth rate, yield, quality, or fragility of your crop. Purchasing all available upgrades will cost $100,000 and earn an additional achievement.
Mr. Green Thumb
Fully upgraded the Grow House
1 guide
While working with the higher quality strains and utilizing upgrades, you should eventually be able to craft a batch of weed that can sell for over $10,000, netting you the final weed related achievement. Remember that each district will offer a different price, so always pick the one with the highest profitability.
That Good Connect
Sold a single batch of weed for $10,000 or more
1 guide
DLC – Stones Unturned
In this story add-on, Lincoln is called to assist John Donovan, as his past comes back to haunt him and trouble spills into New Bordeaux. A threat from an old rival quickly grows from a blood feud, to an endeavor to save the entire country from annihilation. Things get personal for Donovan, and he increasingly relies on Lincoln's friendship to deal with the situation at hand.
Story Mission – Creature of Habit
Completing this mission will unlock an achievement and the Sniper Support feature.
Creature of Habit
You investigated the scene
1 guide
Sniper Support
Once unlocked, this feature can be selected and used like any other equipment item from the equipment tab in the weapon menu. Hold to pull up the weapon menu, then cycle over (
) to the image of the crosshairs to equip Sniper Support. With this equipped, hold
and move the target area over to an enemy to highlight (it will turn green) and release the button for your sniper to take them out. All targets within the target circle will be killed so be sure to group up targets to make effective use of this new item. Just note, this item can only be used outdoors or within view of a window or open door, the target circle will remain red if it is not. You can replenish your available supply by picking up walkie talkies (crosshairs icon, restocks 1 use) or purchasing more from the arms dealer. Get 30 kills with this to unlock the achievement.
Killed 30 Enemies Using Sniper Support
5 guides
Story Mission – Devotchka
Completing this mission will award you with another story related achievement.
You survived the trip to Boicherot's
1 guide
Story Mission – In-Country
Meet Donovan at the waypoint to travel to a new location, Unknown Island, which is outside of New Bordeaux and where the remaining story for this DLC will take place.
After landing on the beach, you will head up the pathway to eventually reach a small village, Hermosa Pez. Before you leave the village, be sure to locate and acquire the Hartman 7.62mm machine gun from a shack by the shore. This will replace whatever two-handed weapon you are carrying, and you will need to keep it in your possession for the remainder of the missions until you return to New Bordeaux. This is a required weapon for an upcoming achievement and the only other way to acquire this is to purchase it from the arms dealer, which only becomes available after assigning the final district's racket to an underboss. Either way you get this, you will need this weapon for an achievement later on.
Complete the mission to advance the story.
Story Mission – Big Money
Complete the mission for an achievement.
Big Money
You got a hot tip on a loose nuke
2 guides
Story Mission – There Are No Dominos
This mission will award two achievements once you complete the objectives and are returned to New Bordeaux.
Aid and Comfort
You helped Donovan end Connor Aldridge
1 guide
There Are No Dominos
You secured the nuke
1 guide
Once you arrive back in New Bordeaux, you will have access to the Party Animal Outfit and are able to start the side task Bounty Hunting.
If you still have the Hartman 7.62MM from the previous missions, equip the Party Animal Outfit (Special) and then proceed to gun down 50 enemies, or hostile cops with the heavy machine gun. Either cause a ruckus to bring the cops to you, or simply proceed with other racket/story missions and use this weapon and outfit combo until you rack up the required kill count.
Big Fat Party Animal
Killed 50 enemies using the Hartmann 7.62mm and wearing the Party Animal outfit
3 guides
Optional Task – Bounty Hunting
Talking to Marshall will officially kick off the Bounty Hunter sub-task, for which he will also provide you with the Dormer B128 Dart Gun to aid in subduing and transporting your targets back to him, alive. There are three targets that you will be tasked to retrieve.
Dart Gun – This weapon is intended to be used on your bounty targets but can prove useful against any hostile for a stealthy takedown. A word of warning, just be aware that the drug in the dart takes a few seconds to knock out the target, however, a headshot will render this effect almost immediately. There is an ammo container in the garage section of this holding facility that you can use to replenish your ammo free of charge. There is also a Sniper Support equipment pick up, which you can grab each time you visit to help contribute towards the Spotter achievement, if you still need it. Keep the dart gun equipped until all bounty targets are captured and you have darted a total of 30 enemies.
Operation: Deep Sleep
Knocked out 30 people with the Dart Gun
1 guide
1. Ray Duplass – Head to the nearest protest and wait for him to show. Once he does, chase him down for a clear shot with the dart gun, using slow-mo aiming will help. Once Ray is knocked out, head over and pick him up (hold ). Then carry him over to your car and place him in the trunk (
), which will net you the next achievement.
*Remember that some vehicles do not have a trunk, i.e. De'Leo Traviata.
Did I Forget Something?
Placed an unconscious person in the trunk of a car
1 guide
Return your target to Marshall’s compound, then talk to him to complete this bounty and start the next.
2. Kurt Mancini – Head to the motel room before time runs out. Inside, find the note on the dresser to direct you to next location in the French Ward. Once you arrive, quickly dart the target before he is able to take off running. Deal with the any hostiles, then return the target to Marshall.
3. O’Malley – Reach the bar in time, then dart your target and transport him back to Marshalls. Speak to Marshall one last time to complete the bounty hunting missions and earn an achievement.
Skip Trace
Completed all Bounty Hunting assignments
1 guide
You should be able to grind dart or sniper support kills while playing the rest of the story, should you still need to complete those kill requirements, to complete this DLC achievement list.
DLC – Sign of the Times
For this added story, Lincoln returns to Sammy's Bar with Father James, with hopes of gaining some measure of closure. Lincoln also learns that Sammy's sister, Aunt Lily, intends to renovate it when she arrives in town. Unfortunately, the bar has become the latest space taken over by a cult group, The Ensanglante, who revel in sites with a history of pain, death, and tragedy. As events unfold, Lincoln acts to protect someone in danger, and finds himself having to confront this dark and twisted group.
Story Mission – A Little Closure
Return to Sammy’s Bar, deal with the trespassers and save the girl. From here, you are directed to retrieve the camera and “investigate” the area, to figure out what is going on. Thoroughly scour the area for the necessary items of interest to complete your investigation, some items may not be required to complete the investigation. Some items discovered require a photo, others will need to be manipulated to inspect for additional items of interest. Be sure to follow the onscreen prompts that appear in the lower left corner of the screen as you interact with these items, until you find all that is needed. You can also use intel view () to highlight items yet to be examined.
There are a couple of bodies to look at, one at the top of the stairs and another near the bar. There are a few items of interest on either side of the bar as well, a bowl and a knife. Finally, snap a picture of the words painted on the wall behind the bar. Once the investigation is complete, you can exit the bar.
A Little Closure
You investigated the cult's activities at Sammy's
1 guide
Story Mission – Covered In Blood
Follow the bouncer through the club and eventually be directed to grab the item in the back storage room. Head to the lower floor and through the VIP area to some tunnels. Proceed further until you are directed to use the black light (HOLD ). Follow the trail to reach a switch on the wall that opens to the Altars. Investigate the area, similar to how you did at Sammy’s Bar. There is an item interest on each pillar, which correspond to places of interest that you will be visiting in the next missions.
As you leave the area, you will meet Bonnie.
Covered in Blood
You met Bonnie Harless
1 guide
Backtrack through the basement and you will automatically acquire the Throwing Knife as you reach the spiral staircase leading back up to the club.
Throwing Knife
Use this item throughout the rest of your playthrough, at least until you have 20 enemies killed with it. Once equipped, Hold to aim the item. then release the button to throw it. This is a nice stealth weapon, as you can aim from cover before throwing the knife. Knives are one hit kills, and you can retrieve them from your victim to keep you inventory stocked. Once you earn 20 kills you will earn the associated achievement.
Blade of Death
Killed 20 enemies using Throwing Knives
1 guide
Exit the club to complete the mission.
The next three missions will now be available for you to do in whatever order you see fit.
Story Mission – Wells Park Middle School
Enter the school and proceed to the gym where you can investigate the shrine. Complete the investigation and exit through a window.
Story Mission – Welty Storage
Find a way inside, then use the blacklight () to reach the back of the building. Climb some boxes to reach a ladder and follow the walkway to a window leading out. Investigate the sacrificial area, the body in the chair being the main focus, then return to the warehouse and escape the cultists.
Story Mission – Harless Mansion
Enter the mansion by heading into the attic from the second floor outside, then drop into the home to begin your investigation. Entering the middle room will initiate some hallucinations, but there are several item to investigate once you come to. There is a tape recording that provides some background on the former owner and group founder, as well as tables with items on either side of the room. Finally, checkout the rebel uniform on the stand near the doorway near the exit. Move through the remaining rooms to reach some stairs leading down. On the first floor, you will be attacked by a few cultists. Finish them off and continue to the west end of the building where you will drop into the ceremonial site. Grab the book from the skeleton in the chair and take a photo. Snap a pic of the idol as well, then proceed out of the cellar and back outside.
Once all three of the above missions are complete, you will unlock the next achievement.
Haunted Places
Investigated the 3 "Places of Darkness"
1 guide
Story Mission – All for the Blessed
Return to Anna’s Safehouse, then head to the Opera House. Once you arrive, you will have to wait at the marker then find a way inside. Reach the rooftops and kill the guards, at one point you will need to scale the wall to reach a higher roof where a cult symbol is painted and then you can finally drop into the Opera House. As you proceed further in, you will come across a large gathering of cultists witnessing a sermon in the auditorium below.
***NOTE – if you don’t have it already, this is a great place to earn proximity mine kills, as the large group below is already “hostile” and you can reload to a previous save just before this to quickly grind kills for achievements. There are at least 15 enemies congregating in the seating area in front of the stage so toss a proximity mine into the middle of the group for an easy multi-kill.
Danger Close
Killed 30 enemies using Proximity Mines
14 guides
Reach the stage and use the blacklight (), follow the markings to find a switch. Enter the new area and find the projector. Escape the area and return to Anna.
Story Mission – …Worse than Dying
Head to the new waypoint and hop in the boat to head over to the island. Enter through the gate, you can use the car here to follow the path up the hill to the sanitorium. Hop the fence on the right side, then find a way inside. Head upstairs, then out the window to the courtyard and head through the open door. Interact with the locked door ahead, to advance the objective. Now, go retrieve the key pieces from the Nutrition Wing and the Medical Wing. Return to the Intersanctum with both pieces in hand to unlock the door. The open section of the outer disc should be on the top left, and the inner marking is an upside down J. Once unlocked, kill everyone inside as you work your way up to confront Bonnie in the tower. This is a Quick Time Event, so be ready to counter () as Bonnie rushes you. Failure to counter is an instant death. Successfully defeating her leads to a few cutscenes and completes the DLC storyline.
…Worse Than Dying
You killed Bonnie Harless
1 guide
Optional Task – Sammy’s Renovation
This is the start of the mission to renovate Sammy’s. You will need to complete a few missions along the way, but the main sticking concept is purchasing upgrades to restore and improve the bar, FYI this costs a lot of money. Hopefully, you have saved enough cash, thus far, to fund this operation. If not, you will need to keep coming back as you acquire more funds from other activities, like racket takeover or the Herbalist grow activity. You will want to complete all of the renovation as soon as possible, as this is the only way to acquire a new vehicle which is needed for a cumulative distance driven achievement; which would otherwise be extremely tedious to grind to completion.
Pick up and return to the bar with Aunt Lily. Here is where you can start renovations. Talk to Lily and purchase the only item available, Repair Level 1 ($20,000).
Began Sammy's Renovation
1 guide
You can talk to her again to purchase additional renovations as long as you have funds available. Completing the renovations will cost a total of $186,000 and an itemized list can be found within the spoilers section below for reference.
*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***
Once you have purchased five upgrades, you will be given a task to complete before you can continue with the renovations.
Sub-Task - Angry White Boys
Defend Sammy's from the attackers, then head outside and confront the leader before returning to Lily.
Amateur Bouncer
Protected Sammy's from the Dixie Mafia
1 guide
Purchase five more renovations (10 total), to start another mission.
Sub-Task - Our New Bartender
Speak to Reggie at the bar, then grab a fast car and head to the waypoint in the bayou to challenge the racer. The race isn’t hard if you stick to the road and avoid going for risky shortcuts or slowing down/taking sharp turns; all of which are more likely to cause a crash or spin out, which will slow you down and increase your chance of losing. When you win, you will add the Samson Harrier to the asset - vehicle delivery menu. You will want to call for this vehicle every time you need to travel, as you will need to accumulate 50km driven with it. Use it as you progress through the remaining story missions, or simply grind this out by driving around until the achievement is unlocked.
Street Rocket
Drove a distance of 50 km in the Samson Harrier
1 guide
Return to Lily and continue renovations. After another five renovations are purchased (15 total), another mission should begin.
Sub-Task - Lil Ernie
Head to the waypoint to find and rescue your musician in the cellar.
Return to Sammy’s to complete your renovations, kicking off the final task.
Sub-Task - Opening the Doors
Speak to Lily and complete the short mission, ending with a toast to Sammy, and concluding this DLC achievement list.
Pour Sammy!
Fully renovated Sammy's
1 guide
All three DLC stories should now be complete. If you need to finish up some of the cumulative achievements, feel free to carry on now by grinding or incorporate the new items into your main story progress until you reach 100% on each achievement list.
5. 2nd Playthrough
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