Free 100th Day of School Printable Activities for Primary - Teacher Toni (2024)

Free 100th Day of School Printable Activities for Primary - Teacher Toni (1)

Hey there, Teacher friend! Looks like you’re gearing up for your 100th Day Celebration in your Primary classroom. Me too! I don’t know about you, but I like activities and projects that are low-prep, created with little hands in mind and and those that are just plain fun for my students. That is why, in my own preparation, I have created (and updated) some of my free 100th Day resources. And in true Teacher-Toni fashion, I’m sharing them with you, my Teacher friend. If you see something you like, just CLICK ON THE IMAGE and you’ll be redirected to the grab page!

Free 100th Day of School Printable Activities for Primary - Teacher Toni (2)

100th Day Quilt Project (It’s TOTALLY FREE, btw.)

Free 100th Day of School Printable Activities for Primary - Teacher Toni (3)

I am so excited to share this unique 100th Day of school project with you! There isn’t anything out there like it because I just created it! I got the idea from the Alphabet Quilt project I created to display during our Alphabet Parade (a celebration to commemorate our Alphabet study in Kindergarten. Read more about that HERE.) I decided to make a copy-cat quilt for the 100th day and I am so EXCITED! What I love about this project is:

  • It’s so LOW-PREP (Literally print and send home.)
  • Incorporates family-involvement.
  • It will look AMAZING when completed.
  • Can be displayed way beyond the 100th Day! (I get a little lazy with my hallway-displays at times.) 🤣

Preparing the Project

There are two steps in preparing this project. I think I told you this would be a LOW-PREP project, right? Honestly, I can’t believe I even allotted this topic a whole section and heading. But, I like to see what I’m getting myself into (and maybe you do too) so I’ll make this process clear.

Step 1: Decide if you want to print the quilt-piece template on white-card stock (and ask students to color background) or print on colored card-stock.

Free 100th Day of School Printable Activities for Primary - Teacher Toni (4)

Step 2: Edit the note home to fit your decision from step 1. Also, add the date you want to receive the piece back at school.

Free 100th Day of School Printable Activities for Primary - Teacher Toni (5)

Step 3: Print and send home.

Free 100th Day of School Printable Activities for Primary - Teacher Toni (6)

Prep is COMPLETE! 😍😱😘

Assembling the Quilt

When you have received all the pieces, it is time to assemble your awesome quilt! This takes a little more time but will be worth the beautiful display of your students’ work. Here are some steps that can help you along the way.

Free 100th Day of School Printable Activities for Primary - Teacher Toni (7)

Decide the layout. When you have gathered all student pieces, decide the layout of your quilt. Take into consideration the number of students and then add placeholder images if desired. (I sketch it on paper before pulling out the glue gun.)😜 I want a BIG display, so I will be using the placeholder images (included in the FREE download) between every piece. Be creative here!

Paper Background. You can use bulletin board paper as your base if you’d like. I suggest using a DARK COLOR, so the quilt pieces will contrast really well.

Adding Pieces. Use a glue gun or heavy-duty double sided tape to add pieces together.

Free 100th Day of School Printable Activities for Primary - Teacher Toni (8)

Use the Heading. I have even included a printable heading that you can use to add above your completed quilt so everyone understands just what your masterpiece represents.

Free 100th Day of School Printable Activities for Primary - Teacher Toni (9)

When I complete my own quilt next week, I will add some pics HERE for you to see. 🙂

100th Day Hat & Certificate

Free 100th Day of School Printable Activities for Primary - Teacher Toni (10)

One of my most downloaded freebies on TpT is my 100th Day Hat! I created this one YEARS AGO and so many teachers who voiced their love for it. Talk about LOW-PREP! Just print on card-stock, color and add on top of their head with paper strips and a stapler.

Free 100th Day of School Printable Activities for Primary - Teacher Toni (11)

Included in the FREE Download.

Here is the actual hat. As you can see, it is ADORABLE and perfect for adding some special-sauce to your 100th Day Celebration. I’ve seen this hat used in Pre-school, Kindergarten, First Grade and Second Grade.

Free 100th Day of School Printable Activities for Primary - Teacher Toni (12)

To share even more love, I’ve now added an ADORABLE certificate to match it. Present these at the end of your day and snap a picture of students to share on your class website or Facebook group. Parents really enjoy seeing these and feeling like their child had a special day in your classroom.

Free 100th Day of School Printable Activities for Primary - Teacher Toni (13)

Teacher Friend, CHECK IN!

Free 100th Day of School Printable Activities for Primary - Teacher Toni (14)

Your information is valuable and I’d love for you to share it here! What are your favorite 100th Day of School activities? Share them in the comments or over on our Primary Teacher Friends Facebook group and help a fellow teacher who may be reading this post!

Free 100th Day of School Printable Activities for Primary - Teacher Toni (15)

Have fun on the 100th Day!



Free 100th Day of School Printable Activities for Primary - Teacher Toni (16)
Free 100th Day of School Printable Activities for Primary - Teacher Toni (2024)
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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.